
Functional Fitness - Getting Your Body Ready For A Year Of Fun

Functional Fitness – Getting Your Body Ready For A Year Of Fun

I watch people put their heart and soul into their workout program here in San Antonio, Texas. Some come in because they have medical issues that exercise and a healthy diet can help. Some just want to shed a few pounds and look their best. While those are both great reasons for working out, almost everyone that comes to the gym eventually loves the fact they have more energy and can do far more than they could before they started. After a few months of working out, clients notice they have more balance, coordination, are stronger and have more endurance. That’s functional fitness. It improves your range of motion and helps prevent muscle and joint injuries in the process.

Functional fitness works your core muscles.

While looking great is important, enjoying every minute of life to its fullest is far more important. You can’t do that if you’re not healthy and fit. When you do core training, which boosts that fitness, you’ll be boosting your chances of avoiding those sudden injuries from doing something as simple as bending over to tie a shoe or picking up a child. Whether you’re 26 or 86, this type of training can help you prevent injuries, boost your endurance and for seniors, help you live on your own longer.

You may not realize that you’re doing functional fitness training.

We just call it exercise, but in reality, you’re working all muscles in the body when you workout with us. While our workouts help you build muscle tissue and burn fat, they also aid in making sure you do everyday tasks at home, work or play with less potential for injury. It builds core strength, helps relieve backaches, builds strength an stability. Consider this. When you do squats, you’re burning calories and sculpting your body, but you’re also building strength so that sitting down and getting up from a chair are easier tasks.

It’s all about living better and feeling good.

Make this year the year you get back to those things you enjoyed doing when you were in your teens and twenties or trying new things you were afraid you didn’t have the strength or endurance to do. While we don’t necessarily focus on a specific functional fitness program, we provide all the training that not only helps you reduce injury, improve core strength, improve flexibility and boost your endurance. In other words, at Iron Fit, we not only help you shed those extra pounds, we get you ready for getting the most enjoyment out of life.

  • We can help everyone, even if you’re completely out of shape or have physical limitations. However, you need to check with your health care professional to make sure you’re able to start a fitness program and let us know your limitations.
  • Just imagine how great you’ll feel and look. Weight loss and body sculpting will boost your confidence, but the energy, strength and flexibility will boost the fun.
  • Seniors benefit from our fitness regimen. It helps reduce the risk of falls, slows or stops the progress of osteoporosis and improves balance. You’ll have pep in your step.
  • Exercises that focus on functional fitness work several joints and muscles at once. Instead of focusing just on a thigh muscle, it’s works the entire leg and hip area.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Eat More Fat Burning Food

Eat More Fat Burning Food

If you’re ready to sign up for weekly deliveries of fat burning food, you wouldn’t be alone. Anyone that’s been eating healthy and wants to make weight loss faster would naturally be interested. These foods tend to burn a higher number of calories to digest than they actually contain. They also may help build muscle tissue—and that muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue does. They may also promote fat burning. For instance, raw almonds not only are a good snack that fill you up, they also build muscle tissue.

The thermogenic effect of food plays a big role.

What’s the thermogenic effect? It’s the amount of calories used to digest a food. For instance, food high in fiber require more calories to process as does brown rice. Whole grains and brown rice take more calories to process than they contain. However, remember whole grain products contain other ingredients, too. Brown rice, compared to white rice, even start out lower in calories. While lean protein, like chicken, still provide calories, it takes about a third of their calories to digest. There’s a reason that celery is always presented as a diet food. It has a high thermogenic effect.

Do you want to burn more fat? Try these foods.

Food that spikes your insulin level encourages the accumulation of fat around the middle. That’s why eating food that prevent that can be a real help to dieters. Salmon, walnuts, sardines, kale, brown rice and olive oil help keep insulin level. Foods high Omega-3 fatty acids help fat burning. Oily fish, flaxseed oil and both meat and milk products from grass fed cows are higher in Omega-3 fatty acid. A diet rich in blueberries helps reduce fat around your middle—belly fat. Oatmeal, lettuce and other high fiber foods help reduce belly fat, too.

Boost your metabolism and increase your weight loss with food.

People use the word metabolism often, but most people don’t understand exactly what it is. It’s the amount of energy it takes to keep your body functioning on a basic level. Even when you’re asleep, your body burns calories keeping various functions going. You burn calories just breathing! The higher your metabolism, the more calories you burn without additional effort. Foods that boost your metabolism include almonds, lean meat, eggs, beans, chia seeds and dark chocolate, just to name a few.

  • You know that spicy, hot feeling that hot peppers produce in your mouth? The capsaicin in it burns and does the same to fat. It heats the body, which requires calories to cool and breaks down fat in the process.
  • Many seeds help give your metabolism a boost. Try sprinkling hemp seed on your cereal in the morning for a quickie boost that burns a few extra calories.
  • Potassium is your friend when it comes to increasing your basal metabolism—calories burned while at rest, such as sitting. Bananas are a good source of potassium.
  • You can get extra help from switching drinks. For instance, that cup of coffee in the morning may contain caffeine to rev your metabolism, but green tea has both caffeine and catechin, a flavonoid that breaks down fat. Don’t add sugar.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

How To Meal Plan Successfully

How To Meal Plan Successfully

Do you want to lose weight? Is paying less for food important? Can saving time be a help? You’ll get all those benefits when you meal plan. Planning your meals ahead, shopping and even preparing them ahead may take more time the first few weeks, but you’ll find it saves time, money and even eat better the longer you do it. You start by with the planning, which should take place Wednesday or Thursday night, so you can shop for your meals on Friday and cook over the weekend.

Start with the ads and seasonal fruits and vegetables.

You don’t have to do this step if saving money isn’t your thing, but for most people, it’s an added benefit of planning. Check the online ads to get an idea of what’s on sale and then create a menu that uses those items. If one recipe requires things that don’t keep long or freeze, such as lettuce, make sure you use it in another meal so you don’t have waste. Create the menu and the shopping list for the week.

Get all the ingredients for the week on Friday.

If you’re a stay at home parent, you don’t have to follow the scheduled days as closely. They’re primarily for the person who works outside the home. Cook your meals over the weekend, double the recipes so you have meals to freeze for future weeks. The more you continue meal planning, the more meals you’ll have in your freezer for the future. You can use those for busy weeks when you don’t have time for shopping or cooking.

Freeze ingredients you don’t use or make sure you use them for other recipes.

If you need a chicken breast for one meal, but it’s cheaper to buy a whole chicken than just the breast, buy a whole chicken and use the other parts in another meal. Some meals require fresh herbs but not nearly as much as the amount you have to purchase at one time. You can freeze those herbs in ice cube trays for future recipes. Save the bones from chicken to create a bone broth you can freeze for future meals.

  • Eating healthy includes healthy snacks. You can assign the kids the task of making healthy trail mix from dried fruit and nuts and packing them in individual serving size bags.
  • Clean and slice all vegetables as soon as you buy them. You can make a dip and snack on them throughout the week, but if you have any left over, make soup for the following week.
  • You’ll save money and get all the nutrients possible when you use in-season fresh fruits and vegetables. You’ll be surprised at all the unique ways to use them that promote healthy eating.
  • When you plan meals, you’ll be able to prepare your meals by just removing them from the freezer and reheating them. It’s even quicker than waiting in the drive through line and far healthier and tastier.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Strip The Scale Of Its Power

Strip The Scale Of Its Power

If you’re one of my clients in San Antonio, Texas, you know that we look at various factors, besides the number on the scale, to check your progress. There’s a reason for that. Sometimes, the scales lie. That’s right, the scales simply don’t give the whole picture and by doing that, lead you to believe you’re a failure. There are other ways to keep the report from the scales in perspective and truly judge whether you’re making progress.

If you’re working out regularly, you’re most likely building muscle tissue.

Sometimes, people make great progress exercising and eat healthy meals, but when weigh in time comes, find they lost less than they wanted, didn’t lose anything or occasionally, gained a pound. How could that happen? Well it’s easy, they’ve been working out and building muscle tissue, which weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. Luckily, muscle tissue is more compact, so a pound of muscle tissue would fit in a much smaller container than a pound of fat tissue. You’ll be slimmer, even if he scales say you aren’t.

Taking measurements, besides weighing in, can give you a more accurate picture.

If you take measurements all over your body and find that while you may not have lost a pound, you still lost inches. You’re making progress! One of the most important measurements is around your middle. The fat around your middle tends to be visceral fat, which crowds internal organs, making it the most unhealthy fat to have. If that measurement is smaller, you’re not only successfully losing weight, you’re improving your overall health.

Judge your progress by how your clothes fit.

Do you have a pair of pants or shorts that are a smidge too tight? Those can be your guide to whether you’re progressing or not. Every month, take out that clothing item and see how it fits. If it’s loose, you’re a winner! There will come a point when the clothing is so loose it will fall off. That’s when you use another pair of pants or shorts. It’s hard to judge just how much smaller you are when the pants have been too big for months. Most people have to buy new clothing at that point and usually buy it a bit snug if they have more weight to lose.

  • Scales can lie for other reasons. Your body weight is constantly fluctuating. Water retention, bloating and other problems can make you heavier. One way to avoid worrying about the daily fluctuations is to weigh in each week at the same time, on the same day of the week.
  • You’ll really benefit from exercise in a second way, besides losing inches. Muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance, so the more you have, the more calories you’ll burn, boosting your metabolism.
  • Don’t ignore the scales, especially if you know you haven’t been true to your plan. While they are just one way to measure progress, weighing is also important. Just don’t judge yourself with every minor fluctuation.
  • Check out our 28 day jumpstart at Iron Fit. You’ll get the results you want quickly and love the scales again, even if they sometimes lie.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Why Am I Hungry After My Work Out?

Why Am I Hungry After My Work Out?

Working out burns calories and uses glycogen reserve, so naturally you’d be hungry after you work out. It’s one reason that exercise can help you shed pounds, but won’t do as much good if you’re not eating a healthy diet. That’s why it’s important to fuel up before you workout, to ensure you’re not building a ravenous appetite.

Avoid the problem of a ravenous appetite by snacking before a workout.

If you want to avoid that feeding frenzy that comes after you workout, eat before you start. You need at least 30 minutes between the time you eat and ideally, an hour. If you only have 30 minutes, eat light. Make it an easily digested carb, like a banana, and some protein, such as peanut butter. If you have longer, opt for more fuel like an egg and fruit or oatmeal with seeds, fruit and nuts added.

If you had a snack before you worked out and are still hungry, maybe you need to hydrate.

Sometimes, when you’re hungry, you’re really thirsty. Dehydration can occur during a workout if you didn’t drink water before you started or didn’t sip on it while you were working out. Thirst can trick the brain into thinking it’s hungry, so you eat, which gives you fluid from the food you eat, but often not enough to fill the gap. That means you continue to feel hungry. Always drink water before a workout, sip during that workout and then finish off your workout with a 12-ounce bottle of water. If the problem is hydration, you’ll notice your appetite disappearing.

The type of food you eat makes a difference in your level of hunger.

Carbohydrates digest more quickly than protein does, so you need a combination of both for your pre-workout food and your post workout meal. If you’re pushing yourself hard in endurance training, you’ll burn more energy, so you need more carbohydrates in your post-workout meal. You should have carbohydrates that turn to energy quickly, such as fruit and slower energy carbs like whole grain breads. You should get 3/4th of your calories from carbs and 1/4th from protein. If you’re doing weight training, you need more protein to rebuild muscle tissue, so a one to one ration or 2/3rds carbs and 1/3rd protein will do.

  • When you eat before a workout, not only will you reduce that hungry feeling after you workout, you’ll also have a better workout because you’ll have more stamina and energy to give it your all.
  • One way to ensure you stay hydrated is to drink a glass of water when you first get up, drink a glass before each meal (you’ll eat less), drink a couple of glasses an hour before you exercise and a couple after you’ve finished.
  • Don’t just slam through eating, take the time to enjoy each bite. Chew each bite carefully and wait for cues that tell you that you’ve had enough to eat. Focus on flavor, but also on the feeling of fullness.
  • At Iron Fit, we provide a wide selection of exercise options that burn calories quickly and help you reach your weight loss goal.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Weight Loss For Lazy People

Weight Loss For Lazy People

Losing weight can take a lot of effort, especially if you’re working off the pounds at the gym. It can mean creating a weekly menu and shopping list, then making all the food on the weekend for healthy meals throughout the week. If you just know you’re not going to do that and don’t want to sweat off pounds in the gym, here are tips for weight loss for lazy people, not that you are. You can use some of these tips to supplement a program of weight loss.

Start with a planned mealtime and a sit down meal.

Eating at all hours isn’t always the easiest way to go. If you have a planned mealtime, it doesn’t take any effort, but can help you avoid snacking. When you know that dinner is in a half hour, you’ll be less likely to grab a snack from the cupboard. Sitting down at the table for all meals makes and not eating in front of the television can also make mealtime more mindful and let you watch portion control.

Fill up on water before a meal and make it cold water.

Drink an eight ounce or larger glass of water before a meal and you’ll find that you eat less. Water fills you up, not out, so you’ll eat less. One study showed that it lowered the caloric intake enough that if you just drank a glass of water before one meal a day, the number of calories you saved would cause you to shed about eight pounds a year! Cold water also makes your body burn more calories, so that can add to the loss.

Switch out that soft drink for a glass of water or unsweetened green tea.

If you drink one soft drink a day, you’re adding over 100 calories to your intake. Cutting it out and drinking water or green tea means you’ll consume 100 less calories a day and in 35 days would lose a pound. If you substituted with green tea, you’ll also be boosting your metabolism to burn even more and helping to burn belly fat. Don’t even consider diet soft drinks. Studies show they actually make you gain weight. Part of the reason is that the trigger the release of insulin, but there’s no sugar, so it disrupts the metabolic system.

  • If you want your portion to larger, try smaller plates. That certainly doesn’t take any effort to use a salad plate instead of a dinner plate.
  • Get out of sweatpants and into form fitting jeans. It’s easy to overeat in sweatpants. They kindly expand to accommodate our expanding belly. Form fitting jeans will tell you right away when you’ve eaten too much.
  • Park further from the store or walk down the stairs. I know that taking the stairs, especially going up will burn more calories, but if you’re being lazy, just take the stairs down, where it’s easier and park a little further from the store. Moving a little more throughout the day adds up.
  • When you’re ready to start a formal exercise program, try our 28 day jumpstart at Iron Fit. You’ll be amazed at how great you feel after a few workouts and never want to take the lazy person’s route again.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Exercises To Lift Sagging Breasts

Exercises To Lift Sagging Breasts

Exercise can help a lot of areas, including the breasts, but unfortunately, there are no exercises to lift sagging breasts and return them to their youthful perky appearance. However, you can give them a better appearance and reduce further effects of gravity. If you want to get back to that look from teens and twenties, only surgery can help. If you don’t fluctuate in weight, wear adequate support and exercises the muscles under the breasts, you can do a lot to improve your look and prevent future sagging.

Gaining weight is a good solution for those who are too thin.

Weight loss and stretched skin are real problems that cause sagging. A program of exercise with a diet high in healthy fat for weight gain can help those who are too thin, but unfortunately, for those overweight, shedding pounds can make the problem worse. The breasts contain fatty tissue, plus glands and ligaments that support it. The ligaments stretch, just as the skin does over time. That leaves you with wrinkled stretched skin. For those losing weight, sometimes the skin can get tighter, but not always. However, the changes to the other parts of the body make weight loss worth the effort.

Do exercises for the pectoral muscles to give a little lift to the breasts.

You need exercises for your pecs, but also for your back and shoulders, since good posture can make a difference, too. Some of the best exercises include strength training, such as body weight exercises. Do pushups, chair presses, chest flys with weights, T-planks, free-weight presses that include flat, decline and inclined. The elbow squeeze is another exercise to do. You’ll do more than just improve the profile of the breasts and make them look like they droop less, you’ll be toning arm muscles, improving posture and aiding in weight loss and improving health.

Hold a pose to tone your breasts.

The yoga cobra pose tightens your muscles in your chest and can also help core muscles. Lay on your stomach with the top of the feet on the floor and place your hands underneath your shoulders. Lift your head as you straighten your arms and hold the pose for thirty seconds. Lower and repeat. Try the Superman to tighten muscles while holding a ball in your hands. Lift the ball off the ground as you raise your feet and legs. Hold as you reach the top, lower and start again.

  • You can eat healthy to help improve the appearance of your breasts, especially if you’re building the pectoral muscles. Eat quality protein and avoid fried food. Make sure you have all the vitamins and minerals with a healthy diet that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.
  • While you’re working toward improving the appearance of your breasts, make sure you have adequate support, especially when you workout. A supportive brassiere that fits well is important.
  • Massage oils can offer some benefits to help the skin on the breasts. Almond oil, soybean oil, fenugreek, clove and primrose oil are good for breast tissue, while the massage improves circulation.
  • For a total program that includes weight loss and body toning, come into Iron Fit. You can get three free days or take our 28 day jumpstart program.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Cinnamon And Ginger For Weight Loss

Cinnamon And Ginger For Weight Loss

If you’re hoping to find the best weight loss program in San Antonio, Texas, you’ll not find it by searching for magical supplements or mystical meals. You’ll get it by following a program of personalized exercise and healthy eating. That doesn’t mean that you can get a little boost along the way, while adding flavor and interest with spices and herbs. In fact, the addition of cinnamon and ginger to your efforts could make a positive impact to your efforts.

Spices not only add more flavor, they bring health benefits, too.

I think one of the biggest benefits of certain spices, like cinnamon and ginger, is the fact they make food more interesting and flavorful without adding calories. Don’t expect to shed those pounds by eating cinnamon buns or drinking loads of ginger ale, but when you use these herbs with discretion, they can make you feel fuller and look slimmer. Try sprinkling cinnamon on food or making cinnamon/ginger tea. You can keep it in the refrigerator and drink it hot or cold, so making a larger batch can save time.

Cinnamon helps you control blood sugar levels.

Studies show that cinnamon has an effect on blood glucose levels, keeping them more level. When your blood sugar remains level, rather than spiking and dipping, you’ll feel less hungry and be more likely to stick with a program of healthy eating. Diabetics also get cholesterol lowering benefits from cinnamon. Cinnamon satisfies your need for sugar by mimicking sweetness and also gives you a feeling of fullness, so you eat less.

Ginger is another weight loss aid.

Just like cinnamon, ginger teases your taste buds and simulates the consumption of sugar, while also making you feel fuller. It can boost your digestion and eliminate bloating, making your stomach look flatter as it does. A study on the effects of drinking a ginger drink after a meal showed that those who did it, felt more satisfied and lost more weight.

  • Inflammation contributes to many serious conditions and ginger can help reduce inflammation. It also can help relieve muscle pain when you drink a cup of ginger tea or tea with cinnamon after a workout.
  • Drinking ginger infused drinks provides antioxidants to the body to help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and even signs of aging.
  • If you want both weight loss benefits and benefits of good health, such as getting over a cold more quickly, sprinkle some cinnamon on your food or drink some cinnamon tea.
  • You can add these tips to your weight loss efforts, but always remember, it takes a healthy diet and regular exercise to get the best results. Try our free 3-day pass at Iron Fit to get your program started.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Tips For Stronger Bones

Tips For Stronger Bones

The concern for bone loss and osteoporosis has become far more prevalent. You can tell by the fact that Medicare provides a free bone density test. Bone loss doesn’t have to occur or take as much of a toll if you follow a few tips. While you may not be able to eliminate it completely or reverse some of the damage, you can build stronger bones by following a few of these tips to promote bone health.

What you eat makes a difference.

A healthy diet definitely can make a difference when it comes to bone health. While protein is an important part of a healthy diet, too much animal protein may actually be a deterrent to bone health. Some studies indicate a diet high in animal protein might lead to a loss of calcium, which is based on calcium found in the urine. However, studies refuting that show that it might be because there’s simply more calcium from the diet and it’s not calcium from the subject’s bones. While calcium is important, you also need other valuable nutrients to maintain bone density.

Are you getting enough sunshine vitamin?

Vitamin D should be readily available and nobody should have a deficit, unless they have a physical condition. That’s because the body uses the sun to create it. Of course, people in colder climates will have less exposure in the winter and chronic use of sunblocks will prevent the sun’s rays from starting the process. Getting smart sun exposure that allows a protective tan should be everyone’s goal. So should having adequate vitamin K2—not K1 that causes clotting—magnesium, phosphorus and other trace minerals. K2 is necessary to direct the flow of calcium to go into the bones, rather than leach out, magnesium and phosphorus play a role in bone production.

Boost your exercise time and add weight bearing exercises to keep bones healthy.

You may automatically think of weight lifting when you hear weight bearing exercise, but it can be something as mundane as simply walking. Weight bearing exercise makes the muscles work, which tugs at the bones and encourages the body to add more calcium to keep them strong and protected from breaking. So take a walk every day and make it a brisk one to boost your cardio and endurance, getting a double benefit. If you already have thinning bones, use low impact exercise, such as walking fast or even stomping your feet can increase the density of hip bones.

  • Don’t forget your vitamin C. Not only will you boost your immune system, citrus fruit and vitamin C have been shown to help prevent bone loss.
  • Is dairy out of your diet? Many people find that the older they get, the less they tolerate dairy products. If you drink alternatives, such as almond milk, make sure they’re fortified with vitamin D and calcium.
  • Tackle hills and stairs with gusto. Going up and down stairs or on a hilly grade can boost the bone saving help that walking brings. Make it brisk and vary your speed to improve your endurance.
  • You’ll love the kettlebell training we offer and many of the other exercises that help bone density. Come into Iron Fit for a free 3-day pass. If you have a physical condition, such as thinning bones, let your personal trainer know that, so he or she can create the perfect workout for your condition.

Have Fun And Get A Great Workout

Have Fun And Get A Great Workout

There’s a lot of fun things to do in San Antonio, TX, and many of those activities provide a great workout. Whether it’s taking a bike tour around the city or creating your own River Walk tour, there’s a massive amount of things to do in our fair city. One thing that will keep you healthier is to stick with your normal schedule. Sure, sleeping in sounds like a blessing, but did you know that just changing your sleep schedule by one hour can increase the potential risk for heart disease by about 11 percent!

Get active with the kids, enjoy a day of solitude or get a group of friends together for fun.

It’s the perfect time of year for a little scare and mapping out a walking tour that includes seeing the local haunted buildings and homes could be fun. Make it an outdoor event with a day of hiking bike riding and even sight seeing. Often, people have never even seen attractions that visitors have traveled miles to see in our city, like the Alamo. Getting a Super Pass and making a packed day of it can be wearing, but also provide loads of exercise. There are even free walking tours available.

Get outside and enjoy all the city and area has to offer.

This is the perfect time of year to start exploring the greenways. Pack a healthy lunch and go out for a day of hiking at Leon Creek or Salado Creek Greenway. If you haven’t ridden a bike in years, make it a priority and rent a bike for the day. You may find it brings back fond memories from the past and becomes your favorite thing to do. Whether walking, biking or jogging, getting closer to nature is always renewing, fun and boosts your fitness.

Make it a family weekend that lets you have more time during the week.

Spend a few hours before the weekend, planning healthy meals for the week, creating a shopping list and getting everything you need. Take a few hours on Saturday and Sunday to prepare meals for the whole week and then package them. Double the recipe and freeze some for those weekends that are packed. Getting the whole family involved can free up time for fun and active things for the whole family during the week.

  • Having fun and getting active can include making your environment better. Plan a project that takes a few hours every weekend and put it on the schedule as the first thing to do on Saturday morning. Paint a room, rake the yard or clean out a closet. Work fast and get your heart pumping to make it a workout.
  • Plan games to play with the kids or get together with friends for some basketball or touch football. Socializing is extremely important for good health, so why not make it active?
  • Tuck away your cell phones and make it a tech free day, which also includes TV and computers. If you’re worried about emergencies, designate one phone number for emergencies and leave it on everyone’s phone message. You control that phone.
  • We have programs for everyone at Iron Fit. Try our free 3-day pass to see if it’s right for you. Take the 28 day fat loss challenge and you’ll be amazed at how much energy you’ll have for fun on the weekends.