Fitness & Wellness

Tips For A Healthier Heart

Tips For A Healthier Heart

Preparation for athletic events is just one of the reasons people come to Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas. Most people want to look and feel better or have issues with their health that exercise and weight loss can address. Improving heart health is one of those concerns. If your blood pressure is sky-high and you get winded climbing just a few steps, it’s time to take heed and take back your life. Here are some tips for a healthier heart. You’ll find you have more energy and can enjoy every minute of life when you have a fit healthy body.

How do you know if you have a healthy heart?

That’s why you need regular check-ups. No matter how young or fit you are, getting an annual check-up is important. It helps identify any problem early and gives the doctor a baseline to watch its progression. If your blood pressure is lower and suddenly starts to climb, something is wrong. Knowing your numbers is also important. You should also know your fasting glucose rate, blood pressure, LDL, HDL and triglyceride levels.

Lower your blood pressure and lose weight with a great exercise program.

If you’re working out regularly at the gym, you probably don’t need an extra set of exercises to help lower your blood pressure. If you’re not, maybe it’s time to start working out. Start slow if you’re out of shape. There are quick four to ten minute workouts to be done throughout the day that can significantly lower your blood pressure. They include working large muscle groups, such as squats or jumping jacks, which boost the production of nitric oxide to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure. Our fitness program helps build all muscles and aids in weight loss. That helps reduce insulin resistance, which is the precursor to Type 2 diabetes.

Diet plays a significant role in having a healthy heart.

While scientists are still learning new things daily about the body, one truth hasn’t changed, you truly are what you eat. Eating healthy whole foods, instead of highly processed ones, provides nutrients your body requires to be its healthiest. In fact, there’s a whole school of medicine devoted to “food as medicine.” Eating foods without added sugar is a start, so is avoiding highly processed food like cookies, pastry, white bread, processed meat, imitation cheese and margarine or soft drinks. Fresh fruits and vegetables contain vitamins and minerals, plus phytonutrients you don’t find in a vitamin.

  • Frozen fruits and vegetables are as good as fresh. Frozen fruits and vegetables without additives are as good as fresh and since they’re immediately frozen, often contain more nutrition.
  • If you’re out of shape, start slowly. A personal trainer can help you with a program that is specifically created for your needs. If you’re working out at home, you can break your workout into several shorter sessions of at least ten minutes or more.
  • Move more during the day and get eight hours of sleep at night. Even if you workout, if you have a job that keeps you at a desk, get up and move around every hour or so. It’s important to your health.
  • If you have any symptoms like heart palpitations, chest pain or cold sweats, don’t ignore them. Always check with your health care professional first before starting a program of exercise.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Should I Really Be Eating 5 Times A Day?

Should I Really Be Eating 5 Times A Day?

How often should you be eating? Should you be eating 5 times a day should you be fasting long hours and eating in a smaller window of time? There’s a debate on which is right and multiple answers, but the best answer for weight loss is the one that works best for you. With that said, let’s look at the case for eating five times a day. Those are three meals, plus mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks. When it’s broken down like that, it seems quite normal. Eating more often can help keep your metabolic fires burning throughout the day, so you’ll burn more calories.

Eating more meals during the day can prevent that feeling you’re starving.

Have you ever been so hungry you couldn’t wait to get food into your mouth or you ate something you normally wouldn’t consider eating? When you have five planned times you eat throughout the day, you won’t have those bag of chips, face-stuffing moments. Your planned snacks are healthy and lower in calories, so you never develop that ravenous appetite.

You’ll be running at full steam throughout the day when you eat more often.

Eating smaller, more frequent meals can keep your metabolism burning high, which also keeps your energy high. You’ll have more energy to workout, take the stairs, walk to the store and even do chores. It’s one reason we suggest a pre-workout snack. It boosts your energy level to increase your benefits of the workout. A light snack following can help your muscles recover faster.

Timing isn’t everything.

The key to weight loss isn’t magic, eat fewer calories than you burn. How you do it and which method is successful depends on you. Some people naturally do intermittent fasting, by skipping breakfast and eating a later lunch. It works for them. If you’re a three meals a day proponent, then you’ll probably appreciate the five meals a day regimen, because the extra snacks help curb your noon and dinner appetite, so you eat less. Do what works for your, but make sure your menu contains healthy whole foods.

  • One other method of eating is called grazing. You have food constantly on demand with not limit of times you eat during the day. As long as those foods available are healthy options, it could help you shed extra pounds, too.
  • No matter what type of eating method you choose, make sure you have adequate protein, fat and carbohydrates in your diet. Both protein and fat help you feel fuller longer and could be a huge benefit as one of your “snack” meals. Think nuts or nut butters.
  • Include whole foods, like fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet. Don’t substitute juice for the whole fruit or vegetable. The whole fruit has fiber and the juice doesn’t. Fiber not only helps your digestion, it keeps you feeling full longer.
  • You can keep your blood sugar levels more stable if you eat smaller, more frequent meals. It also helps promote better digestion and can help people with issues like acid reflux and gastritis.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

How To Stay Fuller Longer

How To Stay Fuller Longer

At Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas, we help you get fit faster. Our workouts are designed to build muscle tissue fast and get you in shape. No matter how much muscle tissue you have, excess pounds can hide your progress. If you have to lose weight, the workouts burn tons of calories, but you will get better results if you eat healthy. That doesn’t mean dieting. In fact, dieting can slow your progress. It means eating healthier and focusing on food that will help you stay fuller longer.

You need protein to build muscles and stay fuller.

Not only does increasing the protein in your diet provide the nutrients you need to build muscle tissue, but it also helps you feel full quicker and longer. Studies show that a high fiber diet increases the feeling of fullness and dulls your appetite. One reason may be its effect on your satiety hormones and hunger hormones. Another may be that it takes longer to digest. Studies show that when people increased their protein intake even modestly, they lost weight.

Fiber will fill you up and help you lose weight.

There are two types of fiber and both of them help you feel full, so you eat less. It remains intact in your digestive system and makes you feel fuller. Soluble fiber absorbs water and becomes a gel in your digestive system. It feeds the beneficial bacteria in your gut and slows digestion, so you feel fuller longer. Insoluble fiber isn’t digested in the body. It travels through the digestive system filling you up and adding bulk.

Don’t be afraid of fat.

People usually freak out when they hear that increasing the amount of fat in their diet may actually help them lose weight. It’s especially true if they purchase all the fat free products available. Fat keeps you feeling fuller longer because it takes longer to digest in the small intestines and slows your digestive system. It also is necessary for creating hormones that help burn fat. When manufacturers create fat-free foods, they replace the fat with sugar to make the food more palatable and sugar can make you pack on the pounds.

  • Foods that contain high amounts of soluble fiber include beans, broccoli, apples and other fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods that contain insoluble fiber include bran from grains, berries, beans, and green peas.
  • Avocados, nuts, olives and olive oil, ground flaxseed and fatty fish like salmon are high in healthy fat. They should be part of your diet. As a bonus, dark chocolate also falls into this category to provide a treat as you lose weight.
  • A few foods high in protein include eggs, lean meat and poultry, fish, and nuts. Nuts and fatty fish are also good sources of Omega 3, a very healthy fat.
  • Toss some beans into your salad, add an egg, and sprinkle it with nuts. Have a snack of Greek yogurt, nuts, berries, and bananas. You’ll be healthier and stay longer fuller.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Good Plant Based Protein Options

Good Plant Based Protein Options

One problem faced by vegans is getting complete proteins when choosing plant based protein options. Protein is made of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids, but only nine of those are essential amino acids. That means the body can’t make them and you have to get those amino acids from the food you eat. Histidine, isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine, threonine, tryptophan, lysine, methionine, and valine are the nine essential amino acids. If a type of food contains all the essential amino acids, it’s considered a complete protein. That’s not easy to find when choosing plant based options.

While it’s hard to find complete proteins in plant based foods, it’s not impossible.

Getting complete proteins from one plant based source is tough, but there are foods that provide it. Three types of food that provide this are quinoa, buckwheat, pistachios, hemp seed, chia seed and soy. Some of these can be used as a main dish, while others, like pistachios, are more add-ons to salads or used as snacks. Quinoa is a great substitute for rice that adds a nutty flavor, fiber, and the protein you need.

You can combine sources of protein to get a complete protein.

Beans and rice are probably the best known combination, but there’s also peanut butter and whole grain bread that rounds out the essential amino acids. While it was once thought you had to eat all the proteins at once to get a complete protein, it’s now known that it doesn’t have to be all at one meal. You can eat various sources of protein throughout the day to fill your daily need of essential amino acids.

Soy products are probably the most versatile.

There are many ways to use soy. Tempeh, soy that’s been cooked and fermented, is one way. Just a half cup of it has 15 grams of protein. Soy milk is another way to get your protein from soy. Tofu and other soy products are also available. One soy product growing in popularity is edamame—immature soybean pods. Comparing the amount of protein in these products, tofu beats out edamame in protein content, containing ten grams of protein for a half cup, compared to eight and a half grams for a whole cup of edamame.

  • Using edamame in your cooking can increase your protein intake and add versatility. They can be steamed, used fresh or roasted and added to stir-fry, used as snacks or as a topping for a Buddha bowl.
  • Lentils and beans are a great protein source that are relatively inexpensive and could fill out anyone’s meatless Mondays. Lentils not only contain 8.84 grams of protein per cup, but also provide other nutrients like potassium.
  • Have you heard of the latest food craze, protein breads? Ezekiel bread is one example. It’s completely vegan and a great source of protein. Coat it with nut butter and some fresh fruit and you have a great snack or main dish.
  • You don’t have to be vegan to increase your protein intake with vegetables. Kale is one good source with 2 grams per cup and so is broccoli, with a huge amount of 4 grams per stalk.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Can Adding Fat Help Me Lose Weight?

Can Adding Fat Help Me Lose Weight?

If you’re doing all the things you think will help you lose weight and still are packing on the pounds, maybe you should try adding fat. Most people think fat will make you gain weight, but that’s not necessarily true for a number of reasons. Opting for fat free foods may be actually causing you to increase your waistline rather than help you lose weight. Why? Let’s start with one obvious reason. When manufacturers remove fat, it affects the flavor of the product. In order to make their product more palatable, they increase sugar and other easily digested and high calorie carbs.

Some fats are healthier than others are.

There are many types of fat. Some fats are unhealthy, but those are mostly fats altered in manufacturing, trans fats. Trans fats are hydrogenated, which changes the chemical bonding, creating health issues in your body. Those types of fats are often found in fast foods, pastries and other types of junk food. They provide no benefit for the body, except calories and may lead to health issues. There are naturally occurring trans fats in dairy and meat, which may provide health benefits.

Fats are necessary for weight loss.

There are many bodily functions that require fat. Fat helps cell growth, improves brain functioning, helps your nervous system, lubricates the joints, improves your skin and aids in producing hormones, some of which affect your weight. In fact, it’s necessary to achieve a healthy weight, since it aids in stabilizing your blood sugar levels.

Fat slows digestion and keeps you feeling fuller longer.

Those low fat items aren’t nearly as satisfying as the full fat foods and there’s good reason why. Fat slows digestion and takes longer in the small intestines. The longer it takes to digest a food, the longer you’ll feel full. Unlike carbs, which digest quickly and spike your blood sugar, which can increase the potential for insulin resistance that makes weight loss harder, healthy fat can boost metabolism and help you burn fat, without that empty feeling you get after eating carbs.

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids increase the markers that show you’re full or hungry. It boosts the satiety markers and decreases the hunger markers. Eating an avocado, filled with healthy fat, at breakfast has shown to reduce food intake for up to six hours.
  • MCT—medium-chain triglycerides— a type of fat in coconut oil, metabolize differently than other types of fat. It’s used immediately for energy, rather than being stored as fat. It boosts your metabolism and causes you to burn calories.
  • Opt for foods that are whole foods, closest to their natural state and not prepackaged or fast foods. Salmon, nuts, full fat yogurt and eggs are good options that will keep you feeling full longer.
  • Fat is necessary for transporting fat soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, K and E. Obese people have a shortage of vitamin D, but it’s not yet known whether the obesity caused the shortage or the shortage caused obesity.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Are Protein Powder Drinks Good For You

Are Protein Powder Drinks Good For You

There’s a lot of buzz about using protein powder drinks as part of your fitness program. There’s also a lot of discussion on whether they’re necessary or even healthy for you. Just what is a protein powder drink and what are the benefits? Protein powder can come from milk, eggs or a vegetarian option such as rice or soy. Most have added vitamins and minerals with thickeners, flavoring and sometimes, added sugar to make them more palatable. Simply add the powder to a smoothie or just add water or milk for a boost of protein into your diet.

Protein powder isn’t the alternative for a healthy diet.

Sometimes, you need a boost of protein, such as if you’re building muscle and have increased your strength building workout, are recovering from an injury or are following a vegan or vegetarian diet and find it hard to consume enough protein to be healthy. If you’re getting adequate protein in your diet, but find you tend to miss meals, a protein shake with added fruit and vegetables can fill in the gap and provide other nutrients quickly.

How much protein do you actually need?

The body requires a certain amount of protein to build all cells in the body and repair tissue. It’s in hair, nails, blood, skin, muscle, bones and cartilage. Lack of protein can affect all parts of the body and every function. There are serious consequences of too little protein, but also from too much. Protein is in many different types of food from eggs, meat and dairy to soy, broccoli and nuts. You need approximately 0.36 grams of protein for each pound of body weight.

There are a lot of variables and too much protein can cause problems, too.

The more sedentary you are, the less protein you need. The more muscular you are, the more you need. A lot of things can increase or decrease your need for protein. One thing is certain, you can get too much. It’s hard on the kidneys if you eat too much protein, since the kidneys break it down. They need water to do that and that leads to dehydration, too. Protein powders aren’t regulated either. Some contain high amounts of sugar, others are contaminated with pesticides, heavy metals and contaminants from unclean conditions.

  • The type of protein powder you use makes a difference. If you’re lactose intolerant of have a food allergy, you could experience symptoms from gas and bloating to a far more severe allergic reaction.
  • People with difficulty eating enough or an impaired appetite, such as chemo patients or older individuals, may benefit from additional protein, just as those who require additional protein to heal a wound.
  • If you’re consuming supplements like protein powder, instead of real food, you’ll miss out on the micro nutrients and phytonutrients found in the whole food. Often the nutrients found in real food work in synergy to provide more benefits.
  • If you’re trying to lose weight, protein powder may help you shed weight. Protein fills you up and leaves you feeling full longer.

For more information, contact us today at Ironfit San Antonio

Exercise Is A Great Stress Reliever

Exercise Is A Great Stress Reliever

Do you feel like your stomach is in knots? Are you often ill, catching every cold or flu that is in the area? Do you often feel anxious or depressed? Those are all symptoms of stress. Stress is the body’s response to danger. It causes the release of hormones that prepares the body to fight or run. That’s good if the danger is a wild animal or an attacker, but not good if it’s a traffic jam or an angry shopper. You can learn to deal with stressors, but sometimes, too many small things build up and you need to release it. That’s when you turn to exercise, since exercise is a great stress reliever.

Exercise burns off the hormones of stress and replaces them with ones that make you feel good.

People who workout at Iron Fit often are amazed at how angry they felt before they started their workout and how that all dissipated during the workout, leaving them feeling far better than they did before the anger and stress started. There’s a reason for that good feeling. Not only does the exercise burn off the hormones of stress, it also triggers hormones called endorphins, that make you feel good. Some call it a runner’s high. These neurotransmitters do function in the brain much like opiate drugs, providing the same pleasurable feeling that helps deal with pain or stress.

Sometimes exercise lets you quiet your mind.

Have you ever been so “into” your workout that everything else seemed to fade away? Maybe your mind was so focused that you only thought about each movement or the sound of your feet on the pavement. During that time, all the problems of the day disappear and your mind is truly in the moment. It’s like having meditation in motion and meditation is a good stress release.

Stress leads to anxiety and depression.

Recent studies show that exercise is a good adjunct therapy for both depression and anxiety. It’s believed that it’s because it helps eliminate the stress hormones that are often part of the problem. The body creates the feel good hormones that also help bring relief from the anxiety or depression. Several studies showed that just participating in moderate exercise three to four times a week can even help eliminate the need for medication.

You’ll help yourself both mentally and physically with exercise. Not only does it help your body by burning off the hormones of stress, it also helps build stronger bones, lower blood pressure, stabilize blood sugar, lower cholesterol and improves your self-esteem.

  • Start your workout slowly. If you haven’t exercised before, don’t try to take on lifting too much or working out too long. If you’re lifting weights, allow your body a day or two to rest between sessions.
  • Always check with your health care professional first before starting any program of regular exercise. In most cases, your doctor will approve. Always tell your personal trainer of any medical conditions before you begin.
  • Have fun. If you make exercising more like a job, it becomes one more stress on your system. Incorporate fun activities into your fitness program, like hiking or basketball. It’s all about staying active and enjoying life.

For more information, contact us today at Ironfit San Antonio

Develop A New Healthy Habit

Develop A New Healthy Habit

It’s not the occasional transgression or a single piece of cake that makes you overweight or unhealthy. It’s consistently being sedentary or eating more junk food than healthy food that does it. That means you habitually do unhealthy things. Your health and weight all depend on the things you do daily, so why not make those things healthy. You probably already have a healthy habit. Brushing your teeth, for instance is a healthy habit. So is wearing a seat belt. If you come to Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas to work out regularly, you have another healthy habit.

It takes between 18 and 254 days to develop a habit, healthy or otherwise.

Some habits are just easier to slide into and feel comfortable. Of course, those are normally the ones that aren’t best for us. Some people develop habits more quickly than others do, too. That’s why there’s such a wide discrepancy on the number of days it takes. At one time, everyone was saying that it took only 21 days to build a healthy habit. That number came from a book called “Psycho-Cybernetics.” Author Dr. Maxwell Maltz wrote that it was the number of days he observed in himself and his patients, but the theory was never tested.

Habits make it easier for you to function.

If you had to stop and think about everything you did each moment of the day, just getting to work would take forever. You’d have to stop every few seconds to evaluate a situation and even the act of buckling a seat belt would add time to your day. Habits serve a purpose. If they’re pleasurable habits, it’s even harder. The brain rewards the body with dopamine, which gives the body a good feeling, making it crave even more. Replacing a bad habit with a good one or avoiding triggers that lead you to the bad habit, like going to a bar if you’re giving up drinking, are ways to break bad habits or establish new ones.

Start with one healthy habit.

You know which habit most impacts your life. Maybe it’s a high level of added sugar in your diet that does it. If so, start with that. The easiest way to avoid added sugar is to read labels or eat whole foods. At first, you’ll crave sugar. That’s because it’s physically addictive. Before long, you’ll start realizing the true sweet flavor of fresh fruits and sugary treats won’t taste nearly as good. Change yourself, one small habit at a time.

  • Is a sedentary lifestyle is a bad habit, start by making small changes. Get up and move around during commercials when you watch TV. Take walks and work your way up to a program of exercise.
  • If you don’t get enough sleep, it’s time to make changes. Start in small steps by going to bed a little earlier each night, getting up at the same time each day or develop a pleasurable sleep ritual you follow every night.
  • If you find yourself stressed out continually, it’s time to change your mind. Identify what’s stressing you and analyze it. You’ll often find it’s simply not that important. Learn breathing techniques to help you cope until the habit of stressful thinking ends.
  • Giving up habits that are bad for your health may require changing your environment and the things you do. If you want to give up drinking, don’t go to a bar. Find a new social activity where alcohol plays no role.

For more information, contact us today at Ironfit San Antonio

Healthy Snacks Straight Out of YOUR Kitchen

Healthy Snacks Straight Out of YOUR Kitchen

You don’t have to want to lose weight to want healthy snacks. It’s good for everyone, whether it’s for more nutrition or just lower calories to lose weight. You can control the ingredients, so you know everything they contain and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune to make them either. Snacks play an important role in your overall nutrition and help you fill up, so you don’t eat as much during a meal or grab those sugar treats that are empty calories to fill in the void.

Get a piece of fruit for a sugar boost, fiber and nutrients, plus some type of protein.

Probably the easiest snack to make is one that involves fresh fruit and a source of protein. Apples and peanut butter are a favorite, but so is a slice of cheese and grapes or an apple. Unsweetened applesauce and cottage cheese or cantaloupe is another tasty treat. Try making a delicious treat with Greek yogurt chopped frozen black cherries (or other frozen fruit), walnut or other nut pieces and putting it in small mason jelly jars with lids. It will be ready to mix and serve with no added sugar and plenty of protein and nutrients.

Make your own special dip for those raw veggies.

Whether it’s raw fruit or vegetables, when they’re cleaned, cut and ready, they’ll be eaten. Create your own dip and you’ll know exactly what’s in it, so there’s no hidden additives or preservatives. Of course, when it comes to dip, serving size counts for those calorie counters. Consider bean dips or ones made with Greek yogurt. For bean dips, you can use almost any type of bean, but Canelli beans are a favorite of many. Use a food processor to mix and smooth the beans with olive oil, garlic, thyme, Italian parsley and chicken broth or make a yogurt dip with garlic powder, sriracha sauce, salt and pepper.

A smoothie packed with fresh fruit and vegetables can be a meal or a snack.

Smoothies are great when you’re in a hurry and don’t have time for a full meal, but they also make a good snack. Just toss fresh or frozen fruit and/or vegetables into a blender and turn it on. You can mix in ice, yogurt, frozen fruit juice or whatever you have available. Try throwing in a banana, frozen cherries, some milk or Greek yogurt, a bit of nut butter and a touch of vanilla extract and salt for a banana split smoothie. To make it a meal, you need ingredients that satisfy longer, like more protein and healthy fat.

  • If you want to fill up, but not out, make sure your snack has healthy protein and healthy fat to keep you full longer. Nuts provide protein and healthy fat. Avocado provides healthy fat and loads of nutrients.
  • If you want a super healthy and different type of dip for veggies, mash avocado with a little lemon juice, spices, salsa or Parmesan cheese. It’s nutritious and delicious.
  • Make microwave popcorn that’s healthy. If you don’t have an air popper, you can still make healthy microwave popcorn. Put ¼ C kernels in a brown paper lunch bag and fold the top. Microwave until you hear the popping slow. Add spices or Parmesan cheese for flavor.
  • Make your own healthy summer treat in Popsicle form. Create a creamy frozen treat with berries, cherries or other fruit blended with plain yogurt and frozen. Frozen banana rounds that are blended, smooth mimic ice cream flavor and texture without the calories. Add nuts to make it even better.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit

Shake Off The Cobwebs, Start Exercising and Look Younger in the Process

Shake Off The Cobwebs, Start Exercising and Look Younger in the Process

Clients who workout at IronFit in San Antonio, Texas tell me how much better they feel and how many compliments they get when they start exercising. People tell them they look younger, too. Exercising on a regular basis will do that. It builds endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. It also increases your energy level. It takes a while, but you’ll notice a big difference. Even a short workout increases circulation, which sends oxygen and nutrient rich blood to all parts of the body. It improves your posture and puts bounce in your step giving you a youthful demeanor.

Your skin benefits from working out, too.

That increased circulation helps every part of your body, including the skin. Not only does working out lengthen telomeres, which protect the chromosomes, preventing cell death that causes aging, it also increases the nourishment and antioxidants to the cells. It clears the pores of toxins with sweat and gives your cheeks a rosy appearance. It helps improve adult acne and increases skin elasticity. That’s sure to make you look younger.

If you’re making your father’s sounds when you get out of a chair, change it with exercise.

You don’t have to be very old to identify with making those same noises that your parents or grandparents make when they get up out of a chair. That grunting sound comes from lack of flexibility and strength. It’s also a sign of aging. Check out the walk of an older person compared to that of a younger one. Old people lose flexibility, endurance and strength, which also affects their balance, so they don’t the same bounce in their step as a younger person does.

Increasing muscle strength improves posture and good posture can make you look younger.

That hunched over look can start at any age, but it definitely is more associated with seniors. Back pain is another affliction people tend to get more as they age. Both can be improved by building strength, which automatically improves posture. Good posture makes you look more confident, thinner, younger and taller. Bad posture is one reason people seem to lose height as they age.

  • Your mood will improve when you workout and you’ll be less stressed. Have you ever heard of a grumpy old man? That bad attitude can be eliminated when you workout regularly.
  • Getting older doesn’t mean your metabolism has to slow down. When you workout regularly, you build more muscle tissue and the more you have, the higher your metabolism is, so weight loss and maintenance is easier.
  • Regular exercise and a healthy diet can protect your cells with antioxidants. The body produces antioxidants in the form of enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, which is increases when you workout. Protecting the cells more.
  • Regular exercise can also help protect you from serious and chronic conditions that can cause you to look and feel older than you really are. Staying active and working out is a prescription recommended by most doctors.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit