
Healthy Ways To Reduce Blood Pressure

Healthy Ways To Reduce Blood Pressure

Nobody wants to be tied to a bottle of pills or worry on a regular basis about a heart attack or a stroke. That’s where monitoring your blood pressure and making healthy ways to reduce blood pressure can be a huge benefit. While these will help lower it, always make sure you talk with your […]

The Truth About Belly Fat

The Truth About Belly Fat

What is belly fat? It’s that extra tire around your middle that you can’t seem to shake no matter what you do. There’s a reason. It’s visceral fat, fat in your abdominal cavity that wraps around your organs. Unlike subcutaneous fat that’s right under the skin, it’s harder to lose. One of the causes of […]

How To Beat The Soda Habit

How To Beat The Soda Habit

Soft drinks give you a sugar rush, plus they many contain high amounts of caffeine, to add to boost it. They also pack on the pounds with the sugar they contain. It’s more than just the sugar in soft drinks that’s damaging, it’s the phosphorus and other ingredients that cause health issues and tooth decay. […]

Tips For A Healthier Heart

Tips For A Healthier Heart

Preparation for athletic events is just one of the reasons people come to Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas. Most people want to look and feel better or have issues with their health that exercise and weight loss can address. Improving heart health is one of those concerns. If your blood pressure is sky-high and […]

How To Stay Fuller Longer

How To Stay Fuller Longer

At Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas, we help you get fit faster. Our workouts are designed to build muscle tissue fast and get you in shape. No matter how much muscle tissue you have, excess pounds can hide your progress. If you have to lose weight, the workouts burn tons of calories, but you […]

Good Plant Based Protein Options

Good Plant Based Protein Options

One problem faced by vegans is getting complete proteins when choosing plant based protein options. Protein is made of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids, but only nine of those are essential amino acids. That means the body can’t make them and you have to get those amino acids from the food you eat. […]

Can Adding Fat Help Me Lose Weight?

Can Adding Fat Help Me Lose Weight?

If you’re doing all the things you think will help you lose weight and still are packing on the pounds, maybe you should try adding fat. Most people think fat will make you gain weight, but that’s not necessarily true for a number of reasons. Opting for fat free foods may be actually causing you […]

Are Protein Powder Drinks Good For You

Are Protein Powder Drinks Good For You

There’s a lot of buzz about using protein powder drinks as part of your fitness program. There’s also a lot of discussion on whether they’re necessary or even healthy for you. Just what is a protein powder drink and what are the benefits? Protein powder can come from milk, eggs or a vegetarian option such […]

Exercise Is A Great Stress Reliever

Exercise Is A Great Stress Reliever

Do you feel like your stomach is in knots? Are you often ill, catching every cold or flu that is in the area? Do you often feel anxious or depressed? Those are all symptoms of stress. Stress is the body’s response to danger. It causes the release of hormones that prepares the body to fight […]