Jerry G
My name is Jerry Gonzalez and I’m 60 years old. I started running about 6 years ago and trained for the 2015 San Antonio Rock and Roll Marathon. I was hooked on running and became a Marathon Maniac by completing 3 marathons in 90 days; all within one year of starting my running career! I […]
I have never been a very fit person throughout my life. I lived a very sedentary lifestyle, and my diet was not good at all. I decided it was time for a change, and a few years ago I began to exercise routinely. My diet changed for the better. I began to lose weight, and […]
Ashley F
I have always struggled with my weight (who hasn’t right?) I was a chubby kid starting at around the second grade and it stuck. But aside from that I have always struggled with my body image, which I’ve discovered plays a huge role in how I’ve managed my weight. No one ever taught me to […]
Lisa A
In May 2015, my husband and I moved from Pittsburgh, PA to San Antonio, TX. It was a tough move on me because I’d lived in Pittsburgh my entire life and moving meant leaving behind all of my family and friends. In Pittsburgh, I was active playing soccer on a few teams and going to […]
At 57 yrs. old and almost 300 lbs, I thought my best fitness days were well behind me. I had always been in decent shape. A multi-sport letterman in college, I played competitive volleyball until my mid-40’s, worked out with weights, and never really thought too much about my diet. About 10 years ago I […]
I was asked by a friend to join her at her gym for a free trial and was a bit skeptical, but joined her anyway. I’m so glad I did. I would go to a regular gym before that and would always leave unsatisfied and felt I had accomplished nothing. I didn’t know how to […]
Alyssa H.
Hello my name is Alissa H. This is my life this is my journey. Ever since I became a mother of two beautiful daughters, I have struggled with my weight. The idea of being 118 again has quickly faded. The scale was once a true enemy who controlled my mood and happiness. For the last […]
My name is Courtney, I am a 27 year old RN. I came across Iron Fit a few times on Facebook back in the summer of 2014. I was a standard gym girl at Gold’s Gym, would go a few times, so about 30min to an hour and do random things. I even did Krav […]
Carol N
I joined Iron Fit in March of 2016 and was slow going at first to get myself in the habit of concentrating on my health and fitness. I was not as committed and continued to struggle with schedules and EXCUSES. In September, Erik started a fitness challenge. I love challenges. I went to the meeting […]