
Lose Body Fat And Preserve Muscle Mass

Lose Body Fat And Preserve Muscle Mass

Preserving muscle mass is important for everyone, especially people who want to lose weight. The more muscle mass you have, the more calories you’ll burn since muscle tissue requires more calories to maintain. If you’re trying to lose body fat, saving your muscle mass is vital to your future progress. You’ll also look and feel […]

Best At-Home Exercises For Beginners

Best At-Home Exercises For Beginners

People in San Antonio, TX, need at-home exercises at one time or another. Beginners may not be ready for a gym, busy mothers may not have sitters, and gym members may have times when their schedule makes it impossible. Here are some easy at-home exercises that everyone can do. It doesn’t matter whether you’re fit […]

Is Walking Enough Exercise?

Is Walking Enough Exercise?

Walking may be a great way to start if you’re starting a fitness program or are extremely out of shape. Almost everyone can do it, and you can do it anywhere. Is it enough to improve your overall fitness or keep you in shape? There are four types of fitness: strength, flexibility, endurance, and balance. […]

What Foods Should I Buy Online?

What Foods Should I Buy Online?

There are so many whole food options in San Antonio, TX, buying food online isn’t usually an option. Some people shop locally online and pick up their groceries to eliminate some of the hassle. That’s different from ordering from Amazon or other websites. You may get more physical activity shopping in the store, but there’s […]

Move It Or Lose It

Move It Or Lose It

Move it or lose it can mean a couple of things. When discussing fitness, it means you have to exercise, or you’ll lose muscle mass, energy, strength, and flexibility. The downward decline starts in the mid-30s and continues until the person dies. If you exercise regularly, you can slow, stop, or even reverse that muscle […]

Exercising Outside In The Heat

Exercising Outside In The Heat

Exercising outside can be invigorating, especially if you do it in an area with lots of greenery. However, if you do it when the heat is the worst, it can be dangerous. To exercise outside safely, check the temperature first. Exercising is more than uncomfortable if it’s above 100 degrees or in the high 80s […]

What Is Earthing All About?

What Is Earthing All About?

What is earthing? Earthing has a history back to ancient Chinese medicine. It focuses on connecting the human qi—energy—with the qi of the earth. It’s had a revival throughout history, including back in the late 1800s up to the 1920s when sleeping on the ground was promoted as beneficial to health. Some studies included using […]