Fitness & Wellness

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

How To Lose Belly Fat Fast

If one of the resolutions you made was to lose belly fat, that means you have to make a multi-pronged attempt to do it. It requires more than just losing weight. Belly fat is different from other types of fat, subcutaneous fat, which is just below the skin. You can pinch an inch of subcutaneous fat. Belly fat is deep inside, crowding the organs. It contains certain proteins that can cause inflammation of organs like the stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys and even heart. It also makes getting a flat stomach nearly impossible, unless you make several lifestyle changes.

Eating healthier and a program of regular exercise can be a great way to start.

In order to lose any weight, you have to eat fewer calories than you consume. Once the deficit reaches 3500 calories, you’ll lose a pound. Some people start by exercising, thinking spot exercises can help them lose weight in a specific area, like the belly. The problem is that fat doesn’t come off just one area of the body and spot exercises may strengthen the muscles, but it won’t get rid of fat in a specific location. You’ll lose weight all over your body. When you combine eating healthy with exercise, it helps you lose weight faster.

The type of food you eat makes a difference.

Eating a low carbohydrate diet can help, especially if you focus on cutting out food with added sugar. Don’t forget about what you drink, either. Sugary drinks can be just as bad as a donut or other sweet treat. Eating a diet that’s higher in fiber is also good. There are two types of fiber, insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber helps prevent constipation and doesn’t digest. Soluble fiber turns to a gel, also providing an aid to fight constipation. It feeds the friendly bacteria, which in turn helps reduce the amount of belly fat you have. Fiber also slows sugar absorption, reducing the risk of insulin resistance, which can cause belly fat.

Mellow out and you’ll notice a difference.

Stress is a killer. It triggers the fight or flight response that causes hormones to prepare the body for both fighting and running. The hormones of stress, like cortisol, are linked to both an increased appetite and belly fat. Exercise helps burn off the hormones of stress, but you can’t always exercise when stress occurs. To avoid the accumulation of stress hormones, consider learning ways to mentally decompress, like controlled breathing or meditation.

  • Drinking plenty of water, particularly before a meal, can help reduce both the amount you eat and belly fat. It can boost your energy, while flushing your system.
  • The microbiome, the microbes that inhabit your body, can make a difference in whether you’re fat or thin. The bacteria fed by soluble fiber produces short-chain fatty acids that help you lose belly fat and lower the risk of developing it in the future.
  • Don’t think that switching your cola or soda to a diet version that uses artificial sweeteners can help you avoid belly fat. A recent study showed that people who consumed these drinks had more belly fat than people who didn’t drink diet soft drinks.
  • Get adequate sleep. Sleep is often neglected and burning the candle at both ends is often praised. However, lack of sleep can cause stress, which increases the chances of accumulating belly fat.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Should I Be Timing My Workouts?

Should I Be Timing My Workouts?

Sometimes things you don’t realize will help you make faster progress are the most important things. At Iron Fit in San Antonio, TX, we emphasize consistency, which includes not only scheduling workouts at the same time, but also timing the workouts. Having a consistent time for your workout is a bit easier to understand. It helps you develop a habit and when you schedule it like an appointment, improves the chances of you making it to the gym. However, timing the workout is often overlooked.

Unless you have commitments after your workout, it’s too easy to waste time.

One important reason for timing is to ensure you have just enough time to workout, but not so much time that you waste it. It’s simply too easy to walk around visiting or push your workout far longer than it needs be by doing things that have nothing to do with exercise. Even taking too much time between exercises can be a negative and not burn as many calories as you should for the time spent.

You may have heard people talk about how many hours they spend at the gym.

Everyone has “that friend” who thinks they are “bigger than life.” No matter what you’re talking about, they have a bigger story, do more or can top what you say. They probably also tell you they spend hours in the gym every day, but they certainly don’t show it. What’s happening? Maybe they are spending hours, but they aren’t exercising. If they are exercising, they don’t push themselves to do any high intensity workouts or pick up the speed.

Maybe “that friend” is really working hard the entire time and not showing results.

Your friend may be working out too much. There is such a thing. More is not always better. In fact, when you’re working out, sometimes less is more. It’s about including both intensity and a chance for your body to rest and heal. If you’re working out long hours, particularly at high intensity, you may be counterproductive. If you’ve done a tough strength training workout, your muscles have small tears. Those heal and as they do, build the muscle bigger and/or stronger. Not taking a break doesn’t offer that time for healing. Working out too long at high intensity can place too much strain on the muscles, causing injury. Aim for about150 minutes of high intensity workout a week or 150 to 300 minutes of moderate.

  • Judge the intensity by your heart rate or your ability to talk while working out. The higher the intensity, the harder it is to talk. If you can just gasp a few words, it’s high intensity and you don’t need as much time working out.
  • Watch for signs you’re overworking your body. While exercise burns off the hormones of stress, it also causes stress. If you’re not making progress, getting sick more often or even have mood changes, you might be overworking.
  • Never do strength training on the same muscles on consecutive days. Let the muscles rest between 48 and 72 hours, especially if your workout was intense. Focus on other muscle groups or other type of training.
  • Count the minutes you’re actually working out and consider the type of workout you’re doing and adjust your time. A HIIT workout—high intensity interval training—will take less time but be far more intense.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

How To Start Your Fitness Journey

How To Start Your Fitness Journey

It’s that time of year when everyone has his or her own special resolution. A lot of people focus on getting healthier, losing weight and boosting their energy level. If you’re one of those who is about to start your fitness journey there are some ways to help boost the potential for success and even make the journey far more fun and enjoyable. One tip is to find a workout buddy. A workout buddy holds you accountable, since you’ll be meeting that person to workout. It’s harder to skip a workout when you know someone is waiting for you.

Dress comfortably but also make your clothing work for you.

If you’re going to the gym, don’t worry if you don’t have the latest clothing seen in workout magazines. Make sure what you’re wearing is comfortable, but still fits well enough not to get in the way of your workout. Have clothing that supports you whether you’re doing a push-up or jumping jacks. Having comfortable, good shoes is also important. One tip is to mimic some of the moves you’ll make. If your clothing pinches when you bend, don’t buy it. Have clothing that breathes and ones you can wear in layers, especially in the winter, so you can remove a layer as you warm up.

It’s all about your mindset.

If you go in hating exercise or feel deprived with a new healthier diet, you’re starting defeated from the beginning. Get exciting. Think of how great you’ll feel and focus on that. Enjoy every bite of healthy food. Focus on the flavor. If you’ve given up sugar, you’ll be amazed at how really sweet fruit starts to taste after a few weeks. That’s because the more added sugar you eat, the more you need to get that sweet taste. Once you quit adding extra sugar, your taste buds come alive. Start collecting healthy recipes you love and share them with a friend.

Get fit by setting goals and focusing on both a healthy diet and regular exercise.

One thing is certain, you can’t out exercise a bad diet. So, if weight loss or getting fit are your goals, add both to your “to-do” list. Schedule a time every day for exercise. You don’t have to go to the gym every day or do calisthenics. Go to the gym on alternate days and on your days away from the gym taking a walk, dancing or biking could be viable exercise outlets. Find something active that you love and do it in your scheduled exercise days on your days away from the gym.

  • Be precise in your goals, have a way to measure them and track your results. Find an appropriate measure for your goal. It’s often pounds lost but can be the number of stairs you can run up in a few minutes, your blood pressure or blood sugar reading or other important number.
  • Spend the first few weeks focusing on form for each exercise. Once you know your form is correct, then worry about repetitions. Don’t forget to warm up and cool down for each session.
  • Always carry a bottle of water with you when you exercise. Sip on it throughout your workout. Staying hydrated is extremely important no matter what the weather.
  • Write down your reason for setting your workout goals and keep it prominently posted. Every time you want to put off exercising, or eating healthy, reread your goals.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Why Diet Is As Important As Fitness

Why Diet Is As Important As Fitness

What do you want to weigh? Do you have a health condition that a lifestyle change can help? Do you just want more energy? No matter what your fitness goals, your diet is just as important as exercising is. The two go together to help you be your best. There’s a saying, “You can’t out-exercise a bad diet.” It’s normally used when talking about weight loss, but the same is true for any type of wellness issue.

Your diet provides the building blocks for the body.

If you’re choosing your food wisely and in normal health, your body should have all the nutrients it needs to keep going strong. For those who don’t process the food as well, such as seniors, you need to take that into account when you’re creating your menu. If you’re including high processed foods or foods with added sugar, you’re adding calories, but with few or no nutrients. Choosing highly processed foods can also add toxins that affect the body negatively. Processed meats are some of the worst. No matter how much you exercise, it won’t provide the nutrition or detract from the toxic effect of unhealthy food.

Your diet also feeds your microbes.

You have more microbes in your body than you have cells. That’s right! You’re a walking nation of microbes. Some of them are good and some aren’t. Your diet determines how many you’ll have of each kind. Foods with sugar can feed harmful microbes, while those with fiber and healthy nutrients feed the beneficial ones. The beneficial microbes are part of the digestive system and make nutrition available for the body. They also play a role in almost every function, including your mood. Exercise also plays a role in the number of beneficial microbes your body has.

No matter what your fitness goals, it takes a healthy diet to achieve it.

Most people understand how a healthy diet can help them lose weight and even stay healthier, but don’t normally consider that it also plays a role in building muscle tissue. Just like other parts of the body, you need the raw material to build muscle tissue. You need a diet that’s high in protein and other nutrients, plus exercise, to build muscles.

  • Consider the calories in food compared to nutrition. If you ate a large order of fries, you’d be eating the same number of calories as you would in 120 asparagus or 240 string beans! However, you’d get far fewer nutrients.
  • No matter how healthy you eat, if you’re drinking soft drinks throughout the day or overly glorified coffee, you’re drinking sugar and a lot of calories. What you drink is also part of your diet.
  • Don’t be food by artificial sweeteners. Eating healthy means more than just cutting calories. Artificial sweeteners are also unhealthy, and in some cases, worse than sugar. One study showed that diet soft drinks also increased abdominal fat.
  • No matter what your fitness or health goal is, both a healthy diet and regular exercise can help you reach it. Also don’t forget about other healthy lifestyle changes, like adequate sleep.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Is Monk Fruit A Good Sugar Alternative?

Is Monk Fruit A Good Sugar Alternative?

What is monk fruit? It’s a fruit that looks like a smaller version of a watermelon and was grown by Buddhist monks for centuries. Its home is southern China and northern Thailand, which is still where most of the fruit is grown. The outside rind and seeds are removed, then it’s crushed to remove the juice. That juice is dried down until it’s a powder that has the concentrated sweetness of the fruit and can be used as a sugar replacement. It contains glucose and fructose, like many fruits, but also contains mogrosides, making it 250 times sweeter than sugar, yet it has no calories, fat or carbs per teaspoon, according to the USDA.

Monk fruit was used in Chinese medicine for centuries.

One focus in Chinese medicine is the yin and yang nature of the body, with the yin being cool and yang being hot. Luo Han Guo—the Chinese name for monk fruit– helps balance the yin and yang, while the sweet taste slows down reactions and detoxifies, plus acts as a tonic. Western medicine has found that the sweet taste of this fruit with the low glycemic index is a great alternative sweetener for people with diabetes. It’s also helpful in preventing complications from diabetes. Some studies find that it not only doesn’t cause blood sugar to rise, but it may also reduce blood sugar levels.

Since it has no carbs or calories, it may promote weight loss.

Think of how many calories you might save if all the sugar in your diet had no calories. Also think of how important that would be for your waistline. While there’s research still going on to the benefits and drawbacks of monk fruit, most scientists believe that it could be a huge benefit to help control the epidemic of obesity and aid diabetics. However, just like many sweeteners can have unintended consequences, the same may be true of monk fruit. There’s simply not enough research to declare it the panacea for weight loss and other health issues.

The mogrosides that make it sweet also provide another benefit.

Monk fruit is best known for its sweetening properties, but it also has another benefit. It’s anti-inflammatory. It’s the mogrosides that make it super sweet that are antioxidants and provide that benefit. It also helps to slow the growth of harmful cells, has antioxidant properties and can aid in the prevention of chronic disease.

  • Because of its extreme sweetness, a little goes a long way. You don’t have to use much to get the sweet flavor. Some manufacturers combine it with other types of sugar, like corn syrup or sugar alcohol that aren’t as beneficial and have some of the negative factors of the other sweetener.
  • Monk fruit has an aftertaste. Some people like it, but others find it’s a deterrent to using it. However, most people believe it’s far less bitter than other types of sugar substitutes.
  • Even if it doesn’t have carbs or calories, overusing sweets can have a detrimental effect on your body. It can cause weight gain, cravings and even digestive issues, since it may affect the microbiome of the gut.
  • You can use monk fruit to sweeten most things. It can be used in frostings, sauces, oatmeal, tea, coffee, smoothies and salad dressings. If you have a serious health condition, always check with your health care provider before adding monk fruit to your diet.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Benefits Of Lemon Water And Sea Salt

Benefits Of Lemon Water And Sea Salt

At Iron Fit in San Antonio, TX, clients are concerned about all issues that make their lifestyle better. One of the latest trends is to drink a glass of warm lemon water and pink Himalayan Sea salt every morning to get a healthier start of the day. Is this trend beneficial? Are there any dangers to doing it? There are a number of different recipes, with some recommending four cups of warm water, 2 teaspoons of Himalayan pink salt, but the recipe found most often mixes 1/4 teaspoon of pink Himalayan Sea salt with 1 1/2 cups of warm water or room temperature filtered water then add the juice of ½ medium lemon.

One of the benefits is aid in balancing the body’s pH, but there are more.

The lemon juice has an alkalizing effect on the body, while aiding in nutrient and water absorption by cleansing the colon and providing minerals necessary for the task. The lemon is anti-inflammatory, which can help in a lot of areas, from reducing inflammation of the joints, to preventing heart disease. One study found this drink may be beneficial for people with osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis.

This drink may help you during allergy season.

While it’s not been proven, some find this home remedy good for allergies and believe that the combination of lemon and salt in warm water acts as an antihistamine. Since one lemon provides almost 140% of your DV for vitamin C, the juice from half a lemon provides 70%, boosting your immune system. This blend has also been used for years, especially at spas, to help reduce the appearance of cellulite.

Who shouldn’t use this drink?

No matter how healthy pink Himalayan salt is still salt, even if it has additional minerals. If you’re on a low sodium diet, this drink isn’t for you! Too much can cause problems with muscle spasms, weakness, confusion and even seizures. It can cause irregular heartbeat, vomiting, nausea and a rise in blood pressure. Excess consumption should be avoided no matter who you are. If you have diabetes, kidney problems, high blood pressure, edema, heart issues or IBS, avoid this drink completely.

  • The drink is also known as a colon flush or liver detox. The mineral content, vitamin C and extra fiber has a laxative effect on the body and can get your bowels moving in as little as 30 minutes. However, its excess consumption can cause vomiting, diarrhea and dehydration.
  • The lemon water may help break up oxalate kidney stones. It’s the citrate in the lemon water that breaks up the stones and dissolves them. Drinking extra water in the morning can help avoid all kidney stones.
  • Drinking this mixture every morning may help you feel fuller for longer. That can be an aid for weight loss. It also may help control blood sugar levels from the fiber in the lemon juice, which can improve insulin intake.
  • The vitamin C in the lemon is necessary to produce glutathione. It plays an important role in detoxing the liver. It has antiseptic properties that also benefit the liver.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

The Connection Between Diet And Anxiety

The Connection Between Diet And Anxiety

You are what you eat. Those words are especially true when you’re talking about mental health and the role your diet plays with issues like depression, aggression or anxiety. There have been a series of studies conducted to see the effect of a healthier diet or the use of dietary supplements to reduce violence and aggression in prisons. All studies showed that boosting omega-3 and other improvements to diet created a dramatic 33% reduction in violent incidents, while reducing levels of anxiety. Other studies focusing on anxiety specifically show how changing your diet can affect your anxiety levels.

Your brain and your belly control your anxiety levels.

It’s about how the brain functions, the neurotransmitters and the brain-gut connection. The bacteria in the gut help create neurotransmitters, while reducing inflammation and boosting the immune system. Serotonin is one of those neurotransmitters that make you feel less stressed and happier. There are other brain-gut connections. Not only can stress cause you to have digestive issues, but digestive issues can also cause you to have anxiety, depression and stress. Keeping the microbes in the gut happy can also improve your mood and reduce anxiety. Fermented foods, like sauerkraut or yogurt, can help do that.

Foods high in potassium are also good for anxiety.

Foods high in potassium are known to help lower blood pressure by aiding in reducing excess sodium, which increases blood volume and increases blood pressure. However, low levels of potassium also have another effect. It can cause symptoms of anxiety, stress and mental fatigue. Bananas are a good source of potassium, while also providing other nutrients that help with symptoms of anxiety. They also have B vitamins and tryptophan—the precursor of serotonin, which reduces anxiety. Foods high in potassium include green leafy vegetables, avocados and citrus. Foods high in tryptophan include eggs

Eggs are a good source of vitamin D and tryptophan.

Low levels of vitamin D are associated with higher levels of anxiety and depression. Low levels of antioxidants, like vitamin C, also affect your brain health and mood. Blueberries, a good source of vitamin C and flavonoids, have been linked to improving symptoms of anxiety. The vitamin E in almonds and healthy fat can help boost your mood and improve anxiety.

  • Drinking unsweetened green tea instead of sugary soft drinks helps anxiety in two ways. Green tea contains L-theanine, EGCG, and other nutrients that relieve anxiety. The reduction of sugar in your diet also plays a positive role in improved mental health.
  • If you love chocolate, there’s good news. Dark chocolate is high in flavonoids, antioxidants that boost your mood and reduce anxiety. It needs to be low in sugar and only consumed in moderation.
  • Salmon is loaded with anxiety reducing nutrients. It is high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, EPA and DHA, all of which are good for symptoms of anxiety.
  • Foods high in B6 and B12 are good for reducing symptoms of anxiety. Beef, turkey, salmon, tuna, sweet potatoes, bananas, nuts, potatoes, raisins and winter squash are some good sources.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

What's The Difference Between Portion Size & Serving Size?

What’s The Difference Between Portion Size & Serving Size?

If you’re snacking from a family size bag of chips the serving size is 1 ounce, about 15 chips. However, your portion size may be a lot bigger, especially if you’re eating the chips while watching TV or are on the computer. Portion sizes vary. If you order food at a very expensive restaurant, often portion sizes are much smaller than in less expensive ones. If you have a person in the family who is a feeder, constantly offering more and more food, that person’s idea of a portion is often far greater than the average person’s, especially if the food is for someone else.

As competition grew, so did portion sizes.

Many mom-and-pop restaurants and even some of the bigger chains use larger portions as a draw. Unfortunately, the food that was focused on increasing was normally the least nourishing and most fattening. For instance, endless bread, tortilla chips, pasta or appetizers often precede the meal, but just fill you up, add calories and provide very little nutrition. It’s not unusual to see people, particularly seniors, share a plate because portions are larger. Sometimes, ordering from the kid’s menu is the perfect serving size. It’s no wonder the American diet has increased 300 calories per day in the last 35 years.

You decide what your portion will be.

It’s up to you to decide how much you’re going to eat, but the calories on most apps and literature are based on serving size. Your portion size may be twice that of the legitimate serving size, so it contains far more calories. Learning what the serving size looks like will help put you back in control. It may be difficult to judge, but you can make it easier by doing meal prep and packing individual servings ahead of time.

For some food, you need to make sure you get enough.

For others, make sure you aren’t eating too much. For foods like fresh vegetables, eating too much is normally not the problem, but getting enough is. That doesn’t include starchy vegetables like potatoes. For grains, one serving can be a slice of bread, a cup of cereal flakes, a half cup cooked rice or pasta or 3 cups of popcorn. An ounce of cheese or a cup of milk or yogurt is the serving size for dairy. A tablespoon of peanut butter, one egg or an ounce of cooked meat, poultry or seafood is protein serving size.

  • You can save calories and stick with serving size by skipping appetizers and starting the meal with a salad. Share your meal with a companion or carve out the serving size and take home the rest for another meal.
  • Order the small version of the meal and never supersize. For instance, ordering the smaller pizza will mean each piece is smaller, so you’ll eat less, even if you normally only eat one piece.
  • Individually pack snacks for one serving size, especially if you’re eating the snacks while watching TV, when you’re apt to be engrossed in the show and eat more than you intended.
  • Add extra vegetables to every meal, just make sure they don’t have extra sauce, like hollandaise or cheese sauce. Eating a big salad packed with fresh veggies can also fill you up and make it easier to stick with serving size for higher calorie foods, like bread or rice.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Meal Plan Like A Pro

Meal Plan Like A Pro

There’s a reason we have a Macros Coach available. Focusing on diet can help increase fat loss and speed up the process. That’s also why we suggest that people meal plan for the best results. What does the process entail? It involves planning meals and cooking them ahead in a day or two, then packing those meals in individual serving sizes. Most people use the weekends to cook and do the planning and shopping mid-week. Some people double the recipes and pack extra away for a later use, ultimately having enough reserves to skip meal planning for a week or more.

In order to do anything worthwhile, you need to plan.

Planning a week’s menu is the tough part for most people, but we’re here to provide assistance. People who plan often use the weekly sales or coupons available to help save money. You create your shopping list and then check your pantry and refrigerator to make sure you need the items on the list. That can save duplicate purchases and prevent waste. When you meal plan, try to use meats and vegetables in a number of ways. For instance, if you have baked chicken one day, make chicken salad the next and use some of the meat for soup another day. The same is true for vegetables. Roasted veggies can taste quite delicious on a salad.

When you do all the cooking at once, you don’t use as much energy.

If you’re roasting a chicken and beef at the same time, the cost of running the oven is cut in half. For those veggies, washing and preparing them for use, such as cutting celery sticks, can provide easy additions to salads and soup, plus be great as a snack that’s healthy. When you’re boiling a chicken, you can add celery, carrots and onion to make a stock for soup. If you have any leftover veggies at the end of the week, they can be used in a soup for the weekend or following week.

Save money on gas and groceries.

As noted before, meal plans help you save by planning your menu around sales and coupons. It also helps ensure you don’t have to run to the grocery every day but can shop all at once. Make sure you eat before you make your shopping trip so you stick with the list and don’t add extras like cookies and snacks. It can be another big savings.

  • Freeze broth, extra meat or poultry and fresh herbs that aren’t used for another week. Always make sure you date and label what you freeze. Organize your freezer to keep all items segregated in their own category.
  • Make sure you include snacks in your meal plans. You can make your own trail mix, create fruit and yogurt parfaits or create other healthy, yet lower calorie or carbohydrate snacks. Having fruit like watermelon cubed and ready will make it easier to use as a snack.
  • Plan meals around seasonal fruits and vegetables to save money. Try to buy from local farmers to ensure your produce is fresher. If you find a great deal on produce, buy extra and freeze it.
  • Pack food in individual serving sizes. Most people use freezer containers with sections, so when they’re ready to eat, all that is necessary is heating and serving. It’s quicker than waiting in the drive-through line.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

Do You Know Your BMI?

Do You Know Your BMI?

Most clients at Iron Fit in San Antonio, TX, know their BMI and its significance. BMI stands for Body Mass Index and it’s a measure of fitness. It uses the relationship between height and weight to evaluate whether a person is underweight, normal, obese class I, obese class II or is extremely obese. While it can be a wake-up call for some people, it still has flaws and isn’t the ultimate answer to whether weight loss is necessary.

One flaw is that it doesn’t account for a very muscular body.

When someone is extremely muscular, they’ll look thinner than someone who is the same height and weighs the same but isn’t muscular. That’s because a cubic inch of muscle weighs more than a cubic inch of fat tissue. Twenty pounds of fat would require a bigger container than twenty pounds of muscle. A very muscular person might appear to be overweight if you simply looked at his or her BMI, but in reality, would be very fit. It takes additional information to be conclusive about the person’s health and fitness.

How do you find your BMI?

The process is quite simple. There are charts available on the internet. In fact, your health care professional probably has one in his or her office. It’s a shortcut for the doctor. BMI uses a grid where either the weight is across the top of the chart in vertical rows and height is along the side in horizontal rows, or vice versa, and where the row with the height intersects with the row with the weight, that’s the person’s BMI number. When the number is below 18.5, it’s considered underweight, between 18.5 and 24.0 is normal and 25 to 29.9 it’s overweight. Numbers higher than that enter into the realm of obesity.

There are other variants besides the amount of muscle tissue that make BMI less predictive

People who have a larger bone structure will have a higher BMI number, even though they may be fitter. Bone structure and amount of muscle tissue aren’t the only things that need to be considered. Age, gender and how the fat is distributed also make a difference. If you’re relatively thin, but have a huge mid-section, your BMI might not reflect a problem. However, the fat that accumulates around the middle is the most dangerous type of fat for health, called visceral fat, yet the BMI didn’t identify the problem.

  • BMI is just one measure. It’s important to get a thorough assessment of health, including using waist circumference as an indicator. For men with a waist bigger than 40 inches and women with a waist bigger than 34 inches, the risk of serious conditions increases.
  • A newer method called RFM is actually a better indicator of overall health than BMI. It uses a formula that compares height to waist measurement. It can be used in conjunction with BMI.
  • Most doctors still use BMI, as do insurance companies. The reason is that it’s simply easier to do. For doctors, it’s just one starting point with observation and other indicators used.
  • Other tests to check for amount of besides BMI are either more expensive or less reliable. They include underwater weighing, MRI scans and skinfold tests.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio