
Is Soy A Good Source Of Protein?

Is Soy A Good Source Of Protein?

At Iron Fit in San Antonio, TX, we help clients with both nutritional information and an exercise program. One important part of providing the nutrients for building muscles is making sure you have adequate protein. For those who choose a more plant based diet, it can be more difficult to get the quality of complete […]

Are There Dangers To Drinking Raw Milk?

Are There Dangers To Drinking Raw Milk?

There are people who believe that drinking raw milk or consuming raw milk products like cheese and yogurt is more beneficial for health, while others, including the CDC, suggest that drinking raw milk can be dangerous. Raw milk is milk that isn’t pasteurized, heated to 161 degrees for 15-20 seconds to kill bacteria, or homogenized, […]

Have You Ever Tried "Mini-Workouts"?

Have You Ever Tried “Mini-Workouts”?

What are mini-workouts? Just as the name implies, they’re short workouts. You can do mini-workouts two different ways. You can break your traditional workout into three or four sections, doing mini workouts throughout the day or just do a shorter workout that’s extremely intense. The more intense the workout, the less time you have to […]

Tai Chi Might Help Reduce Belly Fat

Tai Chi Might Help Reduce Belly Fat

If you’ve ever been to Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas, you know we tailor programs for each individual that help build endurance and strength. However, on those days away from the gym, active recovery is important and to achieve that, Tai Chi, is a good choice. Not only do the gentle movements help build […]

Stretches That Help Relieve Stress

Stretches That Help Relieve Stress

Stress can cause a lot of problems, from tension headaches to high blood pressure. Unfortunately, when people are under stress, particularly if it comes from a deadline, they often fail to take the time to deal with it. It only takes a minute or two to do stretches, but it’s well worth the time. Stretching […]

The Best Fat Burning Exercises At The Gym

The Best Fat Burning Exercises At The Gym

While most people think the best fat burning exercises at the gym are cardio workouts, they don’t consider that cardio workouts burn both muscle and fat tissue for energy. Burning muscle tissue is actually counterproductive, since the more muscle tissue you have, the more calories you burn. That’s because muscle tissue requires extra calories to […]

Do You Want More Energy?

No matter who you are, at one time or another you’ve wished you had more energy. Having more energy can help prevent that “run-out-of-gas” feeling in the afternoon and help you to work more efficiently and effectively. It all starts with your lifestyle. Do you get only a few hours of sleep and expect to […]

Are Your Clothes Feeling Tight?

Are Your Clothes Feeling Tight?

Client come to Iron Fit in San Antonio, TX, for a lot of reasons. Some come to improve their health, while others want to look better. What does that mean? Sometimes, it means losing weight and toning their bodies. However, some people notice their clothes feeling tight, and they haven’t gained a pound. They simply […]

Can Vitamins Boost Memory?

Can Vitamins Boost Memory?

We focus on eating healthy and exercise at Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas. Both of these can help boost brain power. While eating right can provide the nutrients your body needs, people often ask about supplements for the brain and whether vitamins boost memory, there is scientific backing to support that some vitamins and […]