Fitness & Wellness

How Hormones Affect Health And Behavior

How Hormones Affect Health And Behavior

We began our site to ensure that people of San Antonio, TX and across the US have access to learning healthier habits, and how nutrition and exercise can change your overall health. Those changes can make a difference in every part of your body, especially your hormones. Your hormones are your body’s messengers, similar to neurotransmitters but created in the endocrine glands. They affect your body, health, and behavior. Stress hormones are necessary to survive but also cause damage when left unchecked. Hormones can affect your mood, and an imbalance could cause mental illnesses.

Hormones can make you feel hungry or full.

Most people think of sex hormones when they hear hormones, but there are 50 different hormones besides testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone. Each one has a task or tasks they have to start. Hormones also have an opposing hormone. For instance, ghrelin is a hormone that makes you hungry, while its counterpart, leptin, makes you feel full. The two can get out of balance. If you get too little sleep, the body makes more ghrelin and less leptin. You’re hungrier and eat beyond where you’d otherwise feel satisfied. That’s an invitation to weight gain.

There are feel-good hormones and imbalances that make you feel out of control.

Almost everyone has heard of dopamine. It’s both a neurotransmitter and a hormone. It’s a feel-good, reward hormone that triggers the brain’s pleasure center. It’s responsible for motivation and addiction. Too much cortisol or norepinephrine can make you feel stressed and anxious. Oxytocin is the love/relationship hormone that helps parents and their children bond. Testosterone is in both male and female bodies since it performs other tasks that aren’t related to sexuality. Too little testosterone causes depression, anxiety, a low sex drive, lower energy levels, and increased anxiety.

Insulin is necessary for your body to survive.

Insulin tells the cells to open to receive glucose. It’s created when there is too much glucose in the bloodstream. You need insulin for the cells to have the energy to survive. It also is responsible for storing excess glucose in the form of fat. It has an antagonist, as most hormones do. That hormone is glucagon. It signals the liver to release glucose and put more in the bloodstream. It causes fat cells to break down, while insulin causes them to increase. Both must function to avoid diabetes.

  • Norepinephrine is both a neurotransmitter and a stress hormone. One function is constricting blood vessels, raising blood pressure. Acetylcholine, prostaglandins, and histamine are hormones that make them wider, lowering blood pressure.
  • Even though serotonin is often called the “feel good” hormone, it’s not a hormone. It isn’t created by a gland, or by the body for that matter. Beneficial microbes in the gut create serotonin.
  • Oxytocin may be the love hormone that is released during group activities, during romance, and between parent and child, it also can cause aggressive behavior to anyone outside the group.
  • HGH—human growth hormone—is considered a hormone of youth. You’ll have more if you exercise regularly. It controls many functions and some believe it slows the aging process.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Why Fiber Is So Important?

Why Fiber Is So Important?

It’s amazing how important fiber is and how little credit it gets. It’s the butt of constipation jokes and people’s moods, but it does more than help prevent constipation. It keeps your gut microbes healthy and in perfect balance. That leads to improved weight, a healthier body, and better mental functioning. Fiber can play a vital role in weight loss and eliminating waste.

There are two basic types of fiber.

Fiber is either soluble or insoluble. The body can’t digest insoluble fiber. It adds bulk to stools to make them less compacted and softer. That makes stools easier to eliminate. The other type of fiber is soluble fiber. It turns into a gel when it is mixed with water. It blocks the absorption of fat and lowers cholesterol. It also helps slow the absorption of sugar and keeps blood sugar levels stable. Another role of soluble fiber is feeding the beneficial microbes in the gut. It helps build a stronger community of beneficial microbes, which reduces the population of harmful ones.

Keeping your gut microbiome in balance keeps you healthier.

The gut microbiome controls many things. It’s necessary to help you digest food and absorb nutrients. The mix of fungi, bacteria, viruses, and other microbes almost acts like a separate body organ. The microbes affect you from cradle to casket. They control many functions, such as boosting immunity, digesting food, nervous system control, heart health, and brain health. A healthy gut microbiome lowers the risk of diabetes and obesity.

Fiber is filling.

When you eat food with fiber, the fiber fills you and keeps you feeling full longer, without adding excess calories. It is the champion of weight loss. Foods containing fiber are traditionally low in calories. The soluble fiber group includes strawberries, apples, peas, and other fruits and vegetables. whole grains. A few insoluble fiber sources are whole grains, nuts, the skins of apples, and beans. Only plant-based foods have fiber, animal products don’t.

  • Studies show an unhealthy balance of microbes can increase the risk of weight gain. Consuming food beneficial to your microbiome, like fiber or probiotic food like yogurt, can help you lose weight.
  • When you increase fiber in your diet, do it slowly. If you increase it too fast, it can cause gas, bloating, and other unpleasant digestive issues.
  • Highly processed foods, including white bread, contain very little fiber. Both the bran and germ are removed when the grain is processed, leaving only the high-calorie endosperm. It’s why eating whole grain products is important.
  • If you’re taking antibiotics, your gut needs probiotic food, like yogurt and sauerkraut. It also needs prebiotic food like fiber. When you increase fiber in your diet, don’t forget to drink extra water.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Health Benefits Of Carbohydrates

Health Benefits Of Carbohydrates

If you recoil at the word carbohydrate, you probably also flee in fear when you hear the word fat. Both have been given a bad rap due to some offenders in their category. Carbohydrates can have health benefits, but they also can damage your health. It’s all about the type of carbohydrate you choose. If you’re consuming whole-food carbohydrates, chances are, you’ll be eating a healthy carb. However, if you eat a highly processed carb, most likely you’ll eat a bad carb.

What are carbohydrates?

Carbohydrates are a macronutrient. Other macronutrients are protein and fat. Within the category of carbohydrates, there are three sub-categories, starch, fiber, and sugar. Another classification includes simple and complex carbohydrates. In most cases, simple carbohydrates include sugar that’s added to food. They’re in brown sugar, glucose, sucrose, fructose, HFCS, corn syrup, and raw sugar. Fruit juice with the pulp removed acts much like a simple carb. It breaks down quickly in the digestive tract to glucose and floods your bloodstream. There’s no fiber to slow the absorption of sugar in the digestive tract.

You need fiber.

Fiber provides many benefits for the body. Fiber slows the absorption of glucose into the bloodstream, which helps prevent serious conditions like insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Soluble fiber feeds beneficial microbes in the gut. In turn, the microbes perform many services for the body, such as breaking down food into nutrients the body can use. Soluble fiber also reduces fat absorption, lowers cholesterol, and can benefit weight loss.

Like all carbohydrates, starch provides energy.

They also provide so many more benefits. One type of starch is resistant starch. It’s in beans, dried peas, lentils, and green bananas. When you cook and cool food like pasta or potatoes, it also forms. This is why you need to scrape pasta from the pot immediately or it’s far more difficult to remove. The body doesn’t digest it. It ferments in the large intestine. Fermentation produces short-chain fatty acids, a type of fiber. Those fatty acids can help prevent colon cancer and provide all the benefits fiber does.

  • Healthy carbs provide many nutrients that are difficult to find in animal products. They contain fiber, vitamin C, and phytochemicals only found in plants—as the name suggests. Phytochemicals play an important role in keeping the body healthy.
  • The key is to eat healthy sources of carbohydrates. These include whole fruits and vegetables. They provide your body with the nutrients it requires, plus energy. Avoid processed carbs and those with added sugar.
  • Food can be a combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. For instance, tree nuts contain protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Most carbs are plant-based, with milk being the exception.
  • When you choose your carbs wisely, you don’t have to worry about the number of carbs you eat. Most healthy food options are lower in carbs and don’t pack on the pounds.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

How To Break A Weight Loss Plateau

How To Break A Weight Loss Plateau

Even if you’re sticking with your diet and working out regularly, sometimes you face a weight loss plateau, where the next pound simply won’t budge. That can be extremely frustrating but happens to many people. Plateauing can occur for several reasons. One of them is quite positive. You may be gaining muscle. Muscle weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so while you aren’t losing weight, you’re losing inches. If your pants are a bit loose and button with ease, you’re still making progress. In this case, keep up the good work, and don’t change a thing.

Have you continued to use the same workout routine?

If you haven’t changed a thing since you started your quest to a smaller, narrower you, it’s time to make some changes. The more exercise, the more efficient your body becomes. That means it burns fewer calories. Vary your routine and work your muscles on a different plane or focus on a new muscles group. It feels awkward and difficult initially, but that’s a good thing. It causes the body to burn more calories and continues the loss of weight.

Remember weight loss isn’t a straight line down but a crooked one.

Most people think they’re going to see a consistent loss every week. You try for that, but it doesn’t always work that way. Some weeks you’ll lose four pounds and other weeks none. Another problem may come from your new lower weight. You may have to cut calories further and work out harder. The ten pounds you lost was like carrying an extra ten-pound weight everywhere you went. Of course, you burned more calories. Reevaluate your program.

Look at your exercise program.

Are you only doing aerobics? It might be your problem. When you do aerobic-style workouts, like running a mile or two, you’ll blast calories for sure. However, the body doesn’t discriminate what the source is. They may start as fat tissue converted to energy or come from lean muscle tissue. The less muscle tissue you have, the lower your metabolism, since muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain than fat tissue does. Add strength-building exercises to your workout to build muscles and torch fat.

  • If you’re on the straight and narrow when it comes to food, but not paying attention to what you drink, it might be the problem. High-calorie sugary drinks can pack on the pounds. Skip soft drinks and go for water.
  • Check your diet for too low of a calorie count. If you’re not eating enough, it can slow your body’s metabolism and make weight loss more difficult. Make sure you include healthy fat. It’s necessary for weight loss.
  • Are you getting adequate sleep? Lack of sleep can make you hungrier since it boosts the hunger hormone and diminishes the one that makes you feel full. It also can slow you down so you burn fewer calories.
  • Don’t weigh yourself every day. Sometimes, the weight is temporary. If you think it’s water weight, flush it out by drinking more water. It not only makes you feel full but also helps flush your system, acting like a diuretic.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Supplements NOT To Take

Supplements NOT To Take

If you go to any grocery or drug store, you’ll see an aisle or two devoted to supplements. All types of vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and herbal options are available. Even though these nutrients will never substitute for a healthy diet, some supplements may be beneficial, which includes common ones, such as vitamin D. Not all are. There are also supplements not to take for many reasons, and some exotic herbs that may cause health issues.

Some fat-soluble vitamins may seem harmless, but you might be wrong.

When people self-diagnose, they often look for easy cures for self-medication One diagnosis is a lack of proper nutrition. If the problem is nutritional deficiency, they choose to use supplements instead of improving their diets. In the case of vitamin A, it’s not about taking it but taking too much. Vitamin A is a fat-soluble that accumulates. Too much can cause thinning hair, dry skin, and other direct symptoms. If you’re pregnant, too much can cause problems with the baby’s central nervous system and birth defects. You can accumulate too much vitamin D, E, and K, also fat-soluble vitamins. Overdosing on any vitamin or mineral has negative consequences. You’re far better off getting nutrients from whole food.

Stick with a cup of coffee or tea and skip the caffeine supplements.

A cup of coffee before a workout might increase your productivity but beware of going overboard with caffeine supplements. A little can be beneficial but is best when it comes from coffee or tea, which also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant phytochemicals. Drinking your caffeine lets you control the reaction better. You start to notice the anxiety and jitters. It’s far too easy to overdose on a caffeine supplement, which can negatively affect people with diabetes, heart disease, and mental issues.

If you’re going for big muscles, be wary of some protein supplements.

Whether you’re a bodybuilder or a senior just trying to get adequate protein, be careful when you choose a protein supplement. Make sure it’s received third-party certification. The FDA doesn’t review these types of products, but third-party certifiers do. The USP, BSCG, and NSF review it and give it a score. Some protein supplements have been found to have some pretty shady ingredients not shown on the label that range from rat droppings to metal shavings. Avoid products with creatine for bulk. It can cause heart and kidney problems.

  • If you’re a male senior, avoid protein supplements made with soy isolates. It acts like estrogen on the body and can cause male breasts to develop. Avoid cleavage and use those made from milk-protein isolates.
  • If you’re taking medication, always check to see if the supplements interact with your meds. Check the dosage before using. Some supplements come in extremely high-dose units.
  • You might be wasting your money if you purchase cheap vitamins. Not all vitamins are bioavailable, so your body can’t use them. Normally, the more expensive forms have the highest bioavailability.
  • Be aware of the side effects of some supplements. The supplement glutamine improves immune health but may cause a fast heartbeat, blood in the urine, and weakness. Ginkgo boosts memory and may improve certain eye diseases, but it can cause problems with blood sugar levels.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

How To Lose Weight On A Low-Carb Diet

How To Lose Weight On A Low-Carb Diet

Eating healthy should always be the top priority of people in San Antonio, TX, whether trying to lose weight or not. One question often asked is whether a low-carb diet can do both. The answer is a resounding yes. A low-carb diet is a simple solution, but you must follow some ground rules to keep it healthy. First, it’s low-carb, not a “no-carb diet.” People tend to forget that as they cut out all carbs, including healthy ones, from their diet.

It’s all about cutting sugar and processed foods.

Fruits and vegetables contain carbs, meat doesn’t. However, most fruits and vegetables aren’t a problem. Consider celery. Sure, it has carbs, but you can cut down to 20-50 carbs a day and still lose weight. Eating a cup of broccoli only adds 6 grams of carbohydrates, a cup of cooked green beans has 6 digestible carbs, a salad made with a cup of raw spinach with ½ cup of sliced red bell peppers has four carbs, and a serving of meat has zero. That’s only16 carbs, and it contains a powerhouse of nutrients. A chocolate frosted donut contains 30 grams of carbohydrates and it’s not nearly as filling.

How low can you go?

Not all low-carb diets are as restrictive as the one mentioned. That’s a keto-style diet designed to burn fat most efficiently. You can lose weight by cutting carbs without following the restrictive version of a low-carb diet. Just focus on healthier food options, skipping food you already know is unhealthy, like highly processed flour products, sugary treats, and fried foods. A medium order of french fries contains 47 carbs. That’s almost a full day of carbs on a strict low carb diet and half a day’s on a more lenient one, yet there is no nutritional value.

Combine a low-carb diet with exercise.

The body uses carbs for energy. The average diet has 35% of the calories from fat, 50% from carbohydrates, and just 15% from protein. By switching where the calories come from, you can create your own low-carb diet by changing the source of calories to healthier options and reducing the percentage of calories from carbs. Don’t cut fat from your diet. Healthy fat is vital for weight loss. Keep carbs in your diet for fiber. It helps reduce cholesterol levels, aids in preventing diabetes and insulin resistance, and keeps you feeling full longer.

  • Increasing protein in your diet to replace the carbs can help build muscle mass. Make the source a free-range, pastured option and you’ll boost levels of healthy CLA—conjugated linoleic acid, which helps reduce body fat.
  • Eliminating pasta and white bread from your diet can be a step toward a lower-carb diet, just as giving up foods with added sugar is. Highly processed bread has few if any benefits.
  • No matter what type of diet you use, your plate should be a rainbow of colors. Red, green, blue, and white fruits and vegetables should all be part of it. Each color represents different phytonutrients that help improve your health.
  • The theory behind a low-carb diet is that it forces the body to get calories elsewhere. When there are no carbs for quick energy, it starts burning body fat for energy.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Will Laxatives Help Me Lose More Weight?

Will Laxatives Help Me Lose More Weight?

San Antonio, TX, pharmacies and grocery shelves, like those across America, sell a variety of laxatives. They help relieve constipation. Some people repurpose laxatives to lose more weight. The logic behind that decision is that pushing food through the digestive process faster and going more frequently, it can make losing weight an easy process. Most people do see a weight loss, but it’s only a water weight loss, not a true weight loss. That makes it ineffective in the long run. Depending on the type of laxative used, there can be a variety of safety issues, too.

The potential harm depends on the type of laxative used.

Laxatives are a broad category of substances, each working differently to improve bowel movements. Stimulants speed up the food in the digestive tract while bulk-forming laxatives soak up water and add bulk. Osmotic-style laxatives increase the water retained in the colon, which boosts the number of bowel movements. Stool softeners increase the water held in the stool, allowing it to pass easier. Saline laxatives draw water from the small intestines to work the same way. Finally, lubricant laxatives coat the surface of the excrement and the intestinal lining to make bowel movements easier.

Laxatives that pull water into the intestines, reduce the fluid in the body.

The types of laxatives that pull the water from the body to the bowels to make going easier are those most abused by people who use them for weight loss. It’s estimated that approximately 4% of people do this as a weight control method. If you take a laxative, you will lose weight, but it’s water weight that will return immediately when you rehydrate. Some people with eating disorders use laxatives after eating, hoping it will cause food to pass through their digestive tract without adding calories. It doesn’t and is not only an ineffective technique for permanent weight loss but dangerous.

Laxative abuse can cause dependency and other problems.

If you constantly use laxatives to stimulate bowel movements, one potential is dependency. That’s especially true if the laxative is a stimulant that promotes rapid movement through the intestines. A lot of anecdotal evidence is reported, but there are no studies to prove this is true. Abuse can lead to dehydration, which can also lead to an electrolyte imbalance.

  • Dehydration can lead to serious conditions, including fatigue, mental confusion, and rapid heart rate. It occurs when laxatives cause water to be pulled from other areas and sent into the intestines.
  • Laxative abuse can lead to muscle aches, fatigue, heart palpitations, organ damage, and confusion. It can lead to seizures or coma, primarily due to the electrolyte imbalance it causes.
  • People who use laxatives to help them lose weight often do so to look better. In the short term, people may lose a few pounds of water weight but look worse due to the effects of dehydration.
  • The body absorbs calories before they go through the large intestines, so laxatives won’t prevent that from happening. It will prevent the absorption of many minerals in the large intestines.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

Health Benefits Of Chia Seeds

During the holiday season, you’ll often hear the sing-song words, “chah-chah-chah-chia” blaring through the television speaker accompanied by a picture of a terra cotta head with a healthy growth of green or a small terra cotta animal with green shoots of fur. Chia seeds are beneficial for more than a novelty gift. When you include them in your diet, they can provide health benefits. The Aztec, Mayan, and Tarahumara warriors used them as their only food when traveling. A small amount carried in a pouch could feed them for days.

Chia seeds contain fiber, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and vitamins.

Chia seeds are tiny and may not look like they pack much punch, but a small amount can fill you up, while also providing a wealth of nutrition. They also have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Just two tablespoons provide 8.7 grams of healthy fat, 4.7 grams of protein, and 11 grams of carbohydrates. The healthy fat includes 5 grams of ALA—alpha-linolenic acid—a heart-healthy fat. While there are 138 calories, the fat and protein make you feel full. Two tablespoons also provide 9 grams of fiber and a substantial amount of B1, B3, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and phosphorus.

The ALA is heart-healthy and offers other benefits.

Much of the omega-3 in chia seeds is from ALA. ALA reduces inflammation throughout the body. It can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and other inflammatory conditions. Inflammation even plays a role in weight gain, making it more difficult to lose weight. Chia seeds are higher in fiber, fat, and protein, so a small amount will keep you feeling full longer without adding extra calories. A six-month study using obese or overweight subjects showed including chia seeds in your diet could increase weight loss.

Chia seeds are easy to add to your diet.

You can use chia seeds to thicken soup instead of flour or corn starch. It boosts health benefits while providing a creamier texture. Chia drinks can be costly, but you can make your own. Combine water with chia seeds, then add juice or chopped fruit. Hydrate the chia seeds with fruit juice or flavored milk for another sweet treat that’s pudding-like, but healthier. Toss chia seeds into your smoothies. Grind them in a blender before adding and you’ll never know they’re in it, since chia seeds have to flavor on their own. You can also use ground chia seeds in bread, other baked goods, or breading for baked fish or meat.

  • The fiber in chia seeds can help stabilize blood sugar. That can help reduce the risk of insulin resistance, prediabetes, and type 2 diabetes. It improves insulin sensitivity if you already have insulin resistance.
  • The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of chia seeds come from the caffeic acid they contain. It’s also found in turmeric, coffee, thyme, kale, and other healthy food. Besides reducing the risk of serious conditions, it can help prevent premature aging.
  • You can add chia seeds to your diet without drawbacks or adverse reactions, providing only healthy benefits.
  • Chia pudding is a sweet treat that will fill you up and keep you feeling full longer. Mix a tablespoon of chia seeds with ¼ cup of milk. Store in the refrigerator overnight. Add fresh fruit or a bit of honey to sweeten and nuts or coconut for flavor.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Should Babies Avoid Grains Before 12 Months?

Should Babies Avoid Grains Before 12 Months?

Whether it’s advice from your best friend, mother, or mother-in-law, everyone has an opinion on what to feed babies before they’re 12 months old. Many people believe giving babies grains too early in life can create problems. It’s true that food allergies are increasing in children, but is that caused by introducing allergens too early or not? Top allergens, like eggs, peanuts, seafood, soy, tree nuts, milk, and wheat, could be caused by an early introduction, but studies have found they also might be prevented.

When does early introduction reduce the risk of allergies?

Breastfeeding babies tend to be more protected from the risk of all types of food allergies. Studies indicate that if a baby is breastfeeding, the best time to introduce a prominent allergen, like grains, is between 4 and 6 months. In breastfed babies of that age, it lowers the risk of developing an allergy. It’s not all about allergies when it comes to grains. It’s more about gluten intolerance and the digestibility of grains. One study focused solely on grains and found that introducing them late, after approximately 6 months, whether breastfeeding or not, increased the risk of a wheat allergy.

Food allergies and celiac disease are two different conditions.

Food allergies come from the body reacting to specific proteins in the food, such as gluten in wheat. Celiac disease is quite different. It is an autoimmune disorder that causes the small intestines to react because of gluten in grains and if not addressed, can cause permanent damage to the lining of the small intestines. Contrary to more common belief, two studies on babies from families with a history of celiac disease showed not only did early introduction not increase the risk of developing it, but if grain containing gluten were introduced between 4 and 6 months, it reduced the risk.

Giving babies grains before 12 months provides other benefits.

Most grains given to babies are enriched, which boosts the levels of thiamine, iron, riboflavin, and fiber. Some of these nutrients are found in other foods, but those foods aren’t nearly as palatable, like liver, and some babies won’t eat them. When introducing grains, choose products fortified with iron. Look for those with whole grains or whole grain flour, no sugar added, and low or no salt. Oatmeal, quinoa, and non-rice baby cereal are a few options.

  • If wheat is introduced between 5 to 7 months, the risk of developing a wheat allergy is the lowest, making it the best time to add grains to a baby’s diet.
  • Grains contain starch. Starch requires enzymes to digest. Babies have only a fraction of the enzyme compared to adults but start producing an adequate amount at about six months.
  • One reason babies that breastfeed have an easier time digesting food is that mother’s milk provides many of the enzymes necessary for digestion for up to 12 hours.
  • Based on all recent studies, avoiding grains before 12 months may be a mistake for mothers and unhealthy for babies. Offering babies a wide variety of grains dense with nutrients before 12 months is a good idea.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Is It Time To Invest In Your Health?

Is It Time To Invest In Your Health?

There are many ways to invest. You can invest your money in a future purchase, income, or growth. You can invest your time and sometimes money in learning a new trade or getting a degree. Investments are for a better future, but that future also depends on good health. Without your health, no matter how much money you have or how smart you are, you won’t be able to enjoy the gains you made or even work.

Investing time into your health can be a good place to start.

Not everyone can afford the latest cutting-edge medical care, but everyone has an opportunity to control how they spend their time. By carving out an hour a day and focusing on being more active, you can extend not only the length of your life but its quality. A program of regular exercise can take as little as 75 minutes a week of intense exercise, or up to 300 minutes a week of moderate exercise. That’s just a fraction of the week’s 10, 080 minutes. You don’t have to do it all at once, either. Doing short 10-minute sessions several times a day proves beneficial.

Take time for yourself.

Taking time to relax, reduce stress and smell the roses along the way can make a difference in the quality and length of your life. Life is about the journey along the way, too. If you face a lot of stress, take time to learn meditation or other techniques to reduce stress. That exercise program is a start. Like most people, you probably have responsibilities to others, but you also have ones to yourself. Focusing on your needs isn’t selfish, it’s mandatory. You must be at your best to help others. You need mental clarity and focus to make your life and the lives of others better.

Invest in high-quality food.

Investing in high-quality food doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend a lot of money. It might mean investing time in making meal plans and cooking at home, rather than going the “take-out” or “drive-through” route. You may even save both time and money by using a meal planning program that has menus, a grocery list, and recipes. When you cook a week’s worth of meals at one time, it’s faster than cooking every day. The rest of the week you simply heat and eat, making it quicker than purchased meals.

  • Invest time focusing on your posture. Your posture plays a role in your mental health, mental clarity, and health. Back pain, digestive issues, breathing difficulties, and headaches all can start with poor posture.
  • Regular exercise can reduce the risk of serious conditions, like diabetes or high blood pressure. It can improve your mood, prevent weight gain, improve energy and your sex life, and provide a social outlet.
  • Invest in time management. Take time to prioritize the important things in life and learn to accept that some things need to be put on the back burner for a while. Allocating your time should be a high priority.
  • Invest in your health by making time for family and friends. Studies show that people who have a rich social life also have better health and live a longer, more productive life.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio