
Learning Healthy Habits

Learning Healthy Habits

If you want to look better, feel better and even live longer, learning healthy habits should be at the top of your to-do list. Sometimes, it’s the small things we do every day that either make or break our potential for living a healthier life or even losing weight. For instance, if you have a […]

Nutrition For The Traveling Athlete

Nutrition For The Traveling Athlete

Whether you’re playing on a league or taking part in a competition, traveling can take its toll and even how well you do. Lots of things, from jet lag to eating healthy play a role in this. It’s not always easy to achieve good nutrition for the traveling athlete. One way to avoid some of […]

Hormones, Health And Behavior

Hormones, Health And Behavior

If you’re like most people, when you hear the word hormones, you immediately think of testosterone, estrogen and other sex hormones. These are indeed hormones, but not all of them. Hormones are the body’s messengers that tell the cells how to act or help it through a process necessary for life. Hormones not only affect […]

Is Organic Food Better?

Is Organic Food Better?

Do you cringe at the thought of the extra expense to buy organic food? There’s a lot of reasons to do it, but also ways to save money. Exactly what is organic food? It’s food that’s raised using no pesticides, synthetic fertilizer, sewage sludge, GMO organism or ionizing radiation if you’re talking about fruits and […]

Healthy Snacks For Kids

Healthy Snacks For Kids

Getting your children off to a good start is important. Helping them to have healthy lifestyles measured by their choice in food and desire to stay active never can start too early. I have clients in San Antonio who ask me a lot about how to do it and the answer is clear. You control […]

Build Muscle Without A Gym

Build Muscle Without A Gym

I respect all people who start an exercise program, whether they go to a gym or not! Some people find it easier to workout at home and some are so strapped for funds even a small out of pocket expense is budget breaking. Yes, you can build muscle without a gym and in many cases, […]

Know When To Recharge

Know When To Recharge

When you live in San Antonio, TX, there’s a lot to do. Whether it’s wading through piles of work at the office, staying fit or taking care of the family, it can be pretty brutal. The key is to know when to push forward and know when to recharge. One big clue is your emotions. […]

Get A Good Night's Rest

Get A Good Night’s Rest

There are times when you absolutely are up against the wall and have to work late into the night, but those times shouldn’t be every week. You’re either trying to do too much or have poor planning. You need a good night’s rest to get the maximum accomplished in the hours you’re awake and unfortunately, […]

Overcoming Your Fear Of Working Out

Overcoming Your Fear Of Working Out

FOWO—fear of working out—might sound silly to those who don’t face it, but it’s real. There are various aspects to this, with one being fear of the gym. However, other situations, such as a after a serious condition, like a heart attack, can cause fear of overdoing or serious injury. For situations like that, making […]