Protein Powder Vs Protein Water
I’m always glad to help clients in San Antonio, Texas, when it comes to fielding questions on the latest fitness craze or health food or drink. Recently, some of my clients have asked about the benefits of protein water and whether it’s as good as simply using the protein powder and making a shake. There’s a lot of reasons to use both. Most protein water is whey protein isolate that’s taken from cow’s milk and then it’s added to water. The protein water doesn’t always have to start with whey protein. It can be made of other types of animal-based proteins or plant-based, which is good for people with lactose intolerance or dietary needs.
Protein powder is often versatile.
What’s the difference between protein powder and protein water? The water! Protein powder is solid and can be scooped out, added to your favorite food or drink, whether it’s almond milk, yogurt or even fruit juice. You know exactly the amount you add, so tracking calories and amount of protein consumed is easy to measure. You can use it in snacks, desserts, baked items and smoothies. Protein water is ready to drink and premixed, which makes it easier.
Not all protein powder or protein water is alike.
Just like anything, there are quality, taste and content issues with both types of protein. Some protein water is actually high in calories because of sugar added and artificial flavoring. Avoid brands of protein water that have a lot of artificial additives if you’re consuming it frequently. Whether you’re buying protein powder or using protein water, read the label first. Make sure it’s pure and the right choice for your needs.
Using protein water could be a good alternative if you’re trying to shed a few pounds.
If you’re reading labels, you’ll find that some protein water is far higher in calories than others are. People trying to drop a few pounds, while building muscle tissue, need to monitor each calorie carefully. If you’re using protein powder in a shake, it might be far better to switch to protein water and choose a low calorie option. You’ll get the protein intake you need after a tough workout without the extra calories.
- While you could make your own protein water by simply adding protein powder to water, it often doesn’t have a desirable taste. Many types of protein water have addressed that issue, but in the process, added calories, too.
- With added protein in so many products, drinking protein water may be overdoing it. Be careful about the number of protein consumed regularly, particularly if you have kidney or difficulty metabolizing protein.
- If you want an easy to use recovery drink or food, protein water could be your go-to choice. However, whole food like Greek yogurt or even a chicken breast would provide even more nutrients and just as much protein and a side of plain water would be healthier.
- While protein powder is more versatile, protein water is easy to use. Like all types of proteins, used occasionally, rather than replacing whole food protein intake, is the key to success.
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