Fitness & Wellness

Is Your Body Ready For Summer

Is Your Body Ready For Summer

If you talk to the people who workout in our San Antonio, Texas gym, you know that they’ve already started to get swimsuit ready or they’re ready year around for more revealing clothing. If you haven’t already started, it’s not too late to get your body ready for summer. Even though it’s June, you still have three months of summer and you could look fabulous with time to spare for swimsuit weather and more revealing clothing that’s part of the season.

It starts with setting goals.

It’s one thing to think about getting into shape and quite another to write out goals. Do you want to lose weight? Is toning your goal or do you simply want to boost your energy for more summer fun? Identifying your goal and then laying out the steps that will help you achieve it is important. Your goal must be measurable with steps you can reach along to the way to reach it. If you want to lose ten pounds, how are you going to do it? One reason personal trainers are so valuable is that they help you set goals and create plans to help you reach them. It’s the toughest part. Track your progress. Winners keep score.

Eating healthy should be part of your program.

Whether you want to boost energy levels, build a toned body or lose weight, eating healthy should be an integral part of the program. Healthy eating provides the nutrients to build muscle tissue and helps you shed unwanted pounds. It also increases your energy by omitting sugar and other ingredients that can sap you of your energy and strength. If weight loss is your goal, a healthy diet is a must. You can’t out exercise poor eating habits, no matter how hard you try.

Make your workout an appointment.

Exercise and healthy eating needs to become a habit to be the most effective. Until it becomes one, you have to take special care to ensure you stick with the program. Make your workout as important as any appointment you have in your schedule. Consider it a “not going to the doctor’s” appointment, since it helps you stay healthier.

  • You can make eating healthy easier by planning meals ahead, shopping once a week—after you’ve eaten—and making all your meals on the weekend, so you just have to warm them for supper.
  • Double your recipes to make extra meals to freeze. After a few weeks, you’ll have fewer meals to create on the weekend, since your freezer will be stocked. Use the divided freezer containers to store meals.
  • Add to your workout and include some fun activities that provide exercise on your days away from the gym. It can include bicycling, hiking, swimming or other activity you enjoy.
  • Track your progress, not only by the amount of weight you lost, but also by the progress you’ve made in the gym, clothing size or even health indicators like blood pressure.

Does An Apple A Day Keep The Doctor Away

Does An Apple A Day Keep The Doctor Away

Eating healthy means consuming food that is closest to its natural state without processing. One of the favorite foods of many is the apple. The old saying that an apple a day can keep the doctor away has merit. Just eating one apple a day and the balance of your diet junk food, won’t put you on the road to good health, but it’s a start. There are many health benefits from apples that will add to your good health, especially when combined with other healthy food options.

Apples are loaded with nutrients.

Apples have a lot of vitamins and minerals. An average size apple has under 100 calories, but contains almost 16 percent of the daily fiber requirement, 14%of the vitamin C RDI—referenced daily intake, 6 percent of the potassium RDI and 5 percent of the vitamin D RDI. It also provides copper, manganese, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and E. When you eat an apple, don’t peel it. The skin is high in polyphenols, a type of natural antioxidant.

Improve your heart health with apples.

When it comes to fiber, the more the better and apples are a great way to get it. It contains soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol levels and is a prebiotic, food for healthy bacteria in your gut. It also has the polyphenols that are antioxidants. The polyphenols in the skin of apples are primarily anthocyanins, which give apples their red color. They help lower cholesterol levels, too. In fact, one study compared eating an apple a day to taking statin drugs and found that apples were nearly as effective in lowering the death rate from heart disease as the drugs. The epicatechin, a flavonoid in apples, helps lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of stroke.

Weight loss may be easier if you eat an apple a day.

If you want to fill up and not out, consider eating more apples. Applesauce and apple juice won’t do. One study showed that eating a few slices of apples prior to a meal made people feel fuller than simply eating applesauce, drinking apple juice and of course, fuller than not eating anything at all. In fact, people who ate apple slices ate 200 calories less than the others. They’re full of fiber and water, while still being lower in calories. Try adding an apple or two a day to your diet and you’ll find weight loss easier.

  • Make sure the apples are organic, since they’re on the dirty dozen list, which means that more than 90 percent of the apples tested nationwide had residue for two or more pesticides.
  • Studies show that eating apples can boost bone density by slowing the loss of calcium. It comes from the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds contained in apples.
  • Apples are mildly acidic, but you won’t hurt your teeth by eating them. In fact, eating apples also promotes saliva, which is good for the teeth, while the natural sugars aid in neutralizing the acids. The apples contain vitamins for healthy gums.
  • You’ll lower your risk of diabetes, cancer and asthma when you eat apples regularly. It also contains antioxidants that protect the lungs and immune system.

Amazing Healthy Snacks

Amazing Healthy Snacks

Any plan for healthy eating and getting fit should include healthy snacks. Snacking has become an important part of a daily meal plan. When you have mid morning and mid afternoon snacks available, not only are you less likely to stop and grab a candy bar at the gas station, you’re also less likely to eat too much at normal meal time. Planning for healthy snacks means making sure they provide all the necessary nutrients to add to your daily diet, but also are lower in calories. Some snacks also need to be prepackaged in single serving sizes so you aren’t tempted to eat too much.

Nuts are a great snack, but also should be kept in single serving baggies.

Nuts are a good source of protein and healthy fat. Unlike many healthy snacks, they’re easy to carry and don’t require any refrigeration. They provide fiber and also are very filling, thanks to the protein and fat they contain. They not only help you lose weight, they lower your risk for serious conditions like heart disease, cancer and even may help elevate your spirits to reduce the potential for depression. If you’re like many people, it’s easy to misjudge what a serving size is and eat far more than you should. That’s why carrying them in single serving baggies helps keep you on track.

Veggies and fresh fruit are a favorite go-to snack.

If you want to make sure fruits and vegetables are eaten, make sure they’re ready to eat. That’s right! When you bring home that cantaloupe, the first thing you should do is seed it, peel it and cut it in bite size portions. Wash the vegetables and chop them up into bite size pieces and keep them in a covered bowl. When fruit and vegetables are ready to eat, requiring only a bowl or plate to serve them, they’ll be more likely to be used as snacks by the whole family.

Get out the celery or apple slice and spread it with nut butter.

If you’re a peanut butter fan, then you probably already have some plans to smear a bit of apple or celery with peanut butter, but for those not fond of peanut butter, there are alternatives. Almond, cashew, pecan or sunflower (technically seed butter) nut butter can please even people that hate peanut butter. You’ll fill up on just a half an apple and a tablespoon of butter spread on it. A tablespoon of walnut butter is only 85 calories, while a tablespoon of cashew butter is 95. Add approximately 50 calories for half an apple and you have a filling snack for under 150 calories. It provides healthy fat, protein, fiber and other nutrients.

  • Don’t forget the cheese or hard boiled eggs. Two easy go to snacks are slices of cheese and hard boiled eggs. For a little variety, combine the cheese with apple slices or cut the egg in half and mix a bit of mayo, pickle juice, pepper and mustard for deviled eggs.
  • A few dark chocolate coated almonds will satisfy your urge for sweets and help your heart at the same time. For heart healthy benefits, the chocolate must be 70 percent cacao. You can make your own by putting the chocolate in the microwave until melted, mixing in the nuts and then sprinkling with sea salt.
  • Create some dips to go with those fresh veggies or fruit that help fill you up and not out. Whether you make hummus your dip, go for seasoned Greek yogurt, like cilantro/avocado dip or cucumber feta or like to walk on the adventurous side with a dip made from pureed beet root, you’ll look forward to snacks.
  • Try a half an avocado with some hot sauce. Check your favorite brand to find the healthiest. They all contain antioxidants that can help keep you healthier and younger!

Healthy Microbiome- Keeping Your Belly Bugs Happy

Healthy Microbiome- Keeping Your Belly Bugs Happy

Do you have healthy microbiome? In case you’re wondering, I’m referring to the collection of microscopic bacteria, fungi, viruses archaea and eukaryotas that live in the body, mainly in the gut. These are actually now under consideration as a separate organ that promotes immune activity and digestion. You hear about these “belly bugs” everywhere. There are advertisements or yogurt as a probiotic, foods that provide prebiotic benefits to feed the probiotic bacteria and even more information on how healthy microbes can affect what might seem unrelated parts of the body. Microbiome even play a role in your mental health.

You’re outnumbered and we’re just learning who is friendly.

The area devoted to the study of the “second human genome” or second set of genetic materials, is relatively new. Scientists are still trying to figure not only what is in your body, but the role each bacteria or microorganism plays. If taken by count, not weight, your cells are outnumbered by 10 to one when it comes to the trillions of microbes in and on your body. One estimate is there’s at least five thousand different types of microbes. Many from the gut die as soon as exposed to air. Other places these microbes “hang out” are on the skin, in your mouth and in the vagina, even though the gut has the most.

Microbes play an important role in good health.

If you haven’t surmised by now that microbes help keep you regular, you probably aren’t listening to yogurt commercials. The bacteria are an important part of the digestive process, not only breaking down food and reaping the energy, but also producing important roles like producing enzymes, neurotransmitters, like serotonin, and vitamins, like vitamin K. They help the metabolic system and also the immune system. They also keep their microbe community under control by maintaining a balance between good and bad microbes.

The best way to improve the health of your gut microbiome is by eating healthy foods.

You won’t get any cheers welcoming processed foods from these microbes. In fact, some foods contain emulsifiers that act like scrubbing bubbles (some are actually like detergents) on the intestinal lining, leading to inflammation throughout the system and increasing the risk of conditions like diabetes. Low fiber foods won’t feed your microbes. They need fiber, including soluble, insoluble and food-based resistant starch, to be their healthiest. These are prebiotics that help them grow.

  • One study showed that people with type 2 diabetes had a distinctive gut microbiome and finding that was more predictive of diabetes than BMI. When people had a gastric bypass, their microbiome changed.
  • Even some “bad bugs” may do a job that’s important. For instance, healthy people have strains of E. coli and enterococci. The science is still too young to understand why.
  • There is a belief that the more diverse your bacteria, the healthier you are. Western civilization, particularly America, has a less diverse collection of bacteria than those from underdeveloped nations.
  • Antibiotics change the microbiome in the gut, especially when given early in life, like during childhood and infancy. It may even shift it toward metabolic abnormalities, obesity and autoimmune disease.

What Cancer, Diabetes And Weight Gain Have In Common

What Cancer, Diabetes And Weight Gain Have In Common

If you’ve never heard the term angiogenesis you’re lucky. It’s a term commonly used when discussing cancer treatment. Angiogenesis is a natural process that when running at its best, creates new blood vessels by splitting or growing new ones. It’s necessary to help heal wounds and part of normal growth, by which new blood vessels form, allowing the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the body’s tissues. It is a vital function, required for growth and development as well as the healing of wounds. In fact, it’s also important to help heart disease, growing new vessels when others are clogged. However, when it’s not working correctly, it can boost the potential for cancer, diabetes and weight gain. I work with clients in San Antonio, Texas who fear the process, because they’ve only heard of it in association with these diseases.

The body creates new blood vessels and trims them.

When angiogenesis functions normally, the body is creating new blood vessels, but when there are too many, cuts them back and stops the growth. When it’s not working right, it continues to create blood vessels and in the case of cancer, feeding the cancer cells. Everyone has cancer cells. They normally die and there’s no problem. However, sometimes either the cancer cells create a chemical signal to grow blood vessels or even stimulate the healthy cells near them to do it. That creates a way for them to receive the nutrition and oxygen they need for growth and causes tumor growth.

Diabetes stimulates changes in angiogenesis and angiogenesis contributes to obesity.

While faulty angiogenesis may contribute to cancer, diabetes contributes to faulty angiogenesis. It affects the blood vessels and creates an environment where the body is less able to create new vessels, creating a potential for peripheral artery disease and all the dangers that often lead to slow healing and amputations. Ironically, diabetes also causes problems with overproduction of premature blood vessels in the retina, leading to diabetic retinopathy. With obesity, the creation of new blood vessels caused by angiogenesis builds in the adipose tissue—fat—continuing to feed it and make weight loss difficult.

All three have more than just angiogenesis in common.

With all three types of changes to the body’s angiogenesis, there’s a growing body of evidence that what you eat plays a huge role in regulating angiogenesis. Many of the studies on angiogenesis and food are part of cancer research. Red grapes and red wine contain resveratrol, which is known to reduce abnormal angiogenesis by approximately 60 percent. Strawberries contain ellagic acid, an even more potent inhibitor of abnormal angiogenesis. The research shows that what makes whole foods so potent is the synergy that provides the combined power of each individual component, not just one key chemical in the plant or food.

  • Cutting out processed sugar and other processed foods and eating whole foods is the first step to healthy functional angiogenesis. It not only helps prevent too much angiogenesis from occurring, it ensures the function of anti-angiogenesis takes place correctly, too.
  • Healthy foods that are also good as regulators and anti-angiogenetic are kale, cherries, berries, green tea, artichokes, turmeric, nutmeg, garlic, maitake mushrooms and tomatoes.
  • Eating healthy means eating whole foods with an emphasis on fresh vegetables and fruit. When you consider this, it’s the recipe for losing weight, fighting heart disease and fighting cancer—as well as nearly 70 other diseases.
  • While you should never try to treat serious conditions on your own, you can improve your chances of being disease free and even help boost the effectiveness of treatments for conditions you now have with healthy eating.

Changes To Expect From Working Out

Changes To Expect From Working Out

There’s a lot of great changes that take place in your body when working out is part of your weekly routine. You might not see the changes immediately, but they definitely are occurring. I’ve seen clients attend their first workout and check out their reflection in the glass on their way out. I’ll be the first to say, you definitely won’t look thinner or fitter after just one session, but you might look a little healthier. There will be a glow to your skin with a hint of pink indicating increased circulation. You may even be smiling, since exercise boosts the happy hormones and decreases the stress hormones.

You might notice improved energy after a very short time.

It may take longer, but usually after the first week or so, people notice they have more energy. They get more work done both physically and mentally. The increased energy level means you move faster with less need to rest and improved endurance. The improved mental energy comes from increased brain function from exercise. That can come from the reduction of stress and the boost in your circulation, sending oxygen and nutrient rich blood throughout the body. Exercise also increases the development of neural pathways.

It only takes about a month to six weeks to have visual proof that exercise is making a change.

You’ll start noticing muscle mass increasing and look thinner and fitter. Fat will start to disappear. By the end of the month, there are some real changes going on and others will notice it as well. Even if you didn’t lose weight, people may ask if you lost it, since you’re converting muscle into fat, which makes you look slimmer. You’ll feel stronger and notice the difference in your strength. You’ll be able to lift more weight in the gym. With the increased muscle mass, you’ll also notice weight loss is easier, since it boosts your metabolism.

After a six months, there’s no doubt about it, you’re looking good.

Not only will your body be more muscular and/or thinner, you’ll look years younger and definitely more confident from the improved posture. Not only will your body look younger with pep in each step, your skin will too. In fact, you’ll be younger at a cellular level. Exercise boosts the creation of adult stem cells and extends telomeres. Telomeres are the chromosome protectors that prevent it from unraveling every time it divides—avoiding early cell death or damage.

  • You’ll sleep better at night after a few sessions. While you might be a bit achy after the first session, which could interrupt a good night’s sleep, it won’t take you long to fall asleep once you start exercising regularly.
  • You’ll feel happier and more like socializing. Exercise does give you a confidence boost and improves your body image. When you feel good about yourself, you’re more apt to be social.
  • You’ll keep up with the kids and maybe even outlast them. That endurance that occurs will help you take on several flights of stairs without the need to rest on the way up and keep you hiking a faster pace without stopping along the way.
  • You’ll find you miss exercising when you skip a session after a few months. When you exercise on a regular basis, it becomes a habit. You become uncomfortable when you miss a session.

Working Out Makes Your Brain Fit

Working Out Makes Your Brain Fit

It doesn’t happen very often, but every once in a while I get a client that actually wants to workout to improve other things, like their vision or their cognitive skills. It’s true, working out makes your brain fit and can boost your mental powers dramatically. While everyone has the vision of the muscular athlete that has a box of rocks for brains, in reality, it’s just not true. Most athletes, particularly college athletes and pros, are extremely intelligent. One reason is the exercise they get and the experiences they have as athletes.

Exercise helps build new neural pathways.

Your IQ changes. Unlike the past, where children were given an IQ test and then classified forever by that score, today we know there’s such a thing as brain plasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to continuously change throughout life. In the past, it was thought that all the brain cells you’d ever have were there at birth. Now, we know that new neural pathways and cells are created and one way to do that is through exercise. Exercise increases plasticity and can increase your brain power.

You’ll build your hippo-campus when you workout.

There’s a lot of studies looking for ways to improve the brain and fight dementia, which has been increasing worldwide. One study from the University of British Columbia found that exercise that raises your heart rate and causes perspiration makes the hippo-campus bigger. The hippo-campus is the part of the brain responsible for memory, the nervous system and emotions.

Exercise boosts growth factors, while it reduces inflammation and insulin resistance.

Inflammation plays a huge role in many brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease. So, you can see that by reducing it, it immediately can help your brain. The body releases growth factors when you exercise and those help create new cells and vessels in the brain. Insulin resistance not only affects your body, it affects your brain. While the brain is considered insulin-independent, insulin is necessary to maintain energy homeostasis and maintain glucose. If the body has insulin resistance, it can lead to cognitive damage and dementia.

  • Exercise can reduce stress and the hormones created by stress, which can clear your mind and eliminate fuzzy thinking.
  • You’ll sleep better at night when you workout regularly, plus improve your mood. Both of those help you improve your mental acuity. If you’ve gone without sleep and found it was tough to focus, you know that’s true.
  • Some studies show that people who workout have both a larger prefrontal and a medial temporal cortex. Those are parts of the brain that control memory and thinking.
  • Exercise increases blood flow to the brain, bringing oxygen and nutrient rich blood. That increased oxygen and nutrient rich blood helps you think better.

Ways To Burn More Body Fat Throughout The Day

Ways To Burn More Body Fat Throughout The Day

You can increase your weight loss and burn more body fat by changing a few things you do throughout the day. While nothing will replace working out and a healthy diet, these tips can supplement that routine and improve your overall fat burning ability. Lots of clients in San Antonio, TX like having some simple tips to get their fat burning furnaces going, so I put together a few ideas that will help you shed your weight and start losing fat consistently.

Keep it simple. Keep water with you at all times.

I’m a real nut on hydration. I call water my magical elixir in a bottle. I can actually taste subtle differences in water! Water actually works better for me than coffee to boost my energy later in the day, although I do love my morning cup of coffee. In order to keep those fat burning fires going, you need to have adequate hydration. Try to drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. If you’re working out that day, increase the amount by a couple of glasses. You’ll sweat out the extra. Limit your water at meals, but in between meals so you don’t “water down” the digestive juices and make absorption of nutrients more difficult.

Start your day with protein.

Protein fills you up, not out, so when you start with a breakfast high in protein, you’ll feel full longer throughout the day. If you’re used to a sugary or high carb breakfast, you probably notice you’re starved within a few hours. Healthy fat should also be part of your breakfast menu. Consider an egg, fresh fruit, like blueberries, and maybe an avocado with some hot sauce for breakfast.

Make sure you include strength training in your workout program.

Sure, cardio burns loads of calories, but not all of them come from fat. In fact, it burns both lean muscle tissue and fat for the calories. The less lean muscle tissue you have, the slower your metabolism. Muscle tissue requires more calories around the clock just for maintenance. When you include strength training in your workout, you not only burn calories, but you also build muscle tissue to keep you burning extra calories around the clock.

  • Get more sleep. Lack of sleep messes with your hunger and fullness hormones, so you’ll eat more and feel less satisfied. It also stresses your body, making it more susceptible to increasing fat.
  • Use the concept of HIIT, high intensity interval training, throughout the day. HIIT is nothing more than alternating between top intensity movement and moderate recovery intensity. Change intensity as you walk or do tasks to boost calorie burning and also include it in your workout program.
  • Improve your gut health. Having healthy microbes to aid digestion can boost your weight loss. Eat probiotic and prebiotic foods and avoid sugar.
  • Take a walk in the sun. You’ll boost your vitamin D and help your body, energy level and mood. Get about 20 minutes of sun without sunscreen a day. Build up your time slowly until you have a protective tan.

Learning Healthy Habits

Learning Healthy Habits

If you want to look better, feel better and even live longer, learning healthy habits should be at the top of your to-do list. Sometimes, it’s the small things we do every day that either make or break our potential for living a healthier life or even losing weight. For instance, if you have a few colas throughout the day, even if they’re diet cola, you could be adding extra calories or extra inches to your waist. Both contain phosphoric acid that can act with the caffeine as a diuretic and rob your body of nutrients. Both affect the heart, blood pressure, dental health and waistline, with people drinking diet sodas having more visceral fat and a bigger waist.

Move around for five minutes out of every hour.

That’s right. Just getting up and moving around for about five minutes every fifty to fifty-five minutes can extend your life, even if you workout regularly. Studies show that sitting for longer than 50-55 minutes without a break to move around can even reduce the benefits of your workout or wipe them out. Your body wasn’t meant to sit longer, so set a time and every fifty minutes or so, get up and move around. While you’re at it, take the stairs to your office, not the elevator and walk as much as possible.

Get rid of refined sugar in your diet for a few weeks.

While I could have said eliminate sugar for the rest of your life, it might be too much for most people to consider. Instead, don’t give it up for forever, just for a few weeks. This one takes a little effort, since you’ll find sugar in about everything from processed meats to salad dressing. Eat whole foods as much as possible to avoid all the label reading and make sure it doesn’t sneak in somewhere. Fill in that desire for sugar with fresh fruit. I have a client who tried this and kept a bowl of cut up cantaloupe in their refrigerator. They found that at the end of two weeks, that cantaloupe tasted extremely sweet. Sugar is addictive, so expect this step to be TOUGH!

Get plenty of sleep at night.

Getting a good night’s sleep is just as important as exercise when it comes to health. Studies show that when you have inadequate sleep, it boosts your ghrelin hormone and suppresses the leptin hormone. Ghrelin sends a message to the brain that you’re hungry and leptin tells your brain that you’re full. You can see how that could affect your weight. Lack of sleep increases your risk of coronary disease and stroke, too. Turn out the lights and turn off the TV and any other distractions. The TV and light can interfere with the production of melatonin.

  • Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Take a walk outside for 20 to 30 minute three to four times a week without sun block. While extensive exposure to the sun is bad, you need some to create vitamin D for your body. Studies show that most Americans have a shortage.
  • Take longer strides when you walk. Several studies show that people who walk faster and take longer strides live longer.
  • Make laughter and smiling a habit. The more you smile and laugh, the healthier you’ll be. Laughter is good medicine. It reduces stress and triggers the creation of hormones that make you healthier.
  • Chew your food carefully and slow down at the table. Always sit down at a table to eat. Don’t eat on the go. Even if you have to sit at a park picnic table or bench, make it an “official” meal time and enjoy every bite.

Nutrition For The Traveling Athlete

Nutrition For The Traveling Athlete

Whether you’re playing on a league or taking part in a competition, traveling can take its toll and even how well you do. Lots of things, from jet lag to eating healthy play a role in this. It’s not always easy to achieve good nutrition for the traveling athlete. One way to avoid some of the problem is to make sure you focus on a balanced diet with adequate protein, vitamins, minerals, carbs and fat. The best way to ensure success is to plan ahead.

Getting adequate hydration is extremely important.

Dehydration is a real problem no matter what time of year it is. That’s why I always recommend athletes carry a bottle of water with them. Take an empty bottle and fill it at the fountain after you’ve passed security. Cars and planes are dry in the winter from the heater warming the air and in the summer, the air conditioner removes the water, making dehydration a potential. Don’t depend on getting the cup of water every hour that your body requires on a plane. The paper cups used hold about half that. While good hydration is important, you also need to make sure it’s from a safe source if you’re traveling to foreign countries where it might be questionable.

Are you flying? Take food.

If your flight is an hour or less, there’s far less need to make sure you have snacks, but carrying a small bag of trail mix wouldn’t hurt, especially if you have to sit in the airport for a while before your flight. Taking your own food, particularly on longer flights, will ensure that you have healthy snacks or a lunch that has extra nutrients without added chemicals. It can be fresh fruit, dried fruit, nuts or trail mix. Protein bars or powdered/canned liquid meal supplements can also boost your nutrition. You won’t be ravenous when you arrive and tempted to eat junk that might affect your performance.

If you’re traveling by bus or car, plan to eat along the way.

A cooler can be a great asset when you’re on the road. It doesn’t have to be big, just large enough to hold some snacks or meals so you don’t do your snack or dinner shopping at a gas stations. You can include quite a wide variety of foods when you have a cooler. Yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, hummus and veggies are a few of the things you can bring with you. Ham and cheese sandwiches, individual size canned tuna and coconut water are also good additions to your meal while on wheels.

  • Do research ahead of time to find the best places to eat that have whole foods. You might even find a farmer’s market in the area to purchase fruit and vegetables for the room, especially if you have a refrigerator in it.
  • You don’t have to be as worried about balancing your diet to ensure you get all the nutrients if your trip is just a few days. You can add to your diet for a short time with nutrient rich liquid or powdered supplement.
  • Choose snacks to take carefully so you get a good mix of protein rich foods, nutrient packed veggies and fruit, grain and calcium rich products. A few cubes of cheese, raw veggies and whole grain crackers are examples of the mix.
  • Talk with others going along if you’re traveling with several people or a team. Coordinate the foods each of you bring to make it easier, yet still have variety.