Best Fruits To Boost Vitamin B

In San Antonio, TX, there are fresh fruits and vegetables year-round. Fruit is one of the popular snacks that fills that urge for a sweet treat but also benefits good health. Many contain important vitamins and minerals, such as the vitamin B complex. There are eight different types of nutrients in the vitamin B complex. They all perform important functions, such as aiding in creating energy, improving skin health, and taking part in producing blood cells. The eight types of B vitamins include B-1(thiamine), B-2 (riboflavin), B-3 (niacin), B-5 (pantothenic acid), B-6, B-7 (biotin), B-9 (folate), and B-12 (cobalamin). Each performs differently in the body. Many are in the same fruits.

Citrus fruit contains more than vitamin C.

You’ll get six of the eight B vitamins when you eat citrus fruit. It contains all B vitamins but biotin and B-12. While most B complex comes from animal products, legumes, and nuts, a 6-ounce serving of grapefruit juice can supply 27% of the daily required amount of niacin. It also contains thiamine. You notice I said juice rather than eating the grapefruit. There are scant amounts in the whole grapefruit but it’s more concentrated in the juice. There are also trace amounts in pineapple and orange juice.

Avocados are really a fruit.

If you thought avocados were a vegetable, you’d be in good company but very wrong. It’s a large berry with a single seed in the middle. It fits the definition of a fruit, which is “the sweet and fleshy product of a tree or other plant that contains seed and can be eaten as food” It’s similar to tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant when it comes to the definition of fruit. Avocados contain riboflavin (B-2), folate (B-9), niacin (B-3), and pantothenic acid (B-5).

Prunes get you going and provide riboflavin and niacin.

Most people know that eating prunes can help them in the bathroom, but few realize it can help build red blood cells and benefit nerves. That’s right, prunes and prune juice contain thiamin for creating red blood cells. It also contains niacin, which promotes the proper functioning of nerves. Other fruit or fruit juices that boost riboflavin include grape juice and raisins. Peaches, nectarines, and orange juice are also good sources of niacin.

  • Vitamin B-1 (thiamin) keeps the brain and nerves functioning properly. While meat, eggs, and legumes are better sources, you’ll find trace amounts in pineapple and orange juice.
  • Vitamin B-6 is necessary for brain functioning and healthy blood cells. You’ll get smaller amounts from bananas, raisins, and watermelon.
  • Folate is vital for women of childbearing age and pregnant women to prevent birth defects. Pregnant women need 600 micrograms a day. A small orange provides 29 micrograms. Other fruits with folate include cantaloupe, banana, and papaya.
  • No fruit sources provide vitamin B-12 (cobalamin). It’s only in animal products. B-12. It plays a role in cell metabolism, red blood cell formation, the production of DNA, and nerve function.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

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