
The Key To Fitness Is Consistency

The Key To Fitness Is Consistency

At one time or another, everyone has set up a workout program, going into it with fury, only to abandon it a few weeks later. Sometimes, life got in the way. Sometimes, the program was far too ambitious for the level of fitness. Working out for a few days may help a bit, but won’t […]

Ways To Make Fitness Easier

Ways To Make Fitness Easier

If you’re trying to get fit, you might feel a bit overwhelmed by all the changes you need to make. Don’t be caught in that trap! You can make fitness easier by following a few easy rules and just modifying the things you do everyday a bit. Of course, eating healthy is part of the […]

Got The Blues? Maybe It's What You Eat

Got The Blues? Maybe It’s What You Eat

You probably already know that working out can make you feel better emotionally. It burns off stress hormones and can lift your spirits. What you eat also makes a big difference in your mood. Some foods promote feeling good and others can sabotage that good feeling. Sugar, for example, can get you feeling energized by […]

Make Moving A Habit

Make Moving A Habit

One of the biggest causes of preventable deaths in the United States is obesity. It affects all parts of the body and has surpassed smoking as the leading cause of preventable illness and death. However, too often we fail to look at another problem faced by many and that’s a sedentary lifestyle. Even if you […]

Time To Look Great For The New Year

Time To Look Great For The New Year

If you haven’t noticed, fall is upon us. With the coming of fall, comes the thoughts of the holidays at the year’s end. Rather than wait to make a New Year’s resolution, it’s time to start now and get what you want this year instead of focusing on what you want for the next year. […]

Exercise Does More Than Just Help You Lose Weight

Exercise Does More Than Just Help You Lose Weight

If you started a program of regular exercise to help you lose weight, good for you. You’re doing something extremely positive to change your lifestyle and ensure a healthier existence. However, regular exercise not only burns calories and builds muscle tissue to help you achieve weight goals quicker. It has some other amazing benefits for […]

Fat Loss Mistakes

Fat Loss Mistakes

Dodging common fat loss mistakes can be difficult. Too often people start on a weight loss program, believing they’re doing everything right only to fail or slow their progress. The most common mistake when losing weight is to go on a super low calorie diet or fad diet. Sure the weight comes off quickly, but […]

Top Fat Burning Foods

Top Fat Burning Foods

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if you could eat certain foods and you’d lose weight automatically. Well there are some foods that burn more calories than they contain. These top fat burning foods won’t make up a balanced diet, but they can be added to any diet to boost the results of healthy eating and regular […]

Enhance Your Mood

Enhance Your Mood

Have you ever had one of those days when everything goes wrong. It may start innocently enough, maybe by spilling coffee on your work clothes or getting a call from an angry client. From that point on it builds until you’re ready to scream. One way to enhance your mood and shift the whole day […]