Fitness & Wellness

Remember Why You Started

Remember Why You Started

To stick with a workout program, it helps to remember why you started. If your goal was for external reasons, such as a spouse encouragement to workout, it may not work. You have to do it because you want to feel good and feel good about yourself in the process. Studies show that people who have internal reasons for exercising and healthy eating, who are doing it for themselves, stick with the program longer and are more successful. That doesn’t mean that getting fit for a class reunion still can’t be a driving force. It can, but will only drive you to the date of the reunion. You may feel so great at that point, your purpose may change to a “just for you” reason.

Don’t expect miracles and stick with it.

You probably won’t find perfection the first, second or any future workouts. You’re a work in progress. Remember that when you want to go full steam and do a zillion push-ups, but find one is too hard. Everyone struggles at first. You should remember not only why you started, but how hard it was when you started. That gives you a good idea of your progress. When you struggle at first, take note and use it as a benchmark to measure future progress.

Just work your hardest and let your body do the rest.

If you’re following your trainer’s instructions and working your hardest, sometimes you just have to have a little faith. I know one client that was amazing. She did everything precisely as I asked and worked like a crazy person. She had great results and when I asked her about it, she said when I told the group that anyone that sticks with the program will get great results. She had failed many times before and was bound and determined disprove my statement, but had to follow every instruction to the letter to do that. She didn’t prove me wrong, but it was the determination to do so that drove her to success. Use whatever works.

Get a visual to help.

People have used dream boards to achieve all types of success. You can use a picture of yourself before you gained the weight and one now, buy clothing in a smaller size and prominently display it or whatever tangible visual works for you. Maybe weight loss isn’t a goal, but endurance and strength is. Fill a bucket until it’s hard to carry more than a few steps and then once a week measure how far you can carry it. You’ll be amazed at your improvement.

Workout with a friend to get extra support and be generous giving it back to them.

If you overate or missed a session at the gym, don’t feel guilty. It’s only one day. Just continue your program as though there were no interruption.

Make working out and eating healthy a habit. That’s tough to do at first, but once you do, you’ll feel odd doing anything different.

Pat yourself on the back occasionally. Give yourself a little credit for all the work you’ve done thus far, rather than thinking you should be doing more. A positive feeling will keep you going to the gym.

Does HIIT Work?

Does HIIT Work?

If you’ve never heard of HIIT—High Intensity Interval Training—you haven’t read much on working out. It’s one of the hottest ways of maximizing your workout time. It involves a rotation between giving any type of exercise a 100 percent effort followed by a period of recovery for an equal or longer time. If you’re a runner, you’d run at top speed for a minute and then jog for one or two and back to top speed again. Not only is this great for achieving cardio fitness faster, since it gets the heart pumping at top speed, but it also helps burn fat fast.

HIIT does the job faster.

You won’t have to workout as long to get the same results. Studies on the HIIT exercise technique show that the results for middle-aged and young healthy individuals were better than other types of endurance training for improving the amount of oxygen brought into the body. It also helped reduce the risk of type II diabetes and improved muscle endurance in record time. While traditional cardio workouts using HIIT may not be great for weight loss, non-traditional ones are.

Circuit training is a combination of strength training and HIIT.

The original HIIT exercises were aimed at running and cardio, but that shouldn’t limit the uses of it. Consider circuit training as a whole body workout. You’re trying to get as many muscles worked in as short of time frame as possible, with a little rest in between. Unlike HIIT, which works to exhaust total energy in a short period, then rest for an equal or longer period, circuit training works one muscle group hard, then allows a quick breather between exercises and works another group of muscles, giving the first rest. It’s more of a total body workout.

The benefit of varying muscle groups and intensity.

By doing both, you’ll not only build muscle strength and endurance, you’ll boost your metabolic rate, too. It provides an afterburn of calories for up to 48 hours after the workout ends. The EPOC—excess post-exercise oxygen consumption occurs after a hard workout to counter-act the deficit of the workout. This deficit occurs with both types of training, so it boosts your metabolic while trying to normalize the body and eliminate the oxygen debt.

You can convert any type of exercise to HIIT training. You don’t have to run or jog. Lifting heavy weights rapidly and then doing the same exercise with lighter weights at a normal pace gives both cardio and strength training.

Do a short version of circuit training using HIIT. Kettlebells work well for this. Your trainer can show you some great exercises.

Why do dancers stay healthy and in shape for so long? They’re actually doing HIIT training on the dance floor. When the band starts up with a fast-paced song, the intensity begins. After two to three minutes, the band stops, allowing the dancer to rest a bit before the next intense session.

Want a HIIT routine you can do at the beach or pool. Swim laps and then rest a bit. Remember, Michael Phelps ate 12,000 calories a day to maintain weight, so it must burn calories.

Get Into Sports As An Adult

Get Into Sports As An Adult

Adult sportsIt doesn’t matter how active or athletic you were in high school or college, it’s time get into sports as an adult. One of the great parts of doing it is that you can prepare for the task even before you choose a sport or find a team. Preparation, of course, is getting your body in shape and fit. As a personal trainer, I create a program specifically for you to do that. It won’t take a long time, but while you’re getting into shape, choose the sport you want to try. I’ll adjust your program to get your body ready for it.

Choosing a team sport is an excellent way to make friends and have fun.

Whether you’re signing up for a team sport at the local Y or joining your work buddies for a company team, you’ll have more fun when you’re working toward a win with other people. Office teams build a good relationship amongst coworkers and creates a better working environment. If you’re getting your body ready ahead of time, you’ll surprise them with your athletic ability, endurance and strength.

Maybe it’s not a sport, just an athletic endeavor.

Competitive dancing is sure athletic, but some may not class it as a sport. I do. It works your body out to the max and rewards you for your effort with a good performance. Dancers tend to live longer and healthier than others and that’s important, since you can dance well into your 70s and even 80s. You can take lessons at a dance studio and often find a partner to dance with there if you don’t have a significant other. It’s social, it’s fun, you can do it anywhere and it keeps you fit.

Swim, ski or run to beat the competition.

Swimming, skiing or running usually have age groups and/or levels of proficiency. If you’re a beginning woman skier in the older age bracket, the chances of winning a trophy are pretty great, since you won’t have much competition. Not only are all these sports good for your body, the competition gives you a goal. It makes running more exciting if you’re training or in a race, which adds extra motivation to train.

Getting into sports can include hiking and rock climbing. Hiking gives you a serene look at the great out of doors. Most newbies to rock climbing do it inside where it’s safer to make a mistake.

It’s not always easy to find a team if you want to get into competitive team sports. Sometimes you can go to the park or local school and find people shooting hoops. There are also several football, softball and baseball leagues for adults in most areas.

Ironman competitions are the ultimate in fitness. There are a wide variety of other types of challenges like these that will satisfy your urge for competition and comradery while challenging your body to tough workouts on the way.

Whether it’s a team or a solo sport, finding something you love to do is not only good for the body, it’s good for the soul.

Motivate Yourself To Get Fit

Motivate Yourself To Get Fit

motivate yourselfThe human brain is wired to find the easiest method of doing something. If it weren’t, we wouldn’t have all the labor saving devices. That’s one reason it’s so hard to start and stick with a program of exercise and also one huge reason most of America could use a program. In order to achieve success, you have motivate yourself to get fit. That motivation shouldn’t be in the form of food, particularly if that was always the reward for doing good when you were a child. You need to dig deep and find the perfect motivation.

Watch active kids have fun.

I had to preface with the word active, because too often kids today tie their fun to their cell phone, I-pad or computer. Many never get out and run in the sun or play basketball or dodgeball on the playground. When active kids are playing hard, you’ll hear squeals of laughter because they’re having fun. They’re also exercising. Take a cue from these kids and find something you enjoy doing and people who you enjoy doing it with. That’s one reason group training is so effective. It’s fun and social so you’re more apt to continue.

Do it for your family.

Sure, you should always create your own goals, but that doesn’t mean your motivation can’t be your family. Whether getting into shape is a way of having more energy to play and do fun things with them, live longer and watch them grow or set a great example of what you can achieve when you set your mind to something, your family is powerful motivation.

Set a goal…and then another…and then another…and then another.

I know that’s one of the things I asked you when you signed up was your goal. It’s extremely important to have one. It challenges you to continue even when you’re ready to take a break from working out. Have several goals that lead to the ultimate “OMG, I never thought I could do it” goal. If you want to make it dramatic, choose a special event to have the unveiling of the “new” you.

I love this motivation from one of my clients. She’s meticulous in her personal care and won’t let wash her hair unless it’s at the gym or after working out at home.

Write down the reason you started working out and look at it every day. Sometimes after a week or so, people forget their reason. It’s good to have a reminder available.

Work out with a supportive group of people. That’s one reason working out at Iron Fit gets such great results. Everyone is helpful, supportive and striving to reach a goal.

Take it one day at a time. When you first start working out, don’t think of how long it will take you to get back into shape. Focus on just that workout and doing it your best. Take each day at a time.

Foods To Eat That Build Muscle

Foods To Eat That Build Muscle

foods that build muscleHealthy eating should be a goal for everyone, but some people want specific goals, such as losing weight or building muscle tissue. They often ask about foods to eat that build muscle, so I’ve prepared a list of some of my favorite muscle building foods that many of you have requested. One of the first on the list is lean meat. Lean meat, such as lean beef or skinless chicken shoould be a staple in your diet when muscle building is part of your program. Lean beef provides iron, zinc and vitamin B, plus high quality protein and amino acids. Skinless chicken is also good, aiding in building muscle tissue, while also lower in calories.

Dairy, such as cottage cheese, yogurt, milk and whey protein are great muscle tissue builders.

Like Little Miss Muffet, you can eat your curds and whey and grow big muscles. Curds, such as cottage cheese and whey are both milk products and contain a super rich source of amino acids necessary for building strong muscles. Unlike Miss Muffet, there will be no tuffet sitting at Iron Cross. You have to workout to add to the healthy eating if you want muscles.

Check the hen house for the next source.

Just like meat and other animal products, eggs are a good source of good protein. They contain nine essential amino acids to help build muscle tissue, choline—which is neither a vitamin or mineral, but a water soluble nutrient that helps improve liver function, is important to nerve and brain functioning, supports muscle movement, energy levels and metabolism. Eggs contain healthy fat and vitamin D. They give you the most bang for your grocery dollar if you’re budgeting and steak from grassfed beef is out of the question.

Let’s try some vegetarian options.

Beets are excellent sources of trmethylglycine—betaine, which improves liver functioning and joint repair. More recent clinical studies show it also is invaluable for increasing muscle power. Break out the borscht and build some muscle tissue. There are some very good recipes using beets that would be great additions to any meal. Oranges, canteloupe and other fruits and vegetables also provide necessary nutrients to build muscles quicker.

Try adding some brown rice to the menu. Brown rice boost the levels of GH—growth hormones. These are important to build lean muscle tissue and build strength.

Get a slow-digesting carb and protein in one with quinoa. This has growth factor-1 that builds lean muscles.

Popeye used it for building muscles and you should too. Spinach has the amino acid glutamine that plays an important role in building lean muscles.

Ezekial 4:9 bread helps build muscles in Biblical proportions. It’s name is actually taken from a Bible verse “Take wheat and barley, beans and lentils, millet and spelt; put them in a storage jar and use them to make bread for yourself.” It contains organic sprouted grains, legumes and is a complete protein since it contains all nine amino acids.

Ready To Transform Yourself?

Ready To Transform Yourself?

When you transform yourself by getting into shape, you’ll notice the difference in how you look and feel, but there are other transformations going on besides just the physical. I’ve watched hundreds of clients lose weight and look fantastic afterward, but I’ve also seen an amazing transformation in their whole outlook on life. Many have more confidence and often become more outgoing. Those who were understress look and act like a weight was lifted from their shoulders. They may lose weight and inches, but they’re gaining so much more in the process.

Shedding pounds and becoming mentally tough is part of the transformation.

Mental toughness does NOT mean you turn a blind eye to those in need. Instead, it means you learn how to power through times when you feel like quitting, but continue anyway. That’s one of the attributes our clients develop when they stick to the workout schedule and see results. Many people come in feeling like failures because they’ve dieted or started workout programs before but after a few weeks, their dedication ended. We provide the motivation to help you through that tough time. Seriously, some times all it takes is having someone you’re accountable to that makes a program successful.

Confidence increases the fitter you become.

I don’t know which plays the largest role in this occurring, the confidence that occurs because you know you look great, the confidence from achieving a goal or simply the improved posture that makes you look and ultimately feel more confident. It doesn’t matter, the results are the same. Our clients find that after a few months of working out, they feel better about themselves and are ready to take on new challenges.

You’ll be more positive.

That’s right, your attitude toward life will improve when you workout regularly. One of the reasons is that you burn off the hormones created by stress that can leave you feeling angry with a knot in the pit of your stomach. Another reason is the hormones, such as dopamine, endorphins, serotonin and oxytocin are released due to exercise. These are happy hormones that leave you feeling content.

You’ll transform your overall health when you workout regularly. One study showed that for every minute you exercise, it extends your life 7 minutes. There are many other studies showing the health benefits of working out.

Your skin will look more youthful. Exercise increases circulation and the production of antioxidants that protect the skin cells. The increased circulation brings oxygen and nutrients to all cells in the body.

You’ll have more energy, so you’ll want to be more active. You’ll look for new adventures at the end of the day because of the extra energy. That makes for more fun in your life.

You’ll transform your sex life too. Exercise makes both males and females more passionate because of the increased energy, improved appearance and better mental attitude.

What Do You Know About Circuit Training?

What Do You Know About Circuit Training?

Circuit training isn’t a specific exercise, but rather a method of exercising. When you’re doing circuit training you move quickly through several different types of exercises or stations quickly. The types of exercises work various muscle groups, either to build strength or flexibility. There’s little time to rest between stations, so you’ll be getting a cardio workout too. One of the huge benefits of circuit training is that it adjusts easily to all levels of fitness. You set the pace for your exercise, even if you do have to move to the next station when time is called.

We’ll build your strength while burning the fat.

Circuit training is tough, but it also is one of the best ways to work the whole body, get all types of exercise and burn fat quickly. Our program was developed in San Antonio and you won’t find it anywhere else. We use this type of circuit training because it really works. You may be swinging kettlebells one minute then switch to kickboxing or pushing a tire. One thing is certain, you’ll never have time to be bored.

It’s musical chairs for fitness.

The time doing the exercise doesn’t last long and you be starting the next one. It’s super fast paced and effective. I choose the appropriate weights, number of reps and exercises to match your level of fitness. You compete with yourself for speed. You won’t get much rest between stations, but you’ll soon find your endurance will build enough you won’t need as much as when you first started.

You’ll burn calories and boost your metabolism.

HIIT—high-intensity interval training also called ciruit training, is a calorie burning inferno, but it does much more. It causes afterburn. That means for up to 48 hours after you finish your circuit training you’ll be boosting your metabolism and burning extra calories. The great part of the training is that you’ll never be stuck on the same machine or same exercise. I vary the exercises and the equipment you use. You don’t have to do the exercises in a strict order either, so there’s no waiting for a machine or equipment.

Iron Fit is not a box gym or part of a chain, so you get the personalized attention you deserve.

Since circuit training is so fast paced, you’ll achieve a lot in a short amount of time. There’s no reason to spend hours in the gym when you get good results in far less time.

I watch to insure you have the right form and technique on each exercise. Doing an exercise wrong can minimize the benefits and may even cause injury.

Once you start building muscle tissue, your body will burn more calories 24/7. That’s because muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does.

Get Your Best Body Ever

Get Your Best Body Ever

best body everGetting the best body ever isn’t easy, but it is possible. It isn’t easy, but it isn’t impossible, especially when you have the right fitness program. At Iron Fit, we help you achieve your goal with circuit training that’s sure to get the results you want. It won’t take long before you’ll start to notice a distinct improvement with more muscle tissue and less fat. You’ll shed extra pounds quickly, while building muscles, endurance and range of motion.

The toughest part is at the first.

The toughest part is at the beginning. While you’ll notice you feel better within a few days, with energy to spare and a new determination, by the end of ten days, you’ll start to see that determination falter. It’s natural. While you have more energy, the workout never seems easier and your body looks pretty much the same. That’s why it’s so hard and it’s also why taking measurements is so important. It’s also the time you’ll be making a lifestyle change where exercise becomes part of your daily life.

Once you start shedding pounds, you’ll see results snowball.

Those first few pounds you lost will start to snowball into amazing weight loss. The Iron Fit program builds muscle tissue fast. It requires more calories to maintain that fat tissue. That means the more muscle tissue you have, the faster you’ll burn calories. It causes you to burn extra calories 24/7, so effectively, you’ll be boosting your metabolism, making weight loss even easier. The more you workout, the more muscle tissue you’ll build and the easier it is to shed those extra pounds.

While your weight may not change much at first, your measurements certainly will.

Since muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch, you could stay the same weight and still lose a clothing size or two. That’s because muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does. It’s like comparing the containers necessary to hold a pound of feathers with one containing a pound of steel. The one containing the pound of steel will be far smaller. Your body will become your steel container, stronger, more shapely and with far less girth.

Those first few weeks will be hard but we’ll help keep you motivated. We know once you see how great circuit training works, you’ll be dedicated to continue.

Besides getting the best body ever, you’ll be boosting your energy to amazing levels. What you felt was impossible to do before will become easy.

Circuit training is never boring, you’re always doing something and there’s never any waiting.

You’ll be in and out of the gym in a hurry. That’s why busy people love circuit training. It gets fast results in less time.

Do You Have Fitness Goals

Do You Have Fitness Goals

%image_alt%If you have fitness goals, you’ll find it far easier and a lot more motivating. Just deciding you’ll get into shape isn’t a goal, since you can’t measure your success or even know when you’ve reached your goals. A fitness goal is like a road map with a specific destination. You know where you start and where your trip ends, so plotting out the journey to reach it is far easier. When you weigh in and get a physical assessment when you first start, you have the starting point of your destination. Your ultimate fitness goal is your ultimate destination.

Just like a trip, you’ll have stops along the way to break up the journey.

These highlighted areas along the way to break up the long journey. In fitness goals, these are actually mini-goals. Driving across the country can seem far longer if you don’t have specific stops along the way to mark your progress. The same is true of getting fit. Having mini-goals that are easier to reach keep you motivated. That’s why tracking your progress is so important.

You’ll know when you’ve arrived at your destination when you take a trip, the same is true of fitness goals.

While you might want to create a new goal, achieving your first one is a momentous occasion. It means you’ve worked your hardest, stuck to the process and did what it takes to get your body back into shape. That goal will be different for everyone. It may be having a certain percentage of boy fat or a certain weight. Some people create a clothing size goal or use their belt notch setting to measure their progress. Whatever your ultimate goal, make it something exciting.

Don’t forget a time frame for your goal.

I like to use 12-weeks for most goals, but you can create a less aggressive goal for a month. The goal must be reasonable. So for those using the one month time frame, a huge loss in that short amount of time is far to optimistic. Make your goal a reach, make it exciting. Shedding one pound in a month certainly isn’t exciting and far less than you can expect to lose working out with our program.

When you have goals, the more ambitious they are, the harder they are to reach, but the more rewarding they are when you do. For huge weight-loss goals, adopt a healthy eating plan while you workout.

You can use health issues to measure your achievement. For instance, if you have higher blood pressure, a goal to lower it to normal could be exactly what you need. Always keep close contact with your health care provider, particularly if you’re taking medications that may need to be adjusted when you start to improve.

You’ll sleep better at night and have more energy during the day even before you reach your goal. That can help you get more work done at home and on the job, making the time at the gym even more valuable.

People will notice the difference in your body within the first 30 days. Your confidence level will soar.

Get Stronger

Get Stronger

%image_alt%There’s a reason many people are working to get stronger. Not only does it make them look great, it makes them feel great too. Getting stronger involves working on endurance too. Not everyone that starts on the journey with a great body and crazy athletic skills. In fact, most of my clients are out of shape in the beginning and the most athletic thing they do is mow the lawn or carry full dishes to the table. They’re often scared, but still brave enough to put themselves on the line and try something new. That’s a quality I appreciate and respect.

Strength training isn’t just lifting weight.

I love circuit training to build strength. It not only is varied, it’s fun. It also provides a workout for other areas of fitness, such as endurance and flexibility. You can go as fast as you want from station to station, so you’ll always be working at your own pace. You’ll never feel left behind, since you’re only competing against your personal best.

Getting strong provides benefits for weight loss.

Not only do you burn an incredible amount of calories while you’re doing circuit training, you’ll also be building muscle tissue. Muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance, so as you build it, your body burns more and more calories 24/7. You’ll give your metabolism a boost, making weight loss even easier to achieve. You’ll also look thinner, even if you don’t shed a pound. Muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue does, so when you replace a pound of fat with a pound of muscle, you appear thinner.

If you want to be healthier, this type of training can help.

Studies show that any form of exercise can help prevent certain conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, high cholesterol and even some forms of cancer. Strength training is also good to help prevent osteoporosis. In fact, one study showed that weight bearing exercise can slow it better than some medications and may even reverse it.

Always check with your health care professionals before starting any exercise program. Once you get the go ahead, make sure you alert me to your situation. I can modify the program to meet your needs.

You’ll get better results if you eat a healthy diet that includes more whole foods and fewer processed ones.

You’ll improve your energy level and be more active even when you’re not at the gym, which burns additional calories. It also gives you more energy to have fun with your family and do active things with the kids.

Your posture will improve and you’ll walk taller, not only looking more confident, but feeling more confident too. People will notice the difference.