Staying Positive Matters

You see it frequently: people who sabotage their success with negative thoughts. If you want to achieve anything, staying positive is necessary for success. As a child, you may have heard the story of the little engine that could. It kept repeating, “I think I can.” when it attempted the goal of pulling the stranded train over the mountain after larger engines refused. It’s usually the first book on positive thinking that people read. If you’re facing a challenging goal, believing in yourself enough to start is the first step.

Often procrastinators don’t have that belief, so they put off starting.

When you believe you can achieve something, you don’t put off doing it. It’s the tough things people say they’ll do tomorrow. You can change your attitude and push yourself to start. If it’s hard to do, you’ve taken the first step. Schedule an appointment with the gym and treat it like any other appointment. Use a personal trainer or an exercise buddy to increase the potential you’ll be there. When you know you’re meeting someone, you’re more apt to go.

Some people never even consider trying because of negative vibes.

Everyone knows somebody who feels sorry for themselves but won’t do anything to change their situation. Maybe that someone is you. If you don’t think you can accomplish something because you’ve failed previously, use that failure to your advantage. Identify why it didn’t work and find a way to avoid that problem. You’re only a failure if you don’t try.

Listen to your self-talk.

When you listen to that voice in your head, ask yourself, “Would I want to be friends with another person if they said those things to me?” Most of the time, the answer is no. If you’re constantly telling yourself you’re a failure, you’re not providing friendly support. Every time you hear yourself mentally say something negative, replace that thought with three positive things. Be like the Engine that Could and keep repeating those positive phrases until they become internalized.

  • As noted before, having a workout buddy can bring benefits, but be careful who you choose. Don’t work out with anyone negative or not supportive. Identify people or things that make you feel discouraged and avoid them.
  • If you have a setback, like eating four desserts, don’t get mad or give up. Know you can do better and get back to work on your goals.
  • There’s a mind-body connection. Your thoughts can affect your health. Your health affects your attitude. Positivity helps break down any roadblocks that stand between you and your goals.
  • Focus on your “why.” Write down the reason you want to achieve your goal. Elaborate on it and put emotion into it. Reread your reasons several times a day. When you firmly state your desires, it improves motivation.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

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