
Do You Have Fitness Goals

Do You Have Fitness Goals

If you have fitness goals, you’ll find it far easier and a lot more motivating. Just deciding you’ll get into shape isn’t a goal, since you can’t measure your success or even know when you’ve reached your goals. A fitness goal is like a road map with a specific destination. You know where you start […]

Get Stronger

Get Stronger

There’s a reason many people are working to get stronger. Not only does it make them look great, it makes them feel great too. Getting stronger involves working on endurance too. Not everyone that starts on the journey with a great body and crazy athletic skills. In fact, most of my clients are out of […]

Ever Tried Circuit Training

Ever Tried Circuit Training

There’s a lot of talk about circuit training and with good reason. It’s a workout that will have you moving your fastest and maximize your output You’ll never feel left behind because you’ll only compete with is your own personal best. It’s a series of different activities and you set your own pace. You move […]

Benefits Of 10% Weight Loss

Benefits Of 10% Weight Loss

It may not seem like much, but as little as a 10% weight loss can make a huge difference in both your overall health and appearance. It offers some huge health benefits, such as lowered blood pressure and cholesterol, while also reducing the risk of diabetes or helping to control it if you already have […]

Open for motivation...

Open for motivation…

Don’t skim over this post… because I’m writing just to you today. I understand the frustrations that you have when it comes to you body. I know all about your insecurities over the size of your thighs and how hopeless that can feel. And today I’m here to motivate you to take action. The answer […]

Eating for fat loss

Eating for fat loss

By now you are probably aware that the term, eat clean, has nothing to do with washing your food and has everything to do with eating in a way that promotes fat loss. While it may sound simple enough, it’s pretty challenging to stick with a clean eating plan. I suppose if it were easy […]

Reverse holiday pounds

Reverse holiday pounds

What do holiday parties and get together all have in common? Food and drinks…as in high-calorie food and drinks! It’s no wonder most people gain weight during the holidays. Everywhere you turn, you’re surrounded by sweet temptations—holiday cookies, gingerbread houses, pumpkin pies, and more. Even healthy foods like sweet potatoes and green beans are magically […]


I had been working out on my own for 12 years, thought I was eating OK, and was resigned that my body was ‘stuck’, and would never change that much. Wow, was I wrong! My husband and I had recently moved to Stone Oak, and he accidentally stumbled upon an Iron Fit class just finishing […]


I had never really considered myself to be overweight; after all, I am 5’7” and maintained an average weight of 161 pounds. I had always been active and physically capable of doing day to day activities. I had ran 5K’s, completed numerous Obstacle Course Races and had even ran a full marathon! I felt with […]