Give Yourself A Fitness Summer Surprise

Give Yourself a Fitness Summer Surprise Create Healthier Meals with Herbs and SpicesSupplements Are Not the Answer (ATTN: Not for Long Island Guy that sells them)

It’s summer and traditionally the time to have fun. Sure, we all have a work week yet, but our minds still remember the fun of summer vacation when we were still back in school. Just because the boss says you can’t take the summer off, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make it more fun. You can give yourself a fitness summer surprise that will make this summer more memorable and help you reach your fitness goals.

Take up a new sport!

I have an older client that tells about his summer of hang gliding, as though it were yesterday. It happened quite a long time ago when the sport was young. He and a group of others would carry their kites up a large local sand dune, jump off and soar in the wind. This guy is pretty muscular and gives the credit for building his muscles to carrying that fifty pound kite up the dunes thirty times a day. It got him started on the path to regular exercise. You don’t have to hang glide to do something different. Just make it active and something you might end up passionate about. Make your summer surprise a pass to several new adventures that help you get fitter while having fun.

Go on a weekend safari.

Put on your pith helmet and get out the butterfly net. It’s time to stalk big game, or maybe birds and butterflies. Take adventure walks to spot local wildlife or search for rock specimens for a collection. Rent or borrow a metal detector and hunt for hidden treasures. I know of an older man that used to go out early in the morning and walk to the area where there are drive through windows, searching with his metal detector for money and other finds. He also used it under the bleachers after sporting events. He walked everywhere he searched, which was his way of getting exercise.

Give yourself a fitness gift for motivation.

It can be as simple as purchasing a low cost wrist band that identifies your heart rate, which is perfect for anyone doing HIIT workouts or a pedometer. These are relatively low cost items and often cheaper than a Starbucks a day for a week. If you aren’t already working out at Iron Fit signing up for circuit training could be a great gift. For those mothers who are members, signing up your children for Youth Summer Camp could be a great way to free your workout time and get the whole family fit.

  • If you’ve reached a fitness goal, even if the goal is just to workout for four weeks, buy yourself a new workout outfit. Looking good can boost your confidence and provide more incentive to go to the gym.
  • Give yourself the ultimate summer fitness surprise. Start eating healthier and working out. At the end of summer, you’ll see a whole new you.
  • Create a summer buffet of healthy food. Spend just an hour planning quick, but healthy summer meals you can make ahead. You’ll sometimes find them already planned on the internet. Surprise yourself every night with a new meal that only takes minutes of work to get from refrigerator or freezer to the table.
  • Treat yourself to a luxury. You don’t have to accomplish anything, reach any goal or do anything special to give yourself a gift of luxury this summer. Consider a day at the spa, a massage or anything you’ve always wanted but didn’t consider it a necessity. Make it a Christmas gift to yourself from yourself in July.

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