Eat Healthy Without Depriving Yourself

If you’re like many people in San Antonio, TX, when you hear that you should eat healthy, your mind automatically focuses on food that you may hate, but your parents told you to eat it because it was good for you. Some will think of Brussels sprouts and their strong smell and taste, while other people love Brussels sprouts and will identify a different, yet personally objectionable, food. The good news is that a healthy diet doesn’t mean you have to eat a specific food or eliminate all “junk” food. It’s about making smarter decisions, eating more whole foods, and eliminating almost all highly processed foods.

Identify your favorite unhealthy food.

Healthy eating focuses on several things. Portion control, frequency of consumption, and nutrient content are three. If cake is your favorite unhealthy food, you can still have an occasional piece of cake but you must focus on portion control and making that indulgence infrequent. You can share in Grandma’s birthday cake, as long as you don’t eat half the cake or celebrate Grandma’s birthday every day. You can also find ways to make your favorite unhealthy food healthier. Use applesauce to replace some of the sugar or oil in the cake.

Eat your meal slower.

If you aren’t ready to change your diet, change your eating pattern. Chew each bite thoroughly until it’s a liquid in your mouth. Take small bites and focus on the texture, taste, and entire experience. Savor each bite. It’s called mindful eating and is also beneficial for weight loss. If you savor each bite, you can consume less unhealthy food but still experience enjoyment. Eating a tiny amount will help prevent the feeling of deprivation.

Substitute healthier foods for less healthy ones.

White rice isn’t a horrible choice, but it has more calories than brown rice and fewer nutrients. Choosing whole-grain, sourdough, or sprouted bread instead of white bread. Instead of getting fat-free dairy, opt for full-fat dairy. When manufacturers remove the fat from dairy, they replace it with sugar and fillers to replicate the flavor and texture that the fat produces. Use plain yogurt and add fresh fruit. Yogurt with added fruit has additional sugar.

  • You can modify your favorite pasta dish by substituting vegetable pasta. Make zoodles. They’re noodles made from zucchini using a spiralizer. Use spaghetti squash or slices of zucchini to replace spaghetti or sliced eggplant as lasagna noodles.
  • Make fruit smoothies, fruit popsicles, or parfaits from whole food ingredients. Use fresh fruit as the sweetener. You can add a few veggies, like spinach, to the smoothie without affecting the taste.
  • Instead of buttering toast, use mashed avocado. It has healthier fats. If you use butter, use butter made from the milk of pastured cows. Studies show it contains more omega-3 fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA),
  • Start every meal with a large salad and increase your servings of vegetables. If you’re thirsty, avoid cola and drink water, unsweetened tea, or coffee. If you don’t like plain water, try infused water.

For more information, contact us today at Iron Fit San Antonio

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