
Yoga Poses You Can Try At Home

Yoga Poses You Can Try At Home

Yoga poses have become a good way to work muscles that helps build flexibility and strength, but is still mild enough to be good recovery exercises. You can do these when you’re at home, between those tough days at the gym.

One easy pose combination that will make your back feel great is the cat/cow pose.

Not only does the combination of the cat/cow pose increase circulation, it also almost massages your back muscles as you stretch them in all directions. You start by getting on your hands and knees. Then you arch your back like a cat as you lower your head and exhale. Hold and then return to starting position. The second half of the combination is the cow pose. In this case, you lift your head so you can look straight ahead as you drop your back, allowing your belly to drop toward the floor with a dip in your back. Hold and then return to the starting position. You’ll limber up your back and feel like you got a massage, so it’s a good pose to do the first thing in the morning.

Get rid of the stress of the day with this yoga pose you can do at home.

Your workout at the gym can definitely burn off the hormones of stress, but what about the days you’re not working out? The child pose is a good beginner yoga pose. Get on your knees with your palms touching the floor, as you did with the cat/cow poses. Exhale and as you do, lower your hips until your bottom touches your heals and your chest touches your thighs. Your hands should be stretched in front of you and forehead should touch the floor. Put your hands under your forehead or down by your sides. Sit quietly for a few minutes and feel the stress reduce.

You may know it as the plank, but in yoga it’s the phalakasana forearm movement.

You probably didn’t realize you already know yoga, but if you’ve ever done a forearm plank, you know at least one pose. Start on your hands and knees, feet out behind you. Bend your elbows until your forearms are on the floor and clasp your hands together. Move one foot back as you straighten your leg and then follow it with the other foot. Push back your heels as you lift your kneecaps. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then slowly lower your body and reverse each step.

  • The tree pose starts by lifting one leg and putting your foot on the inner thigh of the opposite leg, then press your palms in front of you. Relax as you try to maintain your balance.
  • If you’re ready for a tough core workout, try the locus pose. Lay on your stomach with arms outstretched in front of you and legs straight behind. Lift your arms, legs, feet and head and hold.
  • An upward salute is a basic yoga pose. Stand straight, with shoulders drawn backward and chin level with the floor. Raise your arms overhead, shoulder width apart, palms facing each other. Touch them together above your head and look up. Hold and reverse movements
  • If you have gas pain, this yoga pose works great. Sit on the floor and bring your knees to your chest. Tightly wrap your arms around your knees and hold. Breathe deeply and for more benefit, rock from side to side.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

How To Get Started At The Gym

How To Get Started At The Gym

You know you want to lose weight, but haven’t been able to do it on your own, but feel a little intimidated when it comes to going to a gym. You can overcome that intimidation and get started at the gym by following a few steps. The first is to make sure you have selected the right gym, one that has a friendly atmosphere. It’s one reason we offer a free session. You get a sampling before you commit. You’ll realize it’s a welcoming place.

Maybe you aren’t ready to workout in front of others.

Some people are embarrassed that they’re so out of shape, but they shouldn’t be. Gyms were made to help people get into shape. If you want to build a little extra confidence, start working out before you start. Go for walks or do mini workouts at home. After a few weeks you’ll feel more confident and be ready to workout in the gym. While your progress at home will be slower, you’ll still have a bit of a head start and be able to see the difference working with a professional makes.

If you don’t want to workout alone, bring a buddy with you.

There’s nothing better than having someone you know that’s also a beginner. That’s why our classes are perfect for people who want to bring a workout buddy. You’ll find it easier to stick with your workout, since your buddy holds you accountable, by simply going with you each time—just as you hold your buddy accountable.

Make sure you have appropriate workout clothes.

Appropriate workout clothing doesn’t mean high priced sports wear designed for working out. It means having clothes that are loose enough to be comfortable, also ones that allow you to move easily. It can be as simple as wearing a light weight sweatshirt or t-shirt made of cotton, nylon, or polyester that wick sweat. Shorts or sweats are good options for pants, but if you’re opting for shorts, they shouldn’t be longer than an inch below the knees. Most important are comfortable shoes that are sized properly and absorb sweat appropriately.

  • Pay close attention to form when you’re first starting. Doing more reps isn’t nearly as important as having the right form. Go slowly until you can do each exercise correctly.
  • Don’t worry about what others think. Most are so focused on their own progress, they won’t notice you during the workout.
  • If the gym offers healthy eating plans, take advantage of it. You can’t out-exercise a bad diet. The combination of healthy eating and exercise will boost your progress, no matter what your goals.
  • Just do it. There’s never a perfect moment to start a workout program and begin at the gym. Start tomorrow if possible. Our free session makes it even easier to begin.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Best Workouts For Fat Loss

Best Workouts For Fat Loss

The best workouts for fat loss are ones that also build muscle tissue. At Iron Fit in San Antonio, TX, we focus on building muscles, since the more muscle tissue you have, the easier it is to lose weight. Muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does, even when you’re not working out. That means building lean muscle tissue can boost your metabolism. It’s one reason we focus so heavily on HIIT and circuit training.

Cardio burns calories, but so does strength-building.

So which one is best? There is a difference. When you’re doing cardio, such as running, the calories come from burning both muscle tissue and fat tissue. That’s not true of strength training, since you’re also building muscles as you burn calories. Compound exercises or whole body workouts that involve several joints and muscle groups are also fat burners, since they involve more muscles. While you need cardio, there are better ways to boost your cardio strength.

Circuit training is one way to go.

You need four types of fitness, balance, flexibility, strength and endurance. Circuit training addresses both cardio—endurance—and strength training. In circuit training, you have between eight and twelve different stations. You work different muscle groups at these stations. You either spend a certain amount of time or a do a specific number of reps at each station and move on to the next, with little resting in between. That gives you a great cardio workout at the same time you’re burning calories and building muscle tissue.

HIIT training make the benefits even bigger.

Both circuit training and HIIT—high intensity interval training—are not specific exercises, but ways of combining exercises to maximize the benefits. HIIT is a type of circuit training, but not all circuit training is HIIT. HIIT varies the intensity of the workout. You workout for a short period at high intensity, followed by an equal amount of time or longer working at a recovery pace. Then revert back to high intensity and repeat. You can do a HIIT version of any exercise, including walking. Not only is HIIT a great way to boost cardiovascular fitness, if you’re doing strength training, it builds muscles fast, while also burning tons of calories from fat.

  • When you do HIIT training, it’s easy to modify the workout to your own level of fitness. You can do shorter intervals of high intensity, with slightly longer recovery periods. As you get fitter, the recovery period can become shorter.
  • HIIT exercises are more efficient. You get more accomplished in a shorter time frame. By varying the intensity, you’re burning the body’s reserve, plus your metabolism stays high for hours after your workout to repair muscle proteins and replace energy, so you’ll be burning even more calories.
  • The body burns fat during HIIT workouts and continues burning that fat store after the workout. HIIT workouts also elevates HGH—human growth hormones. HGH is known as the anti-aging hormone that decreases body fat and increases muscle mass.
  • Fat burning exercises don’t have to take a long time. You can get results by just working out three times a week for an hour. If you’re doing strength training, you need to vary muscle groups and give muscles time to heal between intense workouts.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Strength Training 101

Strength Training 101

There’s no one exercise that’s perfect. You need to exercise all parts of the body, plus include all types of fitness, which includes cardio, flexibility, strength and balance. If you’re simply doing cardio, like running, you’re only working the lower body muscles and getting aerobic/cardio training. All types of training are important for different health reasons. For instance strength training not only helps you build strong muscles, it helps you build strong bones. If you’re new to strength training, here’s a strength training 101 course that can help you with the basics.

Lesson number one, strength training is equipment optional.

You don’t need a lot of equipment to do strength training, even though most people think of barbells, kettlebells, weight machines and dumbbells when they think of it. You can achieve great results with bodyweight workouts. It’s all about pushing your muscles to the maximum, lifting your body in a pull-up or push does that. If you want to use equipment, but don’t have a lot of money, resistance bands can be great for strength training.

You can do strength training anywhere, but form is important.

If you want to get stronger, lift, push or pull something heavy. They key is to have to proper form and not overdo. Someone that moves furniture as part of their job or carries heavy loads will be strong, but it takes even more. You have to work all the muscles of the body to achieve balance that can cause injury or make muscles on one side of your body larger, stronger, smaller or weaker than the other side. Proper form is important. If you don’t have proper form, it can minimize the benefits or even cause injury.

Your fitness level determines the number of repetitions.

While having a personal trainer can be a big benefit, some people are too intimidated or not close enough to a gym. You can start with a routing that combines push-ups, squats, walking lunges, a plank, jumping jacks and dumbbell rows. You can start with sets of ten to twenty and turn your workout into circuit training, doing one after another. If you’re out of shape, consider doing modified forms of the exercise, such as knee bent push-ups.

  • Focus primarily on form at first, even if you only do a few exercises and it takes a while. Once you improve, do a circuit of exercises, take a 30 second break and repeat at least two more times.
  • As you improve do more repetitions per set and if you’re doing a modified form of the exercise, switch to the harder form.
  • Always warm up before you workout and cool down afterward. Warming up will help prevent injury. You can swing your arms, run in place or ride a stationary bike. Do what it takes to get the blood flowing.
  • Don’t overdo strength training. Never do it two days in a row. Strength training makes microtears in the muscles, when those heal the muscles are stronger. Your body needs time to recuperate and for them to heal.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Signs You Might Need A Mental Health Day

Signs You Might Need A Mental Health Day

A fever, runny nose, coughing and chills can be sure signs you need to take a sick day, but not all illnesses are physical. Sometimes, you feel overwhelmed and ready to scream, which is just one sign you need a mental health day. Stress and good mental health are important to your physical health. Stress can be one of the leading causes of illness. It can affect your mood, your productivity and make your life miserable. How do you know when to take a break and pamper yourself a bit with rest and recovery? There are other signs that might help.

Physical exhaustion can be a problem if you need a mental break.

Long hours and lots of stress can take its toll on your body and mind. While staying up all night to study for a test can help you make it through one test, it can also lead to complete exhaustion and the need for a mental health day. If you’re running on fumes, it’s time to take a break or you’ll run out of gas completely. You might think spending all day in bed is a good idea, but you might be better being slightly more active. Take a bike ride, spend time in nature or go for a walk. You’ll feel more refreshed when you go back to your daily grind.

You need a mental health day when you feel too isolated.

If you feel disconnected and isolated from family and friends, you need to take time to reconnect. That calls for a mental health day. Spend time with your family or do an activity with a friend that everyone will enjoy. It not only helps create memories, it’s healthy and good for relationships and your well-being. People need social interaction, not just a passing word or occasional nod. Reconnect and you’ll be amazed how good you feel.

Do you feel like you’re ready to jump out of your skin or snap over simple things.

Anxiety and a feeling of tension goes hand in hand with overwork and the need for a mental healthy day. Overreacting to small things can make you feel bad and increase the tension. When you need something that will make a difference, take time to examine your emotions and see what caused you to feel that way. Keep a diary of incidences and feelings. It can help relieve you of the burden.

  • Having difficulty making decisions or focusing can be a sign you need a mental health day. Take a day from all the distractions to help clear away brain fog.
  • If you feel like there’s just not enough time to accomplish everything you need to do, it’s time to take a mental health day and evaluate all your demands. Not everything is important and needs to be done. For instance, if your schedule is packed, don’t worry about washing the windows. They can wait.
  • Try some go-to quick fixes, such as meditation, yoga or exercise. These can help clear the brain and lower your stress level. If none of your coping mechanisms are working, take a day away from the stress.
  • A glaring sign you need a mental health day is having physical symptoms. Frequent illness like colds, nausea, insomnia, tightness in the chest, headaches, backaches and gastrointestinal distress can be clues you need a mental health day.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

How Much Is Too Much Caffeine?

How Much Is Too Much Caffeine?

Whether you need your cup of coffee in the morning to get you started or have an energy drink before you workout at Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas, a little caffeine can be helpful. A little caffeine isn’t bad, but when you ingest too much, it can have consequences. Just how much is too much caffeine? Is one cup of coffee okay, but two cups too much? Is one can of energy drink enough to increase your energy, yet two cans push you over the line, creating the jitters? When do you say enough is enough?

How much caffeine is safe?

Most people can consume as much as 400 milligrams of caffeine a day without facing side effects. How much is 400 milligrams? In terms of coffee, it’s about four cups of brewed coffee. If you’re drinking energy drinks, it’s approximately one 16 ounce energy drink, two energy shots or ten cans of cola. Since it varies, you need to check the label to see how much each one contains. More dangerous than those drinks is straight caffeine, either in pill or liquid form. It only takes one teaspoon of powdered caffeine to equal the amount in 28 cups of coffee.

Some people shouldn’t consume even an average amount of caffeine.

If you have children, keep the caffeinated drinks away from them. Excessive caffeine can easily be consumed with very little intake. Pregnant or lactating women should cut caffeine intake in half, ingesting less than 200 mg a day. For people who are sensitive to the effects of caffeine, even a small intake can cause side effects.

The effects caffeine can vary.

Caffeine is a stimulant. When you drink something that contains caffeine or take caffeine powder or pills, it absorbs into the bloodstream and goes to the brain where it blocks the neurotransmitter adenosine. That causes an increase in dopamine and norepinephrine, which boosts the firing of neurons. For most people, a little caffeine can improve the functioning of some areas of the brain. It can also cause the body to burn more fat, plus improve athletic performance.

You may think caffeine is only contained in soft drinks, energy drinks and coffee, but chocolate also contains caffeine. Dark chocolate coated coffee beans contain 336 mg of caffeine for 28 pieces.

  • There are other health benefits from food and drink with caffeine. Coffee has nutrients that reduce the risk of diabetes, plus vitamins and minerals. Green and to a lesser extent black tea and dark chocolate also have health benefits.
  • Too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations, tachycardia, headaches, irritability, muscle tremors, frequent urination or loss of control, panic attacks and insomnia.
  • Caffeine is addictive and dizziness, nausea, brain fog and a headache may be part of the withdrawal. If you take an OTC pain reliever like ibuprofen, acetaminophen or aspirin, it helps relieve the pain, but extends the withdrawal time, since they contain caffeine, too.
  • In order to avoid the effects of too much caffeine, stay hydrated. Drinking more water can lower the risk of losing too much fluid from the increased urination.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Ever Tried Zucchini Spaghetti?

Ever Tried Zucchini Spaghetti?

What is zucchini spaghetti? If you know what zoodles are, you know what zucchini spaghetti is. It’s a method of cutting zucchini into noodles or thin strips with a spiralizer or using a julienne peeler that’s less expensive and not electric.You can sweat them to help remove a lot of the moisture and make them more “noodle-like” and less soggy. Put the zoodles in a colander in the sink or over a plate. Sprinkle them with a pinch of salt. Let them sit for about 30 minutes to release excess water. After a half hour, gently toss and squeeze the zoodles several times to remove more water. Next put on layers of clean towels or paper towels, fold and press lightly to remove even more fluid. You’re ready to use them.

It’s time to cook the zucchini spaghetti.

Cook them in a non-stick pan with a bit of olive or coconut oil. For extra flavor, saute garlic cloves or onions in the olive oil first, then add the zoodles. Cook without a lid for approximately 15 minutes, stirring to cook evenly every few minutes. You’ll notice they start to develop that roasted veggie smell at about ten minutes and there’s no water in the pan as you cook them.

Try an alternative to zucchini noodles, like spaghetti squash.

For a different low cal, low carb treat, try some spaghetti squash. Cut it in half. It’s hard to do, so to make it easier, pierce the squash several times creating a dotted line of holes lengthwise down the squash. These are to vent the squash. Microwave for five or six minutes. Cool and cut along the lines and remove the seeds. Bake the squash or boil it for angel hair like noodles.

Add your favorite sauce.

I love just sauteing garlic in butter made from milk of grass fed cows and topping the zoodles or vegetable spaghetti, but I also make a very thin spaghetti sauce that’s super quick. You can find cheaper in season tomatoes at the local farmer’s market. Wash and cut out the core, then dry, put in a freezer bag and freeze. Simply rinse them under hot water when you’re ready to use and the skins come off easily. I don’t worry about the seeds. They really don’t affect the flavor. I saute onions, mushrooms, red pepper, salt, pepper, fresh basil and a little garlic and then add the frozen, skinless tomatoes and let it cook down for a half hour to an hour, stirring occasionally. You can add meat and make your own adjustments based on taste.

  • Don’t use the soft core of the zucchini or it will definitely turn out mushy. You can cut the zucchini thicker and wider to use it for lasagna noodles
  • While spaghetti squash and zucchini are favorites of mine, you can make noodles from many other veggies, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli stems or turnips.
  • Some people simply saute the zucchini for a few minutes without sweating it to retain the crispness of the zucchini. Others recipes use a slow cooker or boil the noodles.
  • You’ll not only lower your carbs and calories and still get the delicious flavor of spaghetti, you’ll be adding important vitamins and minerals to your meal when you use veggies instead of pasta.

For more information, contact us today at IronFit San Antonio

Got Insomnia? Yoga Might Help

Got Insomnia? Yoga Might Help

If you want to de-stress and get invigorated, Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas, the perfect place to come. Exercise earlier in the day can also help you sleep better at night. However, no two people are the same. Some people find that daily exercise isn’t enough to overcome chronic insomnia, even though it helps a bit. For them, I suggest some bedtime yoga to bring sleep more quickly.

Try yoga stretches to help relax your body, so sleep comes quicker.

If you’re like many people, small aches and pains can keep you awake and so can those problems faced throughout the day. One way to help with the body aches is through stretching. When you use yoga stretches, it combines the stretch with a focus on deep breathing which is a form of meditation. It can help calm the brain, as it relaxes the body. Breathing techniques are quite specific. Breathe in through your nose slowly to the count of five, hold for a count of five and breathe out for a count of five. Sit on the floor with your legs outstretched and slowly bend your body over your legs as you exhale, attempting to grab your toes. You can do the same yoga move standing, exhaling as you bend your body and dangle your arms. Hold and inhale as you rise.

Tension is often held in the neck and spine.

Desk work is a killer when it comes to posture and ultimately neck and back tension. Combine breathing focus and the same pattern of inhaling for five, holding and exhaling as you did before, but this time, do a cat/cow pose. The cat part is the act of rounding your back and pushing it toward the ceiling as you inhale through your nose, holding and exhaling as you move to the cow pose, lifting your head and tailbone, dropping your belly to form a U. Hold and move back to cat position.

Make sure you don’t have a sleep disorder that requires medical attention.

There’s a lot of problems with sleep from not being able to get to sleep to not being able to stay asleep or getting poor quality sleep. Some of these problems come from stress and daily problems, while other problems with sleep come from physical problems, like sleep apnea. Make sure you don’t have a physical problem by first consulting your health care professional. Sometimes problems like sleep apnea can be relieved with weight loss and the right treatment.

  • To get rid of nighttime neck and back tension, a child pose is perfect. Sit on your calves with shins touching the ground and knees bent. Breathe in deeply through the nose and hold. As you exhale, fold your body forward, bending at the hips until the front of your body is on your thighs.
  • Not all your poses are difficult. Sometimes just rolling your head, as you stretch your neck can help. Make sure you have good posture as you do that, keeping your shoulders back.
  • Get in bed and prepare to fall asleep after you do a happy baby pose. Lay on your back and lift your knees as you bend at the hips and push your feet toward the ceiling. Grab the big toe on each foot and pull it as though you’re trying to put your knees in your armpits. Do the breathing technique and rock side to side as you do to help you relax.
  • Speak with your personal trainer about exercises that can help you sleep better at night or suggestions to help you. Sometimes, a vigorous workout too late in the day can be too stimulating and the solution is to exercise earlier.

For more information, contact us today at IronFit San Antonio

How Important Are Healthy Fats?

How Important Are Healthy Fats?

There are many reasons to keep healthy fats in your diet, but people on a diet often fear it and even choose low fat or no fat options, thinking it’s healthier. Unfortunately, many of those low-fat, no fat options lack flavor, so to make it more palatable, manufacturers add sugar. Added sugar has no redeeming qualities but empty calories. If you’re one of those fat phobics, don’t feel bad. Manufacturers have marketed those fat free options to the point them villainize fat.

You can’t classify all fats the same.

Some fats are unhealthy, like trans fat. It means they’ve undergone a chemical process that changed the bonding and made it harder for the body to use than natural fats. These hydrogenated fats increase the bad cholesterol that clogs arteries. It’s often used in pastries, in junk food and to fry fast foods. There are some naturally occurring trans fats in dairy and meat, but these actually have some health benefits, compared to the man made type. Some animal studies show they may have cholesterol lowering properties and be heart healthy.

Healthy fats include monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fats.

Fats have gotten a bad rap. It was started by a mega study funded by the sugar industry, even though the fact they paid for it was never released. They paid off three Harvard professors to conclude that plaque build up in the arteries was caused by fat, and omit any studies that showed it came from sugar. However, trans fats are unhealthy and some studies show reducing saturated fat and substituting unsaturated fat offers health benefits. Unsaturated fat can be polyunsaturated or monounsaturated. Both are healthy. Polyunsaturated fat includes Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 fats. Omega 3 and 6 have been shown to have heart healthy benefits, such as lowering bad cholesterol and maintaining normal heart rhythms. It also can reduce the risk of heart disease and dementia.

If you’re avoiding fat to lose weight, you’re sabotaging your progress.

Healthy fat is necessary for many different functions that keep your body running at its best. It’s important for cell growth, brain functioning, the nervous system, joint lubrication and the creation of hormones that benefit the skin and aid in weight loss. When you have fat in your diet, you’ll feel fuller longer. It’s also good for diabetics, since it stabilizes blood sugar levels, reducing insulin. Those lower insulin levels can help prevent diabetes and the accumulation of belly fat.

  • If you want to keep your metabolism higher to help burn calories, add a little of the right type of fat to your diet. It keeps you feeling full and ignites the fat burning process.
  • Medium-chain triglycerides—MCTs—found in coconut oil, metabolize differently than most kinds of fat. It provides instant energy and doesn’t store as fat either. It can cause your body to burn more calories. Look for food with other benefits besides fat. Avocados, nuts, seeds, salmon, full fat yogurt, coconut, olive and sunflower oil are a few examples of those.
  • If you don’t want a deficit of vitamin A, D, K and E, you need fat in your diet. Fat is necessary to transport these nutrients.

For more information, contact us today at IronFit San Antonio

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?

When I talk to people at Iron Fit in San Antonio, Texas, sometimes they question how well they’re workout is helping them with weight loss or praise the workout for helping them shed pounds. Then I find they’ve weighed themselves in the morning and after their workout to make that judgement. You can’t get an adequate read on your progress by weighing yourself every hour. For some, it can be counterproductive weighing every day. So how often should you weigh yourself?

If you get discouraged easily, weighing once a day may not be for you.

Your body goes through a number of changes every day, some are more permanent than others are. For example, if you just drank a ton of water and weighed yourself, you’d probably weigh more than you would if you didn’t. Sometimes, water retention that can occur for a day or two, can make a big difference if you’re hoping to shed that last few pounds. Water retention can cause you to weigh more for a short time and then disappear. It can be quite depressing to see, but isn’t because you’ve done something wrong. The reverse is also true. You can get a false picture if you weigh less after you’ve binged on food the previous day. It’s a negative reinforcement.

Another study countered that belief.

There are a lot of different studies with a lot of different results. Another study involving obese people had just the opposite result. The study lasted two years and showed that weighing more often actually helped the obese lose weight and reinforced new eating habits. It aided them in modifying their eating habits and preventing them from getting out of control.

It all depends on you and your personality.

While you won’t get an accurate picture in the short run, over the long term, no matter how often you weigh yourself, you’ll see the results. If you love tracking your progress, then by all means weigh in frequently, but just remember, your body weight fluctuates throughout the day and changes may not be permanent or show your real progress. Form your conclusions based on the difference in weight over a week’s time. You can use the information to chart your progress and include it in a weight loss diary.

  • If you weigh in daily, make sure you do it at the same time every day. Most people find that the first thing in the morning is a good idea, before they eat breakfast.
  • You don’t have to judge your progress simply by how much you weigh, use your clothing as your guide. Pick an outfit that’s tight and put it on once a month. If it’s looser the next month, you made progress.
  • Sometimes you can lose inches instead of weight. Muscle weighs more per cubic inch than fat weighs. One pound of fat fills a container that’s larger than one pound of muscle. If you’re working out and building muscle, you may not have shed a pound, but lost inches and made progress to a better you.
  • Weighing in is still important. It can help you identify plateauing. Plateauing occurs for several reasons, one of those reasons indicates you need to vary your workout. Your body burns fewer calories the longer it does the same workout, since it becomes more efficient at it.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio