Fitness & Wellness

Your Body Knows Before Your Mind Does

Your Body Knows Before Your Mind Does

If you have a relationship with your body, you probably know things that other people don’t know. That’s because your body knows before your mind does. There are often visual cues, tell-tale signs people see, but the processing in the brain is slow. Even scents can create quick emotional responses. The nervous system, your somatic body, doesn’t think. It simply sends signals to react. Paying attention to body cues that range from hair raising on the arms or a feeling like a punch in the gut to feeling good when talking about taking a new job all are giving you important cues.

Anyone that exercises has heard a trainer say, “listen to your body.”

One sure way to get injured is to ignore the messages from your body that are screaming at you to stop. They come in the form of intense pain and can be good indicators that you’re working out too hard, doing something wrong or or attempting something it’s not ready to perform. While your mind may try to dismiss it, you later realize you should have listened, as you’re waiting for your injuries to heal.

Can you avoid other dangers, not at the gym?

I had a client who was very aware of her body signals, although she just called it her extra sense. She made in-home appointments and when knocking on the door of one of those homes, heard a voice in the background, saying “Come in, it’s unlocked.” As she reached for the door, she felt her tell-tale sign that something was wrong, It felt like a hard punch to the stomach. The voice kept talking from the other room, but she remained by the door, luckily. In the middle of the conversation the person attached to the voice appeared. It was a large grown man, completely naked. She was out of the door and into her car in seconds. Was she in danger? Her body thought so and it was probably right. Everyone has had those instances where the body feels the danger before it registers in the brain.

Learn to get in touch with the messages your body sends.

Your body and your senses have a lot to offer. They can provide those primitive messages that kept prehistoric man safe. You can feel someone watching you or smell the scent of anger. These senses enter the nervous system and can trigger a response. Your body can instantly sense these chemo-signals. Signals from body language are often overlooked by the mind, but not by the body. Most of all, your body is constantly sending you signals to help you live a happier life, You can get more in touch with your body in a number of ways. Try mindfulness or meditation.

  • Yoga and dance are also good to get you more in touch with your body. Don’t do formal dancing, but more primal, to fast music and just appreciate how good it feels for each muscle to move. You’re learning to understand body speak.
  • Do deep breathing exercises or take a walk in nature to start getting in touch with your body speak.
  • When you workout, keep your mind focused on how each movement feels, rather than planning the dinner menu. You can use your workout time to get more in touch with the messages from the body.

Longevity Is The New "Anti-Aging"

Longevity Is The New “Anti-Aging”

If you’ve read much on health issues, you’ll notice the focus has changed. Now longevity has overtaken the “Anti-Aging” mantra for most people. Living longer means doing everything necessary for a healthier life. It means eating healthy, getting adequate exercise and sleep and avoid negative behavior such as drinking too much, smoking, using illegal drugs and stress-giving behavior.

It’s not all about genes.

You may have won the genetic lottery, but that doesn’t automatically guarantee longevity. In fact, longevity only plays approximately a 30 percent role in the length of your life. More and more the research shows that what you do, your attitude and your environment play a major role in just how long you live. Something as simple as getting adequate sleep can help prevent serious conditions that affect your longevity. Often the habits we establish as children with parents as examples have the biggest effect on our health, rather than the actual genetic makeup.

It may be all about telomeres.

What are telomeres? They’re like aglets—those little plastic tubes at the end of shoelaces. Aglets help prevent the shoelace from unraveling and telomeres cap off DNA strands and prevent it from being damaged. As each cell replicates itself, the telomeres get shorter, creating the potential for cell death or damage more probable. The length of telomeres dictates the biological, not the chronological age, of a person. If cells are damaged or die, they can’t replicate and that’s how aging or disease takes place.

Strong mitochondria are also important for longevity.

Your cells get all their fuel from mitochondria. It’s like the battery pack for the cell or the tiny furnace. The stronger your mitochondria is, the stronger your body and brain is. When the quality of the mitochondria or activity declines, you see the changes in the body that are associated with aging and diseases You can lengthen telomeres with habits like exercising regularly, reducing and controlling stress, eating a healthy diet and practicing mindfulness or meditation.

  • HIIT is one way to help boost the production and efficiency of mitochondria. So is eating anti-inflammatory foods. The simple four-minute nitric oxide dump exercise may also give your mitochondria a boost.
  • Simply taking a walk in the sunshine can also boost longevity. While there are dangers of too much sun, you need some to create the vitamin D necessary for healthier functioning. Smart exposure is important.
  • Get social. Good relationships, laughing and smiling more are also linked to longevity. So is an active sex life.

Have You Tried Kombucha

Have You Tried Kombucha

Kombucha has been around for a long time, but it’s never been so prominent in Western civilization as it is recently. It’s a probiotic drink that is made from a sweet green and black tea that’s laced with “a symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast,” often referred to as SCOBY. Let’s say, it’s not pretty when it brews. It looks a bit like a flat mushroom pancake floating on top and smells a bit vinegary when you drink it. In fact, I’ve found a few Kombucha looking leftovers in the recesses of my refrigerator when I’ve given it a thorough cleaning. The SCOBY ferments the tea and the final product is Kombucha.

Just like other probiotic products, Kombucha has many health benefits.

The fermentation process boosts the healthy bacteria in the tea, just a fermentation boosts it in yogurt or sauerkraut. These bacteria help the digestive tract and by doing so boost your immune system. It’s estimated that about 80 percent of the immune system is contained in the gut. The healthy bacteria also help digest and absorb nutrients, while fighting infection and disease. It also contains potent antioxidants that not only prevent free radicals from damaging cells, they also prevent inflammation that is at the core of many serious conditions.

Keeping your digestive system healthy is a high priority.

As noted before, it boosts the health of the digestive system. There’s a lot of discussion today about the combination of bacteria, yeast and other microbes that create the ultimate healthy group for digestion. The answer that always occurs is that there is no one combination, but rather a broad view of the ratios that help people stay their healthiest, each person has different needs. However, even with that broad view, it’s also known that too much yeast causes Candida and the health problems that occur with the overgrowth and too many pathogen—bad bacteria—cause illness. Like yogurt, kombucha can create a healthier balance.

Kombucha may help manage diabetes and prevent damage.

There’s research that kombucha may actually be helpful for diabetics, contrary to previous belief it should be avoided. It should be kombucha with a lower amount of sugar. If it’s made from green or black tea, it actually is more efficient at providing protection than the actual tea from which it’s made. It can help kidney and liver functioning, slowed the digestion of carbohydrates and reduced blood sugar levels.

  • Kombucha is heart healthy and can lower cholesterol and triglycerides.
  • You can protect your liver with kombucha. The liver performs many functions necessary to good health, including filtering out harmful substances. Kombucha has high antioxidants that can protect the liver and also aid in the prevention of damage from acetaminophen overdose.
  • It is a powerful antibacterial agent. When you consider that penicillin came from mold, it’s not too difficult to picture how the good bacteria in kombucha can help fight bad bacteria.
  • Kombucha is known to help not only your mental state, but also the lungs. It contains B12 that helps mental well being.

Supplements Are Not The Answer

Supplements Are Not The Answer

One of the amazing things about studies, is that they often come up with contradictory results. While one study found that people who used supplements were often healthier, other studies show they have no effect. What’s the reason for that contradiction? A third study showed that people who used supplements also exercised regularly, ate healthy meals and did other things, like not smoking or drinking in moderation, that kept them healthier. There is logic to the reason that supplements are not the answer. It comes from the chemical interactions that occur when you eat whole foods and the way the supplements were made.

Whole foods contain many different nutrients.

Consider the blueberry, its chemicals and nutrients have been studied as a tool for helping with a number of conditions. One study showed the anthocyanin—the phytochemical in blueberries that makes them blue—helps prevent cancer, but isolating it proved to be not as effective. The reason for that contradiction? I’m not a chemist, but logic tells me it isn’t just one phytochemical or phytonutrient in the berry that makes it work, it’s the synergy amongst all the nutrients. Rather than popping a vitamin, pop a few blueberries in your smoothie.

Fiber isn’t part of many supplements.

Fiber is so important for both weight loss and good health. It gives you a feeling of fullness. Dietary fiber also helps you eliminate toxins and takes the bloat away. It lowers the risk of many different types of cancer too. Supplements like a multivitamin, simply don’t provide that fiber the body requires. They often lack the micronutrients that are known to be important substances to improve health. Even more so, every day new studies discover the importance of these micronutrients that often aren’t found in multiple vitamins.

Whole food contain antioxidants that help prevent aging.

Antioxidants protect cells and cell death and damage leads not only to illness, but also aging. While whole foods contain these health giving nutrients, many supplements don’t. Even though vitamin A and vitamin C are antioxidants, whole foods contain other substaances that can boost their effect or change the way the body uses them.

  • Many of the nutrients provided in vitamin supplements are manmade and not easy to digest. They often fail to break down in the system and are often flushed away in the toilet.
  • It’s far easier to overdose on supplements than it is to overdose on the same nutrient in whole foods. You’d simply have to eat far too much. Vitamin A, for instance, comes from beta-carotene. The body will only convert as much as it needs.
  • Some dietary supplements are beneficial for people with special dietary needs. You need to remember that their name says it all. It’s a supplement, not a substitute for whole food.
  • If you’re trying to boost your nutritional intake, toss extra herbs and spices into your dishes. They’re relatively inexpensive compared o supplements—especially if you grow your own. You can also add them to vinegar, allow it to sit and use that as a lower calorie dressing.

Create Healthier Meals With Herbs And Spices

Create Healthier Meals With Herbs And Spices

I love my job. I get to see so many interesting people and learn so much from my clients that it’s amazing and fun. I have one woman who I would rank right up there when it comes to eating healthy. She grows much of her own food and raises herbs, too. She’s a wealth of knowledge when it comes to adding herbs to meals. She even gave me several ideas on how I can create healthier meals with herbs and spices. Her approach was simple. She cut herbs every morning, put them in a glass and when she made supper, just threw in a few with each dish. I took it a step further, since I don’t grow my own, but should. Here are some ways to use herbs and their health benefits.

Basil comes in a lot of different varieties.

There are an endless amount of varieties of basil. Sweet basil is the most common variety and is often used in pesto. Genovese basil is also used in popular Italian dishes. Thai basil with its licorice flavor graces Asian dishes. Lemon and lime basil are great for desserts and fish. I also use lemon basil with pork. I love smelling cinnamon basil, but also adding it to my favorite healthy chili dish. Each one has a different taste and slightly different nutritional and health benefits. On the whole, basil is an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It contains cinnamanic acid, which studies show helps to enhance circulation, improve breathing if you have a respiratory disorder and stabilize blood sugar. If you have an abundance of basil, throw a few extra leaves in your salad for more flavor and nutrition. It contains vitamin A, K, C, Magnesium, iron, potassium and calcium with almost no calories.

Chives are so rewarding and you can eat the flowers.

A number of studies have been done with chives on its effects as a cancer fighter. It’s shown to reduce the risk of several types of caner when consumed regularly. It also contains choline that helps with brain functions, muscle movements and sleep and can help build bones with the vitamin K, while also reducing inflammation. Add them to almost any main dish for additional oniony flavor. Use both the stems and flowers in salads. Chives contain folate, calcium, magnesium, vitamin K, phosphorus, choline and potassium, but hardly any calories. One tablespoon is about one calorie.

With Coriander, you get a two-fer.

If you grow coriander and cut the stems early, you’ll have cilantro. Let them go to seed and you have coriander seed. It’s amazing, but cilantro, the leaves, have higher vitamin content and corriander has a higher mineral content. Cilantro contains higher amounts of vitamins A, K and E and the seeds, coriander, had more copper, phosphorous, selenium, potassium, zinc, manganese, iron, magnesium and calcium. Pair coriander with fruit and cruciferous vegetables. Use cilantro in stir fry and of course, salsa and guacamole.

  • You don’t have to follow a recipe to get the benefits of herbs. Try throwing them in a salad or add to stir fry at the last minute before serving.
  • Lemon balm is from the mint family, so if you grow it, it will spread, but mostly by seeding. It’s a great addition to dishes with fish, sea food and even with asparagus. Anywhere you’d use lemon, lemon balm can boost the flavor. It has a number health benefits. Use it for a refreshing summer tea.
  • Fennel is a favorite of mine. It’s beautiful soft ferny fronds create a great display. It smells like licorice and I’ve eaten both the leaves and seeds to settle my stomach. You can also eat the bulb. It contains sodium, potassium, Vitamin A, C, B6, E, K, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, manganese, niacin, folate, choline, lutein and pantothenic acid.
  • Lemon grass, rosemary, thyme, sage and many other herbs add extra nutrition to every dish. The curcumin in turmeric has also been studied for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. It’s even been researched as a possible cure for Alzheimer’s.

Give Yourself A Fitness Summer Surprise

Give Yourself A Fitness Summer Surprise

Give Yourself a Fitness Summer Surprise Create Healthier Meals with Herbs and SpicesSupplements Are Not the Answer (ATTN: Not for Long Island Guy that sells them)

It’s summer and traditionally the time to have fun. Sure, we all have a work week yet, but our minds still remember the fun of summer vacation when we were still back in school. Just because the boss says you can’t take the summer off, it doesn’t mean that you can’t make it more fun. You can give yourself a fitness summer surprise that will make this summer more memorable and help you reach your fitness goals.

Take up a new sport!

I have an older client that tells about his summer of hang gliding, as though it were yesterday. It happened quite a long time ago when the sport was young. He and a group of others would carry their kites up a large local sand dune, jump off and soar in the wind. This guy is pretty muscular and gives the credit for building his muscles to carrying that fifty pound kite up the dunes thirty times a day. It got him started on the path to regular exercise. You don’t have to hang glide to do something different. Just make it active and something you might end up passionate about. Make your summer surprise a pass to several new adventures that help you get fitter while having fun.

Go on a weekend safari.

Put on your pith helmet and get out the butterfly net. It’s time to stalk big game, or maybe birds and butterflies. Take adventure walks to spot local wildlife or search for rock specimens for a collection. Rent or borrow a metal detector and hunt for hidden treasures. I know of an older man that used to go out early in the morning and walk to the area where there are drive through windows, searching with his metal detector for money and other finds. He also used it under the bleachers after sporting events. He walked everywhere he searched, which was his way of getting exercise.

Give yourself a fitness gift for motivation.

It can be as simple as purchasing a low cost wrist band that identifies your heart rate, which is perfect for anyone doing HIIT workouts or a pedometer. These are relatively low cost items and often cheaper than a Starbucks a day for a week. If you aren’t already working out at Iron Fit signing up for circuit training could be a great gift. For those mothers who are members, signing up your children for Youth Summer Camp could be a great way to free your workout time and get the whole family fit.

  • If you’ve reached a fitness goal, even if the goal is just to workout for four weeks, buy yourself a new workout outfit. Looking good can boost your confidence and provide more incentive to go to the gym.
  • Give yourself the ultimate summer fitness surprise. Start eating healthier and working out. At the end of summer, you’ll see a whole new you.
  • Create a summer buffet of healthy food. Spend just an hour planning quick, but healthy summer meals you can make ahead. You’ll sometimes find them already planned on the internet. Surprise yourself every night with a new meal that only takes minutes of work to get from refrigerator or freezer to the table.
  • Treat yourself to a luxury. You don’t have to accomplish anything, reach any goal or do anything special to give yourself a gift of luxury this summer. Consider a day at the spa, a massage or anything you’ve always wanted but didn’t consider it a necessity. Make it a Christmas gift to yourself from yourself in July.

No Time For A Long Workout? There's Good News

No Time For A Long Workout? There’s Good News

Everyone seems to be busy here in San Antonio. I hear the excuse that there’s no time to exercise at least three times a day. The good news is that you don’t have to do a long workout to reap rewards. In fact, on those days you’re thoroughly bombed throughout the day, you don’t even have to come to the gym. If you find yourself in that super busy group, whether it’s just for now or continuously, your personal trainer will be happy to help you find ways to supplement your gym time and exercises to do on your own. Here are a few of the alternatives you can do when you’re swamped with work, on vacation or throughout the off day at the gym.

It only takes 30 minutes a day to get health benefits.

Even better than that, you don’t have to do it all at once. Conventional wisdom tells us that breaking that thirty minutes down to ten minute segments might be easier to fit into your schedule. You could take a brisk ten minute walk in the morning, walk to lunch (don’t forget to take the stairs) and take a ten minute walk when you get home. Your trainer can also provide a quick workout in the morning that just takes ten minutes, but works all the body parts.

Do you walk 10,000 steps a day?

There’s nothing like a little technology to keep you honest AND interested in working out. I love the pedometers that you can wear all day. It reminds you just how much or little you move throughout the day. In fact, one of the people that workout here bought an inexpensive one on a whim. She said she was surprised at just how little she moved throughout the day. Periodically, she’d walk in place, take the stairs or park further from the store just to boost the number of steps she took the previous day. On those days you’re too busy to workout, just make sure you take 10,000 steps a day.

There’s a theory you can get a good workout in four minutes—done three times a day.

I’m always learning new things and interested in all things pertaining to good health. When I saw a video from Dr. Zach Bush called the four minute Nitric Oxide Dump, it made me immediately think of some of my busy clients. While this type of workout definitely won’t replace an hour at the gym, doing it three times a day can definitely boost your overall fitness. You do four exercises ten times for each set and do three sets each time. It burns off the nitric oxide and takes 2 hours to replenish it, so it can be done every two hours three times a day. You can do these ANYWHERE! The four exercises are squats, snow angel, tin soldier and military press. All these look simple, but by the third set, you’ll be breathing hard. BTW, you MUST breathe through your nose to maximize the benefits.

  • For those with children or grandchildren, adding more movement to the day can be as simple as taking ten minutes periodically to play tag, b-ball or other quick game. It not helps keep you in shape, it creates a moment in time they’ll always remember.
  • Consider riding a bike from the house to the train station and from the train station to work. Especially in the city, the bike is often faster than driving a car. Including quick trips by bike or on foot rather than taking a car can improve your fitness plan.
  • Is your scheduled really so packed that there’s no time to workout? Look at it again and see if you can’t schedule a workout in the morning before work or use your lunchtime to workout.
  • Nobody is asking you to completely give up TV, but consider the time you spend watching. You can multitask by walking in place or on a treadmill while your favorite show is playing and do body weight exercises during commercial. Your personal trainer will help create a routine.

The Key To Getting Fit

The Key To Getting Fit

If you’re looking for one magic key to getting fit, you’re going to be very disappointed with this article. There’s no one key to a successful program, but several important keys. The first one to fitness is getting started. No matter who I talk to, most people who have led a sedentary life find they spend a huge amount of time planning and reading about working out before they actually start. So, the very first key is to begin! Don’t wait to find the perfect workout or even wait until you have time to come in for an evaluation with a personal trainer. Start with something simple, like going for a walk after dinner.

Now that you’re moving, sit down and decide what your fitness goals are.

I know we always start you off, first with an assessment and then by helping to create a goal, before you ever begin a workout, but that’s when we’re creating your plan. For people working out on their own, just moving should be a starter. Once you’re moving, you need to decide what you want to achieve to create a plan that gets the best results.

Create the steps to reach your goals.

Those steps may include eating healthier with a specific whole food diet and a workout program that’s tough, but still doable. Some people who workout at this gym have tried a number of videos to help them on their quest. Unfortunately, the videos don’t jump out and wait for you to put them in the DVD and you aren’t held accountable if you miss a session. That brings me to a super important key to getting fit.

Stick with it.

Consistency, consistency, consistency!!! That’s the real key to fitness. Making sure you eat healthy and sticking with a plan of action even when you might feel discouraged or aren’t seeing results. Stick with it! You don’t have to have a sophisticated plan, like we’d provide you with at the gym. That just helps you achieve your goal faster. One man could barely walk because of his overwhelming obesity. In fact, the doctor told him he’d soon be crippled and then die. He started a program of exercise…well kind of a program of exercise. He opened his door and walked from his door to the curb, gasping for breath. Each week he went a little further and in a couple of years, became a distance runner, shedding several hundred pounds on his journey.

Personal trainers can provide a plan that will help you reach your goals quicker, which is why they’re so popular, but only you can achieve your fitness goals by carrying out those plans.

  • Make sure you include activities you enjoy each week, such as dancing, tennis or even walking. They provide great exercise and keep you moving, while helping you achieve your goals.
  • Look into some of the shorter exercise techniques if you’re stressed for time, such as HIIT.
  • Find a workout buddy. Exercising with a friend are not only fun, they can boost your motivation and keep you accountable. It’s one reason we do group workout sessions.
  • Find ways new ways to exercise that provide a total body workout, such as using kettlebells. They’re fun and produce great results quickly.

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

Benefits Of Intermittent Fasting

I love to discuss a variety of different ideas on fitness in the blogs. Some I agree with, some I don’t, but explain why and some are interesting concepts that make me stop and think. Intermittent fasting is on the cusp of agreement and interesting for a variety of reasons AND depending how it’s done. Some people do water fasts for days, stating it cleanses their bodies and helps them get back to metabolic normal. Others simply eat all their meals in a eight hour window, ending early one evening and starting later the next day. For instance, the final meal for the day might be at 5 o’clock on Wednesday and the next meal is at 9 am on Thursday. They haven’t really missed a meal, but did actually fast for 16 hours.

There are other more restrictive types of intermittent fasting.

While I rather like the 16/8 fast there are a number of ways to fast. Aside from the water fast, which can last for days, particularly at supervised medical facilities, most of the other fasts aren’t really total fasts but modified eating plans. These plans require you to eat smaller, super low calorie meals on one day or two with normal eating on the other days. The Warrior fast allows you to eat a light amount during the day, like a piece of fruit or two and a huge meal in the evening. I understand why some of the concepts aid weight loss, but seriously, like the 16/8 fast the most.

Intermittent fasting can cause healthy changes in your body.

Insulin levels in your blood drop when you’re fasting. That can increase the amount of fat your body will burn. When you fast, even for a short a period as 16 hours, your body starts repairing itself at the cellular level and removing cellular waste material. Gene’s for longevity change beneficially and the amount of HGH—human growth hormone—increase in the blood. The higher the levels of HGH, the more potential for fat burning and muscle building.

Chronic diseases can potentially be reduced.

Oxidative stress and inflammation are often one of the causes of chronic disease and definitely adds to the aging of the body. A number of studies not only show that intermittent fasting can be a proponent for your body, helping to reduce inflammation, while also improving the body’s resistance to potential oxidative stress. You’ll look and feel better longer. One researcher hypothesized that perhaps the benefits came from the stress put on the cells, which in turn caused them to adapt and enhance their ability to cope with stress. That’s similar to what happens when you exercise.

  • Intermittent fasting often works to help people shed unwanted pounds. It often occurs because they simply don’t have time to eat as much as they normally would.
  • Intermittent fasting has proven effective to boost your memory. Fasting creates ketones, those help protect memory and improve learning, while also slow brain diseases.
  • While most studies have been on rats, rather than humans, research shows that short term fasts could help slow the development of Alzheimer’s. Human studies show that short-term fasts often reduced the Alzheimer’s symptoms significantly in 90 percent of the cases.
  • Rat studies showed that intermittent fasting actually extended the lifespan of rats. Rats who fasted on alternate days lived 83 percent longer than those eating normal meals each day.

Natural Ways To Fight Mental Aging

Natural Ways To Fight Mental Aging

I’ve recently heard one of my clients talk about their aunt, touting how mentally sharp she was for her age. It seemed to assume that the older you get, the more you “dumb down.” While you might think it’s true, it’s not the number of years you live that determine your mental sharpness or a guarantee that senility is part of the aging process. Even though genetics also plays an important role, it’s the lifestyle you live that makes a difference whether you’re mentally viable in your senior years. Here are some natural ways to fight mental aging.

Get plenty of exercise.

Studies show that exercise can help improve cognitive functioning. In fact, just walking briskly can help bring big changes in the brain. A study in 2017 determined that not only did walking briskly three times a week for an hour lower blood pressure, it also helped improve thinking skills. Another study showed that people with the e4 gene—APOE epsilon4, a gene that identifies people at risk for Alzheimer’s, could lower that risk with exercising. After 18 months of studying four groups of people, two groups with the e4 gene, one group exercising and one group not and two groups without it divided the same, the e4 group who didn’t exercise had significant atrophy of the hippocampus area of the brain, which is a signal for the onset of Alzheimer’s. Other studies show exercising boosts brain activity.

Eating healthy and maintaining a normal weight helps.

Healthy eating and weight control, along with regular exercise helps reduce the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol. There’s a huge correlation between cardiovascular disease and cognitive impairment. Atherosclerosis, for instance, means that fat and cholesterol causes inflammation that thickens the arteries and slows the blood to the brain. Lower levels of oxygen and nutrient laden blood affect brain cells.

Your sleep position can affect brain aging.

It may sound odd, but how you sleep makes a difference. A study in 2015 found that people who sleep on their side help the brain to clear waste products and by doing that, lowers the risk of diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. Most wild animals and people tend to sleep on their sides for a reason. It helps the brain function at optimal level by improving the waste removal in the glymphatic and lymphatic systems. The waste are chemicals, tau proteins and amyloid that can build up and affect its functioning. Side sleeping also lowers the risk for sleep apnea and reduce snoring.

  • Be aware of the damage of anticholinergic drugs. Anticholinergic drugs are medications used for sleep and allergies. You might recognize them by names like Dramamine, Benadryl, Unison and Advil PM. Scientist are finding more and more links to continued use of these drugs and dementia.
  • Find a purpose in life. If you’ve ever met a person that retired from a job that was their whole life and within a year or two either had a health crisis or passed, you probably already recognized the link between feeling useful and driven to achieve a goal and ill health.
  • Make sure you have adequate vitamin D. One study shows that a vitamin D deficiency can increase the risk of dementia by 122%. Getting healthy exposure to the sun can lower your risk.
  • Avoiding foods laden with pesticides is another way to keep your brain healthy. Check the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 list. Purchase organic foods listed on the dirty dozen and opt for the cheaper, non organic foods on the Clean 15.