Focus On Small Goals

Who doesn’t love a big goal? It can get your juices flowing. Big goals take time, and that extra time can destroy motivation. If you have a big goal, break it down into smaller, easier-to-achieve goals and focus on the small goals, crossing them off your list of achievements, one by one. Every great journey begins with the first step and smaller goals are not only that step, but every step after it. The best thing about having small goals is not just achieving them, but also surpassing them.

Don’t let your goal overwhelm you.

Big goals are exciting, but that excitement only lasts a short time. Then those same goals become intimidating and daunting. If you need to lose 100 pounds, it sounds almost impossible. However, if you break it down into 2 pounds a week over 50 weeks, it doesn’t sound so bad. Instead of focusing on the 100 pounds, you focus on losing the two pounds. It gives that boost of confidence you need.

Maybe you’re not overwhelmed by big goals, but you are impatient.

Some people love both big goals and the challenge they offer, but don’t have the patience or motivation for the long path ahead. Instead of saying I will lose 100 pounds, with no other guidance, breaking the big goal down to smaller goals with a quicker timeline, can help keep people motivated and ensure progress. After all, without a time set to achieve that goal, success always comes tomorrow, but tomorrow never comes. You need a specific time frame for any plan to work and some quick gratification.

No matter how big or small your goal, it is still exciting to achieve it.

If a toddler is taking his or her first steps, you don’t say anything disparaging because you can walk a mile with ease. No, you applaud that child, marvel at the accomplishment, and give it special attention because he or she has started on the road to moving freely. Treat yourself with the same respect. Just like the toddler, you’re making progress. Make a big chart to show the weight goal you have each week and give yourself a check mark when you achieve that week’s goal. Remember the stickers you got in elementary school? They were simple, just like the checkmark, but motivating.

  • Make initial goals easier to reach if you’ve never exercised previously. That way you can crush those goals and boost your morale and confidence. As you progress, you can increase the level of difficulty to challenge yourself.
  • Start with a point of reference. Weigh yourself, take your measurements, and write down the exercises and number of reps. Do that every time you workout. You’ll be able to see the progress you made just by taking small steps.
  • Never compare yourself to anyone else. Always use your initial point as a reference. Everyone is different and has different starting points and goals. Your job is to achieve your goals, not theirs.
  • If you aren’t sure where to start, at Iron Fit, we can help. We’ll help you make big achievable goals and break them down into smaller ones you can achieve quickly. We’ll provide the tools to help you achieve them.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

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