
Build A New You In Retirement

Build A New You In Retirement

You can choose how you want to spend your retirement and new phase of life. You can sit back in the easy chair, watch TV, post and repost on social media or really make a difference in how you feel. You get to decide whether you want to continue on and accept gaining weight and […]

What Are HIIT Workouts

What Are HIIT Workouts

If you aren’t sure what HIIT workouts are, come into Strong Fit and we’ll show you. It’s not a specific exercise or a type of exercise, but rather a way to do them. It’s a technique where you give the exercise all the effort you have to achieve your maximum for a short period. This […]

Stay Healthy As You Get Older

Stay Healthy As You Get Older

If you want to stay healthy as you get older do what many of my clients in San Antonio, Texas, do. Make smarter life choices. They know it’s never to late too start making lifestyle changes by working out, eating healthier, getting adequate sleep, drinking more water and more. In fact, you make the decision […]

Change Your Attitude Toward Fitness

Change Your Attitude Toward Fitness

There’s a lot of truth in the saying, “You are what you think.” Your mind makes the difference in your success or failure in many cases. Why? Part of the answer lies in the power of attraction. Don’t get concerned that I’m going to get out crystals and chant. It simply means that when you’re […]

Loving The Fit Life

Loving The Fit Life

If you’re out of shape and tired all the time, it almost seems impossible to change that. After all, just getting dressed to workout seems like a chore. Eating healthy seems too hard, too. It takes planning and isn’t nearly as easy as just driving through a quickie burger and grabbing a bite to eat. […]

Fit To The Finish

Fit To The Finish

If you’ve ever heard the term fit and finish, you probably never thought about where it came from. It’s from the automotive industry and describes how the parts fit together and how the final finish looks. It’s been used to describe people who are living a healthier lifestyle and with good reason. When you’re living […]

Eat Simple

Eat Simple

So many of my clients in San Antonio, Texas, have actually thanked me for helping them to eat healthier. It’s for a couple of reasons. The first and the most important is that they feel so much better and are losing weight without extra effort or feeling deprived. The second is that preparation time for […]

Simple Tricks To Cut Calories

Simple Tricks To Cut Calories

I hate diets and so do most of my clients in San Antonio, Texas. That’s why healthy eating is so popular. It’s not about depriving yourself, but more about making small changes and smarter food choices. It’s about making substitutions that you don’t notice in taste or satisfaction, but increase the nutrition and lower calories. […]

Best Workouts To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Best Workouts To Get Rid Of Love Handles

Sure it’s cute. Your special someone calls your donut roll/muffin tops, love handles, but it doesn’t make you any less self-conscious or embarrassed, no matter what your gender. Love handles are those rolls of excess fat at the side around your waist. They lap over the top of your jeans and make clothing fit uncomfortably […]

Can You Lose Weight Without Exercising

Can You Lose Weight Without Exercising

Yes, there’s no doubt that you can lose weight without exercising, but why would you. Exercise makes the process of weight loss go much faster, plus it has other health benefits. Losing weight without exercising is like bailing water out of a boat with a teaspoon. It’s doable, but a whole lot tougher. Exercise does […]